Beginner Witch Tips + Book Recs!

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Books Listed:

***revisiting this book, I don’t love how they address some things as if magick is either good/bad, some people also have problems with this author’s other work but the other books I have in this series are basically reference books I got in bulk used and I haven’t read them thoroughly. I was just looking to recommend something that covers a lot of ground in an ingestible way. It’s okay if you don’t like it and it’s okay if you do.

***I’ve seen a lot of posts recently that are about how Scott Cunningham books are Wicca-dominant and can be problematic. That book has been on my shelf forever. I apologize for not including more alternatives in the video, I now acknowledge that there is probably better, newer herbal book content that I need to save up for and invest in.


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***Witchcraft Disclaimer***
This is one witch's opinion. Not every witch has the same beliefs or operates the same way, and that's part of what is great about witchcraft. If you do something different that works for you, that's totally okay!

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Some links in this description are affiliate links. This just means that if you clicked through and made a purchase, I could receive a small commission at no additional cost to you that helps keep my blog and channel up and running!
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I used to do witchcraft yeaaaars ago, but then due to depression I stopped. now that I feel much better, I have a beautiful son, two cats and a lovely home with my boyfriend I feel finally mentally secure enough to get back into it again. It is so hard to get started again and I found your channel after searching for some guidance from someone who seems like I resonate with and I love your videos so far! This video was so so helpful to me and so reassuring, I felt like I had to buy a million things again, but really as you said I only need me (and my bullet journal haha). Thank you so much!


where did you get your adorable hat?! so cute 🥰


LoL Teen Witch was my first Wicca book, too! XD
