Lawrence Krauss - Illusion 1: A Universe from Nothing - Scientifically Informed Philosophy S1E1

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Renowned theoretical physicist Lawrence M Krauss explores the unexpected discoveries in modern physics that led him to propose the existence of dark matter. The quest to understand what dark matter might be has brought us to the remarkable place in which we now have a plausible explanation for how our universe may have arisen from nothing! Professor Krauss is joined by Jim Jones, a naturalistic philosopher who presents in a later lecture.

This event was recorded live at Pauma Valley Country Club, CA, on May 2, 2024

The Scientifically Informed Philosophy lecture series explores the intersection of empirical knowledge and existential inquiry, guiding participants in constructing a personal philosophy grounded in scientific understanding. Through a synthesis of physics, biology, and psychology, the series delves into how scientific principles can inform ethical decisions, self-perception, and our place in the universe. Attendees will engage in thought-provoking discussions using evidence-based reasoning to navigate life's big questions, fostering a rational yet reflective approach to personal growth and worldview formation. The Scientifically Informed Philosophy lecture series is made possible by the vision and generous support of Cyan Banister.

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tell the videographer to include the screen, rather then some guys bald head. thx for all your great lectures Lawrence


Beautiful Lecture Lawrence, thank you to you for taking the time to speak to us and to all who made it happen.


The lecture is awesome. I enjoy Lawrence Krauss's lectures. The camera person could raise the view angle to see the screen more.


Yummy & terrific - ty - cheers :O) One question for the cameraperson - Why would you believe the slides and notes on the screen are only necessary/valuable for those in attendance?


What's wrong with thinking about Palestine ? Einstein did refuse the presidency of israel, so he did think about Palestine and still changed physics ...


Animals have self awareness. Animals understand death and danger.
For anyone who thinks animals are stupid or dumb. You've never spent time in the wilderness.
I know of some animals smarter than most humans today.


What a brilliant lecture and conversation.


We exist through a very fortunate window in time, at which our telescopes are becoming powerful enough to peer deep enough back in time. Sophisticated enough to detect the most infant galaxies of the universe while they're still within our observable universe, before dark energy drives them entirely out of our view.
A golden age of astronomy, probing deeper and ever closer to the very creation of matter, causality and even time.
This window into the brightest and most eventful phase of the universe's life will inevitably fade and glimmer, as the accelerating expansion of the very fabric of space pushes those furthest and most evanescent young galaxies across the particle event horizon and forever out of our view.
Next, the dimming of the nearer and brighter more mature galaxies. As the accelerating expansion sweeps them away from the nights sky and eventually stretches their approaching light so far that it also, becomes red-shifted beyond even our most advanced telescopes reach. Forever lost to us, beyond the limit of our observation.
The CMB radiation red-shifted so widely that it also becomes forever lost from even our most powerful microwave telescopes.
All of this information, concealed from our point of reference, beyond a rapidly shrinking, observable universe. While all means of detecting new light across the eternally expanding void between galaxies is lost.
Be grateful that we live in these bountiful times of learning, draw wisdom from our voyage of scientific discovery, humble at the odds of our very existence and most of all, be curious.
Future civilizations will not be so lucky, with only the light from their neighbouring stars and mankind's legacy to learn from.


Ray tracing is done in game engines, such as Unity. We have to deal with a raycast budget based on the size and complexity of the simulation.


Always love LK lectures. Couldn't watch this one though because the camera person seemed to think they were covering a tennis match.
Just after the expanding universe slide the camera suddenly zoomed-in and remained there... following LK about. Please God no. Lectures require a static camera that includes the speaker and screen.
Ex professional cameraman here telling you that someone took over in my opinion and decided to make it about himself.
The camera should be INVISIBLE!.
Day ruined... damnit.


Really enjoyed listening and learning many of things from Mr. Krauss. Thank you very much for sharing. Wish there was many more to come to watch lol. Could listen to this guy forever haha


There is a puzzle that we have not solved.
But we want a solution !
So we made one up.


The idea of a creator is totally illogical. If you use the logic that the Universe must have been created by a creator. You cannot abandon this logic when asked who created rhe creator ? Therefore despite our difficulty in imagining it the only logical possibility is that it all started from nothing with no creator possible.


The Lottery is a 1969 short film based on Shirley Jackson's short story of the same name about a woman named Tessie Hutchinson who is stoned to death by her fellow townspeople to ensure a good harvest


That which is (Life) that is nothing in particular (actual) is by definition everything in general (potential).

Life eternally actualizes infinite potential, because only Eternity can fully embrace Infinity.

Reality/Life = That which is/That I am.

By definition there can be only one all-inclusive or Absolute Being (Life) in which all relative beings live, move and have their Being.

