10 things I wish I knew before attending the university of florida

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In this video, I shared with you some things that I wish people had told me before going to UF! I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe :)

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Hi, Rylee. As a professor at UF, I really appreciate hearing your tips! It gives me insight in to the student's prospective. We have lots of mental health and wellness resources at UF, too. So important!


Your parents can be proud of you. They have done a wonderful job in raising you!


Your hair looks so awesome!! I’m going to be a college freshmen soon, so I found this super helpful. Not at UF, although I know a ton of people going there from my high school since I live in Florida.


I had no idea about rate my professor, I could’ve used it when I was in college. Also you’re right, make sure that you look to see if you actually need a textbook, I made the mistake of buying one and I never used it. NEVER AGAIN! 😂. These are very helpful tips btw, even for people not attending UF. Great video as always Rylee! Take care!


thank you for making this video! i’m starting in the fall and have been looking for videos like this :)


Isn't this the university that inspired scream definitely carry pepper spray


Rejoice in youth! Your video was very helpful - not just for undergraduates but also graduate students. I got my MS in Mechanical Engineering at UF in 2013. The STEM course are indeed very difficult. Usually, the expectation is about 10-15 hours per week of studying for each class of 3 credits - sometimes more (e.g. fluid mechanics, biochemistry, data structures and algorithms, statistical methods, etc.). So, if one is taking about 12 credits it gets loaded. Burnout is common. Graduation was awesome though. My niece and nephew came from AZ to attend the commencement. Then we celebrated at Universal Orlando. As for books, some professors have "pdf" versions of the course textbook. I am now in a PhD in Data Science at Arizona State while working. I took a course in applied regression analysis last semester. I found at UF the statistics professor has a pdf version for free download. By contrast, here at ASU the book was about $200+ - lol. I just downloaded it from UF. I am in AZ now but still have my Gator pride. I recently bought a royal blue Ford Ranger Tremor 4x4 Lariat and put the gator alumni sticker and plate on it. There are UF Alumni across the country. I ran a half marathon at Glacier National Park in Montana last summer among snow-capped mountains. At the finish line the race organizer turned out to be a UF graduate from the 90s. He came up to me when he saw my Gator Alumni shirt. The same thing happened at a half marathon by Mt. Rainier in Washington a few weeks later. I heard a lot of "Go Gators!" as I wore my UF Alumni shirt. Best wishes!


Thank you so much for the tips Rylee. I’m starting community college in September so the tips really helped me out.


Hello! I'm a young highschool student and am looking at UF. But I'm worried that the place isn't what it seems from reviews. From you personally, is it worth going to?


I’m a senior.. These are really useful ☺️☺️


Kinda funny that you said Gainesvilles boring 😭 I think it’s pretty entertaining and fun, but I’ve lived here all my life. Maybe I’m just used to it lollll. Also are those the campus circle apartments? I’ve been looking to move into one


your content is so sweet and i love the vlogs! def subbed. ill be at uf in the fall and im nervous. wanted to get into college vlogging myself, what camera do you use?


The pepper spray one is so true. Noonlight is great! Trigger warning ⚠️ I got molested in downtown Gainesville and wish I had a pepper spray with me


I recently got accepted and this definitely helps!!!hopefully i figure everything out because it definitely feels like it’s going to be a huge change!


I got accepted into UF (out of state for business) but I got accepted into innovate so it would be a spring summer term. Do you think UF is still worth it vs a penn state? Thanks luv the vids


im on my way to UF, I got to talk to admissions... i just have $40 bucks in my pocket and a laptop.


Thank you Riley. For. Making. A college student. At university of Florida


I am a freshman in polish HS and my dream is attend to UF! thank u for all the tips! i hope i will get accepted 🤍 also i wanna support you so i will make sure to like & subscribe! so hi from small polish youtuber!


Rylie is one of my speech therapists ❤


thank u for this video!!! i recently got accepted at uf and this was so helpful, see u in fall
