Should Christians Care About The Environment?

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Politically Incorrect #5
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Thank you for talking about this topic. You were on point with 1 Corin. 7:31 " and they that use this world, as not abusing it." I don't know why many churches do not speak about the environment and being good stewards of it. I am low waste, trying to use as little resources as possible. I don't own a car anymore, and use a lot of reusable products. I hope churches around the world preach more on this topic. Thank you for this sermon!


Yup. It's about time to have pastors like this man. Priests in churches and cathedrals have dumb down Christianity that's why a number of people ended up being atheists, nonbelievers, and some who've gone really astray became satanists.
We really have to have the love of God, and for God. This is the most overlooked necessity for mankind. WHY? If we love God, only then we learn the value God's creations. We learn the value of loving ourselves because God loved us first by providing us everything. Only then we appreciate God's creations and realize the importance of protecting them. Only then we can become real stewards for God's creations and stewardship become innately in all of us. When stewardship become our second nature then we wouldn't do harm to any of God's creations.


Sure an excellent video on this topic. Bitesize desired portions which are understandable and fun
... thanks so much.


I believe we should produce as little waste as possible and care about the environment to an extent. I don't think our lives should revolve around the environment because it is only temporary. Instead we should focus on eternal things.


The pastor's attempt to give a sermon on the attempt was fairly laudable but there were a few examples that I couldn't agree with. He said we should use this earth as a gift we received from God. Fair enough. But he should have emphasized on how the earth is abused rather than being used wisely and in a sustainable way. He's Canadian it seems and his own government has not made any attempt to stop the slaughter of baby seals in his country so that the fur of these animals could be used to keep humans warm. Are we living in the 21st Century or in the iron and bronze age or even two hundred years ago when man had no weaving machines to make cloth? The fur industry in Canada as elsewhere is very brutal and is destroying innocent animals like foxes, ermines, sables, wolves, seals and polar bears. He should have asked his audience how many of them go to the market and buy things made of fur or ivory? These are serous questions he never broached on. Then he makes an analogy of the car gift from his uncle. Well, that's not a good analogy. Humans have been misusing and abusing the earth's animal, forest and the ocean resources like it was no one's business and with people like Trump, Scott Pruitt, Ryan Zinke, Steve King, Sarah Palin, Michael Huckabee calling themselves evangelical Christians, are the ones who are encouraging the overuse and destruction of this planet with the help of the buddies from big coal, big gas and big oil and fracking companies as well as the corporate from the soy industry, cocoa and the oil industry. Why doesn't he speak against these rapacious merchants of death and tell them how they are destroying God's gift to mankind for greed?


I still have some questions! 🙋‍♀️
1) You kind of touched on this with your other comments (do everything you can but don't elevate the well-being of animals over the well-being of people) but what about going completely vegan?
2) Along that same vein of thought, what about not having children anymore to limit human population? (Can we substitute having children with adopting children to fulfill God's call to multiply?)


Also, I appreciate your acknowledgement that things don't work out as they should ideally (specifically in that we need GMO food to feed the population).


So you bought into the lies. Tell the world that sin led to God cursing the land and brought about death to all. The gospel should be our message, not ways to save the planet.