We are all It (Life at Large) experiencing itself as all of us simultaneously, to an unknowable/inexhaustible extent, as the facets of a Diamond are 'both' distinct from each other 'and' the Diamond itself.

Love is the recognition of our shared Being.

The one all- encompassing principle of Nature is 'pressure mediation':

0. Hermaphroditic di-electric null point/plane of conversion
1. Masculine electric centripetal convergence (potential)
2. Feminine magnetic centrifugal divergence (actual)
3. Androgynous electromagnetic current (parsing)

O. Potential = Being
1. Actual = Becoming (actualized)

1 muon neutrino + 1 electron neutrino = 1 electron. 2 electrons back to back = 1 photon. 1824 electrons =1 neutron. 1823 electrons = 1 proton.

Muon neutrinos are dark and inert. Electron neutrinos are are bright and shiny. Therefore, galaxies oriented toward us shine. Galaxies oriented away from us appear dark - dark matter, black holes.

Space = Awareness
Time = Experience
Energy = Conversion
Matter = Behaviour
World = Projected biofeedback Mirror

Peripheral attention = wave like
Focused attention = particle like


!!(⊃ Д)⊃≡゚ ゚ The universe was created in 1976. It is too hot to make a universe at the time of the big bang. It can be created at anytime. God is slow and easy. A human can do a lot with their lifespan. I got the hunk. God got the chunk. Everyone else can have the rest. That is song spirit of ''76 by The Alarm.


The correct definition of a Law is a pattern, a regularity. If you have Nothing you don't have any laws. "Empty" space is not empty, it has energy and virtual pairs of particles bubble out of these energy fluctuations, not in and out of existence, (bad use of language again) but in and out of the MANIFEST. Also zero is balance not absolute absence! There are so many levels of poor languaging going on with Lawrence that it is mind bending on how this shizz problem is not with his maths or even with his modelling, it might turn out to be right or wrong, there are several competing theories going on right problem with Lawrence is with how he twists concepts he barely understands...absolutely appalling!


So protons are also filled with "virtual particles" also? I thought that was just the QV... how did this get figured out? Also aren't particles almost never standing still? So are they saying that the virtual particles inside of a... "regular" particle move around/are localized within (and independent of the outside Q-vacuum), or do they remain static/in place as the particle moves through space (independent of it)?

This all just seems counter to what (I had thought) they originally said virtual particles were...

And now he's off on an unprompted rant about religion. After saying "if you could create a universe, isn't this the way you'd do it?"... the man's clearly got some internal hangups he needs to deal with because it's very unnecessary for the audience especially if they're actually trying to understand something.


What I would like to see in those talk is maybe author could instead of repeating the same story for the last 20 years ( however superb ) to put aside some time to address some critics that arouse in minds of viewers in last decade. I saw few videos pinpointing the energy being zero as a math trick compared to money and debt giving us no money. I would like to see the answer to this rather than watching another time the same story word to word... :( Neil Turok has some interesting ideas about Inflation. Few scientist doubt the inflation or even the Bang the way we were understand it till now. I do not talk about ID people but actual hc scientist that are exploring the world to the limits with new math, new understandings.I do not claim Krauss is wrong but for the last 20 years since his og talk I have seen so many serious people giving me new understanding about those things that I am confused now what is considered really "true" right now.

1:35:10 do not be troubled with multiverse. I see in the body language the embarrassment for that fact. Ultimate SF is the existence of all from a size of less than proton. So if people are comfortable with one universe why the body language change while talking about the extrapolation of quantum reasoning. Even David Deutch is telling us that this reasoning about quantum is forcing us to reconsider the obviousness of mutliverse...

1:37:00 I love Hitch to death but this is so human center view. Penrose gave us cyclical verse. SO why so gloomy view about nothing? It will repeat to gave rise to new/again the same ( with the same laws ) verse? That argument of Christopher got tired nowadays for me. Yes it will get dark but won't for long ;)

1:39:00 Is there another way from firts principles to re-discover that the verse was made of trilions galaxies? I always thought that this extended line of reasoning at that point was missing something. For how long those future scientist will consider that there ever was only one galaxy in the verse?

This talk is like watching Pitagoras giving talk in XXI century. There are so many question that arouse during 2000 years of math that repeating the original talk from 20 years ago is not so stimulating anymore. It is amazing do not get me wrong but I need more confrontation with other giants of the field. And others are not morons, so there could be an interesting clash.


1:12:47 "if you have empty space and you wait long enough, particles will appear"

i don't get this. isn't the consensus that time didn't exist pre big bang? "waiting long enough" seems like an odd choice of words to describe the state that existed before the big bang
