10 THINGS I wish I knew before buying a POP UP CAMPER! (worth it?)

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This video is about all the things I wish I knew before I bought a Pop UP Camper . Do you need bathroom? Do you need a Sink? ...

Our Hammock

Our grill

Blanket reflective blanket for the top

Reflective material stuff

Our cooler

Cooler with wheels

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two hours setting up camp with tents, matresses, sleeping bags ect ect .... so yeah i am gonna love 20 mins


We have a '97 Coleman Bay port and 5 kids. We got set up to a science. All the tent trailer stuff for day to day stays in the trailer are left in the trailer and have a home where they go. You know everything has a place, everything in it's place. Coolers for additional food stuff not for the inside fridge goes under the bed pull outs enclosed with a skirt. Clothes are carried in individual duffle bags which are stored at the foot or head of each person's sleeping area. Chairs and extra things are put in the trailer at break down or in car in designated crates. Break down and set up takes 15 minutes at most.


We had a basic pop up camper like yours, no shower no bathroom and worked perfect for us for many years but once we got older and mother nature calls once or twice in the middle of the night you really appreciate that full size camper.


I invested in an electric cooler. Best camping buy of my life. It can freeze and cool. Quiet. Amazing and roomy. If there isn’t an electric source, I can hook it up to my Jackery and it will run forever using my solar panels. Single female so I don’t have a lot of food.


The thing I like about my camper is it didn’t cost a fortune to buy or store. If I only use it a few weeks a year I don’t feel bad about it


You should keep Damprid buckets in several areas of the camper when you close up for winter. We put them inside our boat center console where the wires and electronics are located so it doesn't get a lot of moisture in there during the winter, its sealed in a white plastic cover shrink wrapped.


you dont need a truck to pull a pop up like yours im pulling my coachman clipper 107 sport with my 2012 civic si coupe lol i was amazed how well it tows! saved me from buying a new suv or truck


Thanks, that's a helpful video. I had to laugh, though. The idea that some places won't allow a popup because they have bears in the area ... as a 35 year tent camper in Alaska, I just can't wrap my head around that. Those campgrounds should educate campers about clean camps and bear safety, not reject business over unnecessary fears.


Regardless of which kind of camper you get it will take you a long time to set up the first few times but you get fast at it, like 15 or 20 minutes fast.


We bought a fully loaded fancy popup in 2000. Had tons if problems, but learned we didn't need hot/cold running water or other fancy things. We downsized to a Jayco eagle 10ud and have camped with our children since their birth and through 21 years.
We don't use on-board water at all. You can use the sink as storage during the trip, or just cover it with a tray.


I put luggage rack and carrier on top of my popup, load up dog kennel, lawnchairs and Mother's upwalker. All light weight but bulky, then hitch rack. Really helpful


We love our popup! It's a 97 Flagstaff that we've had about 15 years. We've taken it so many places. We did spend the money to buy the screen room that attaches to the awning and it was totally worth it. It gave us so much more space to spread out and also get away from the bugs in the evening. Over the years we have our setup down to about 20 minutes lol. I agree it's really important though to take only what you really use and have stuff specifically for the camper, makes it all much easier.


Freeze a couple water bottles and put em in the fridge, helps maintain temp, also fill the fridge there more efficient that way.


I used a popup for 15 yrs, then went to a 6x10 cargo trailer for about 10 yrs, finally 3 yrs ago bought a 16 ft camper with bunks and a bathroom


We grew up using a camper shell that went in the pickup bed of the truck had a lot of memories in that camper as a kid the only state we didn't make it to was Maine Mom Dad and us three boys it definitely takes this science to make it work we all had our own jobs when we pulled into somewhere cooperation is definitely the key 2


Glad this popped up (no pun intended) on my home page. We've been thinking about getting a camper to boondock in the national forests around us (Arizona) but have an older jeep with an underpowered V6 and 3500 pound towing capacity, which translates in the real world to maybe 2000 pounds.


Another quick tip is to have an easy place to wash your hands on the go. A laundry detergent bottle with some holes drilled in it will take care of that. Tie a string to the bottle and a foot treadle to the string to tip the bottle.


Excelente video, thanks for guiding me, now I know what to look for when I buy my first camper ever in the next two weeks. Thank you.


Thanks for sharing. I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and have 6 camping trips planned for this year with my 92 Jayco Pop-Up. I can’t wait until Memorial Day Weekend. So I have a portable toilet and I use it for only # 1 and have it set up in a shower/changing tent. They sale them at Walmart. The porta potty is not that bad to deal with. Please continue to video tape your vacations this summer. I keep saying that I’ve got to do a video on my pop-up and put it up on my YouTube page. Happy Camping. 😊


Use a cordless drill. You'll set up like a pit crew.
