4 Reasons Why HR Is NOT Your Friend

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In this video, I explain why HR is NOT your friend. Many workers think that HR is a safe place to go to with workplace grievances. But, unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. HR is there to protect the company, not you. And it will protect the company by sabotaging you the second you make a complaint. They will set you up for failure. So, watch my video to understand the tricks HR plays on workers and how to protect yourself.

Video content:
0:00 Intro
0:35 HR protects the company, not the worker
1:39 HR will not keep things confidential
2:30 HR investigations are unfair
3:53 HR people lie
4:45 How to protect yourself
5:53 The bottom line
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Best way to avoid all this stupidity is to find a way to earn you own money and nor work for someone else.


If you are being sexually harrassed or discriminated or you know your company is doing something illegal, you tell your lawer and blindside the fuck out of the company. Telling HR is like showing your hand in a game of poker.


HR is not a Police Department. They are not there to play judge and jury. They are just workers like everybody else. If there is a conflict between two workers, HR is going to do what's right for the company, not the victim. They will usually get rid of the victim, especially if he/she is on the lower hierarchy of the corporate structure. I have heard and read stories about people who complained to HR about harassment. The end result was the victim ended up resigning and in other cases, HR did nothing about it. The only reason I went to HR is that my lawyer said, "You should let HR know because I can tell you right now that the law is not going to help you." If you are being harassed at work, you have to stay there until you find suitable employment. That's what the Unemployment Commission told me.


I only deal with HR when I sign/verify a contract, when I need a proof of employment, and when I resign. Else, I stay miles away from them.


I literally filed a retaliation complaint with HR, they started an “investigation” and a week in to the “investigation”, I get fired for “performance issues” .

When i tell you I never went so quick to the EEOC.


HR works for your boss, not you. This is why everyone needs a union


Great advice. I recently had to make a complaint and everything you say is true. They are not on your side at all, you become an enemy as soon as you contact HR no matter how unfair the treatment you are getting at work. My advice? If you are to the point of complaining to HR, you have to be willing to walk, to find a new job and it might just be better to do that than get embroiled in a lawsuit. After my abuse, I had to see a shrink and I talked to lawyers but in the end I just started applying to new jobs and found one relatively quickly. Leave before the abusive enviroment gives you PTSD or errodes your sense of self worth so completely you will not be in the mental frame of mind to find a new job. Don't stay and get abused, start planning your exit.


Boss Wrote me up. Filed a complaint to HR. 1st thing she ask me Stacey what you boss wrote is a Fact Right ? HR is a Joke


why they are called Hopeless Resources


The way you're describing it makes me wonder if there's any point of HR at all. Sometimes I have wondered if there was any kind of HR department I could have complained about at various jobs I hated and left in the past. I also know in many cases your immediate supervisor isn't even the one making any decisions when it comes to whether you are fired or not.

One thing I know for sure is when I got fired from working at graton casino I can tell by the tone of my supervisors voice that even though she told me that they were firing me I could tell by her tone that she didn't actually agree with their decision. She knew I was a really good worker and that it was unfair that I got fired over one incident nobody


I love your presentation. Direct, simple, and to the point. Extremely helpful.


Twenty-one years ago I suffered occupational over-use injuries. I worked for a school district. L&I at that time required an investigation of work-place injury within ten days of (W694816) report. ESD 123 granted themselves four (4) 90 day extensions, denying payment for on-the-job medical injuries' treatment through all that time, and after having worked with overuse injuries for a year I retained an attorney as medical providers had sent me to collections. By the second 90-day extension I understood who I worked for and every email was printed and kept in a file at home. During discovery the school district claimed to have "lost" my email account but we demolished them. 'This principal emailed our client here, that administrator emailed client then, do you have their emails? Defendant has repeatedly demonstrated bad-faith.' Repeated L&I violations by a government agency are akin to qualified immunity. Keep up the good work!


As a retired employee who never dealt with HR (thank God!), I've watched a few of these videos and they all are pretty much the same. So now that I have this knowledge about HR, this is what I would do if I were in a situation where I needed to file a complaint with HR. First, I would go to my lawyer and share my complaint with them. Secondly, I would file my complaint with HR with a letter from my lawyer establishing strength to avoid any monkey business from HR. This approach, I believe, protects and weaponizes me to the level of the company and forces HR to do it job correctly. And if HR doesn't like this approach, well, they can take an aspirin.


so truth, I totally agree with your sayings . I have witnessed that .truth that .


Can we get a video for those of us doing the grunt work in HR (like data entry) on how we can protect ourselves? HR doesn’t just go after non-HR employees. They go after all of us at the bottom too, only we have to engage with HR every minute of every day and risk having the beast turn on us too. It isn’t just a once in a while interaction. Every single day you walk in can be the day that breaks you


Shalom! I am currently going thru this right now. One manager has already contacted Human Resources about me. I was recently given a consultation over something petty; the manager said she has been talking to Human Resources and will begin documenting my actions at work. She and another manager issued me a PIP. I maybe on my way out.


This is why people hate big corporations so much. This is why there is no company loyalty anymore and most people only work to the rule and eventually quiet quit. It's the equivalent of having a coach that doesn't give a shit about the players on the team. They just won't produce for him. It's a losing formula based on no trust, treachery and selfishness.


I had a client who was compulsive about keeping copies of EVERY piece of paper that arrived at, came across, or was sent from his desk (this was way back before PDF-ing became the norm). His Chrono-Files contained pieces of paper that his ex-employer (a granddaugher subsidiary of a well-known Fortune 500 company) absolutely would not have wanted a judge or jury to see. Not related to his issues with the ex-employer, but embarrassing.

We settled the case for $50K; probably could have settled for double that amount if client had not included, shall we say, overexaggerations on his résumé when he had onboarded.


HR is there to protect the company from the employees. full stop.


Yeah.... caught my supervisor doing drugs at work cleaning school's, when I reported it what I thought was anonymously. Was fired 3 days late.
