When the Crimean War Went Full FUBAR - European History - Extra History

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Aristocratic Generals, miscommunication, and battlefield logistics brewed a disaster for those brave soldiers in The Light Brigade. Those who charge through cannon and fire, against all odds to capture Russian cannons on the battlefield.

*Miss an episode in our Crimean War Series?*

Artist: David Hueso I Writer: Robbie Macniven I Showrunner & Narrator: Matthew Krol I Editor: Aidan Strite & Mac Owens

#ExtraHistory #thelightbrigade #History
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"This is magnificent but this is nothing what war is about..." said French general Bosquet while witnessing the scene (but still sending some cavalrymen to relief his allies)


One of the reasons the Royal Navy has historically been esteemed over the British Army (other than the obvious priorities of an island nation with a far flung empire) is that the RN's officer cadre was (and even more so now) a meritocracy. You couldn't buy your way in or up the ranks. Prince or pauper everyone starts as a midshipman and proceeds from there skipping no rung on the ladder to whatever rank they hold on retiring from their final commission.


I'm surprised you didn't also mention Iron Maiden's 'The Trooper' which is very much told from the point of view from one of the Light Brigade in that fateful charge.... which in turn presents this whole event to yet another generation.


And almost a century later the British infantry would perfectly describe a situation like this "Lions led by donkeys".


The worst sort of enemy. Not scared to die. Terrifying.


You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket, but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand, there's no turning back!


The lesson from Kipling is still valid today. Politicians are only too happy to reap the rewards of loudly shouting 'support the troops' but nowhere to be found when it comes to actually supporting them.


It's especially grim to note that one of the guys who caught the worst blame afterwards, Capt Nolan, was not only the lowest-ranking person in the Chain of Command that day, but was the only one to die for his mistake.

Literally killed trying to wave off the charge & save the commanders who despised him.


One thing to note The Horses were the worst Losses of the Charge the Light section was effectively turned in to foot soldier for a long time


What a goddamn disgrace. Those men charged into hell, on bad orders, came out alive and scarred, and then got left in the dirt to rot. Those men deserved so much more for their dedication. The vanity of Victorian England knows no bounds, it seems, so long as something makes them look good, damned be the consequences.


I'm thrilled that you noted the charge of the Chasseurs de Afrique and the charge of the Heavy brigade.


This incident, along with the debacle of the Siege of Cartagena during the War of Jenkin's Ear (yes, that's its real name), stand out to me as prime examples of personal feuds between commanders leading to the suffering and death of the soldiers under their leadership.


The poem about the light brigade will always be the first thing that pops to mind for me with this war 😟


Talk about taking initiative when confronted by one's ally's folly charge to eternity.
Without the French deciding to support the Light Brigade, losses would have been even greater.
There's also a great movie about this, 'The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968) which is rather faithful to the history of the charge.


I personally prefer the account of the Crimean War by Sir Harry Flashman. The fictional story is a fascinating look at British politics and society of that era. Worth the read!


Let's see
Raglan was an incompetent, who's only recommendation was that he served under Wellington at Waterloo
Cardigan was a certifiable lunatic, who was saved from being locked up somewhere because he was a peer of the realm, and RICH. This made him "eccentric", rather than a mental case
Lucan was not a lot better
Nolan was a cavalry FANATIC, who REALLY WANTED to be in a "hell-for-leather" charge against an enemy. He even wrote a book about it
Read "The Reason Why", by Cecil Woodham-Smith


The Révolution allowed the people to live better lives, allowing anyone to rise through skill and hard work, it wasn't just the people born into the right families who were given positions of power, guess why France crushed their enemies during the Révolution and then under Napoléon? Because commanders in France were promoted on merit and skill, not degree of nobility. LIBERTÉ ÉGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ! Macron was booed during the 14th of July parade, we need to clean things up again in France


To say that the Charge of the Light Brigade was FUBAR would be like saying magma is a little too hot.

That was the mother of all massacres that isn't Pickett's Charge.


You'll take my life, but I'll take yours, too!
You'll fire your musket, but I'll run you through!
So when you're waiting for the next attack,
You'd better stand--there's no turning back!
The bugle sounds, the charge begins,
But on this battlefield, no one wins.
The smell of acrid smoke and horses' breath
As I plunge on into certain death.


You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket, but I'll run you through
