TOP 50 Tips and Tricks for Alpha 21 - 7 Days to Die

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In this video, we're breaking down top-notch tips and tricks that will take your gameplay from novice to expert in no time! We're delving into the nitty-gritty of game mechanics, resource gathering, combat strategies, and navigating the game's in-depth crafting system! Remember, it's the one tip you don't know that could make all the difference!

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another tip: Don't underestimate the power of wooden spikes. When clearing out infested POIs or tier 3-5 POIs even throwing a couple down before waking up the loot room will help you a SHIT TON. When clearing out big buildings always keep a couple at hand!


With the pill cases; if you harvest the container for acid it will destroy the loot inside. However, if you search it first and exit without taking it, the loot falls out in a backpack when the container is smashed. You can do this with any container that reverts to a broken variant or is destroyed when looted. Allowing you to, for example, harvest trash for a few extra resources. And if you want to avoid the container breaking and leaving the ugly looted variant... just leave a single item like a piece of wood/stone inside and take the loot you want (just dont press R for take all).


I have a small tip for early game A21: you can put an item in a backpack, garbage patch, or bird's nest and then take the loot without breaking the loot container. You can then mine it for resources like cloth, feathers, or polymer.


I dont know if anybody has already said it but once you get the water filter mod you can safely drink murky water and straight from water sorces like rivers but the real bonus is when drinking river/lake or ditch water dont stop drinking when your water is full if its safe to do so drink as much as possible this can give you massive buffer before your water level decreases


Here’s a tip for everyone. I’ve noticed during clear missions, or any mission where the zombies have a red dot on the compass, the dot will flash red/white when it’s about to go into rage mode. Say you’re attacked by 5 at once and your hacking and slashing at them all, the compass will indicate which ones are about to rage so you can either focus on that particular one or kinda prepare you for a defensive maneuver.


One of the magnum enforcer books also gives you a bonus to bartering if you have a .44 caliber gun in your hand


I have over 1000 hours in this game and never knew that engines give you 30 mechanical parts when scrapped or that the parking brake even exists.


A tip for harvesting with bone knife or hunting knife:

Look away from viscera, then as soon as the animation of the quick attack happens, aim at the viscera, then rinse and repeat. It's a somewhat faster harvest if you get the pattern down


One trick I recently found is the broken street lights can be harvested twice. Once on the light bit, then the base bit making it seem like you harvested two separate.


Don't forget about the .44 magnum that also helps with trader dealings


GNS always leading the way, such quality in all your work


This is an amazing video! Small tips and tricks like these condensed down really can help everyone from beginners to someone who's played the game for hundreds of hours. I've learned at least three or four things after watching this; Simple things I'll kick myself over for not knowing already and which will save me so much time in the future.


Rocks are so underrated. From day 1 you can go night hunting with nothing but a bow and some rocks sneaking down the middle of the street. Shoot, back away, shoot, back away. Reposition them or get distance with rocks. Or use a rock as a lure. They'll always stop at the spot where you took the first shot, even if you've only moved 10 feet or so. You can kill a bear this way in broad daylight.

I've ditched hoards of zombies just by throwing rocks. Duck around a corner, crouch and throw a rock the other way. Just make sure they can hear it hit the ground and can't see you. They'll chase the rock I once ditched about 30 running zombies by jumping off a roof while throwing a rock the other way and crouching when I hit the ground. They all went for the rock, and I sat 20 feet away watching them mill around.

Zombies beating your house down and you can't get a shot at them? Throw a rock! Even better if you follow it up with a moly where the rock landed. It's hilarious and you can do it all night long. Take your first molotov reward, go into the city a little before nightfall, clear out a building as much as you need. Break the stairs. When night falls make some noise. Fire a gun, whatever. When you get a good-sized hoard, go to a window and toss a rock into the street. Not too far, make sure they can all hear it. Throw one molly and let them all burn. Yeah, they'll immediately come back to beat on the building and more will come. That's just more XP! Rinse and repeat. Give them time between rocks to get reinforcements and keep making noise.

Not keen on night stalking zombies in the street? Find a roof top. Any zombies you see that are too far can be lured with rocks. Take one shot and let them come to you. Chances are they'll stop about 10 or 20 feet away for an easy headshot. Stay crouched, don't make noise when they're coming. Don't shoot at them when they're coming unless they're a good distance away. It won't work 100% of the time, but once you do it a few times, you'll get the hang of it learning when you can shoot or move. Sometimes you can get away with it only a few blocks off the ground and in clear view. Works from day 1 with no stealth ability. I believe they become more aware as the days go by, and you'll need a little more distance, but it'll still work on a 1 story house. Even if they have a path to you it'll work. If they do happen to spot you, they'll already have a couple of stealth bonus arrows in them and be finished off with 1 weapon swipe.


OMG after 1100 hours of playtime, i finally know how to remove the quick waypoint...thank you ! 😅
Awesome video again, i would like to see a A21 updated armor guide.


6:20 I recently discovered this ingame and have been abusing it for loot since then.
As a note, if you have anything of yours in that POI, like a base, DO NOT activate the quest marker.
All of your things will vanish in the reset.

Good video. Very analytic and informative.

To abuse poi reset:
- have a vehicle to store items
- loot poi stash
- leave and re-enter game
- activate quest
- repeat


I might be the only one who does this, but you can 'pre-dig' a buried supplies quest easily in a flat area, just go directly down from the bouncy ! Mark until you hit stone layer, then clear out a small cave area before activating the quest, the buried chest will appear in the stone layer. People assume the dirt reappears when you activate the quest, but it doesn't (at least in A20 it didnt, haven't checked A21 yet)


8:40 nailgun and hammer get more repair value from each swing as levels go up


16:05 voiceover says UC Vol 7 but it shows the correct UC Vol 6. Great video and appreciate how you do this for the new and old players alike!


I'm not sure if this is well known or not but i'm an avid bow user and this is how: Stealth, Hit, move away while maintaining stealth (should be far enough that they don't aggro based on proximity), once they reach where you were repeat from step 2. This stealthing away from where you were should give you another opportunity to perform a stealth attack with multiplier and all.


My go to way of remembering trader day is very simple, just think of the multiples of 3 + 1; you don't have to do mental gymnastics, just go 3+1 = Day 4, 6+1 = Day 7, 9+1 = Day 10 etc
