Simple Segmented Wood Turning Using Woodturner Pro

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I was asked to show more on the easy use of Woodturner Pro.
A simple piece of software that can make your first segmented wood turning easy. It also will help you understand how segmented turning works in general.
It is a wonderful piece of software that I purchased a number of years ago.

You can find a 30 day trial for the software. It is the full program with all the features.

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The video is for entertainment purposes only
You are watching how I do things and not suggesting others should do it the way I do.
You need to know your machines and how to use them. Follow how the manufacture says to use them safely.

Look up other turnings I have done:
Dizzy Twister Turnings Segmented Turnings
Feature Rings Staves
20 minute bowl
Great gift or a craft show sales
Star bowl Block bowl
Tumbling bowls Emerging Bowls Black Locust Vase
Droop Bowl Offset Bowl Barrel of Blocks Star Bowl Bowl in a Bowl
Droop Bowl Lathe modifications Lacquer Shellac Friction Polish
Abrasive Paste Polishing Paste Wipe on Poly Black Locust Hollow Form
Multi Axis Square Bowl Siberian Elm Hollow Form
Dodecahedron Soccer Ball Sphere Olive Wood Turnings Illusions Segmented Vase
Tangent Stave Turning
Рекомендации по теме

Another excellent look at Woodturner Pro, Gary. Lloyd Johnson must really like you! I’m sure his sales are definitely going to soar, thanks to your videos. Nice job, my friend. I look forward to your next turning video, this Friday.
Stay well,


I went on a segment spree, turned for relatives and my favorite doctors, I have a few. Then I
got more into natural turnings. I enjoy making something out of what might appear to be
nothing. That don't mean I don't love the master pieces you produce. Looking forward to
your next piece.


Thanks so much for doing a video showing woodturner pro to those who are not familiar with it. I bought the complete package including segment pro years ago Segmented bowls are a great way to use the many scraps of wood that we all have in our shops. Love your videos.


Haha, your excitement about this program comes through loud and clear, Gary! Your enthusiasm is contagious and I'll bet they see a sales increase thanks to your excellent tutorial! I will probably never be a segment turner but it sure is fun watching you plan, cut, glue and create! Great job, buddy! 😊


That software looks like a very efficient way to visualize unlimited combinations. It wood be fun even just to play around with for the trial period. Thanks for demonstrating it, Gary.


Thank you! A great tutorial! Hope you do more videos with this clever program!


Gary, thank you from the bottom of my heart in clarifying segmented turning. This is exactly what I need to start down this path. I will be purchasing this very soon.

BTW, I purchased a Wen Air Filter unit for my shop. It surely removes that residual wood dust from the air that settles everywhere. I think I picked up an allergic reaction to wood dust over the holiday time. So when you say “dust mask and face shield” on, now I know why. Might want to add a hazmat suit to keep the dermatitis at bay. Lol!


Gary That is something I will be ordering when I get moved to my New shop around the end of the year. Ron


Gary, you intrigued me so much that I purchased the program. Now I need to play with it so I can make a segmented bowl, vase or platter.


Hi Gary, thank you so much for taking the time to explain this program. I watched your video several times and it sure helped. Again, thank you.


I love this kind of content. I am just starting segmented woodturning and I just purchased the software.


Thank you for that excellent tutorial. I have never seen one of those programs even explained before. Very interesting.


This was great. Thank you for the software introduction.


Thanks Gary! As a visual person this made a lot of sense to me. A great presentation. I watch all sorts of techie videos, most of which I’ll never use, but it interests me all the same. Cheers, Rick


Great video? Thank you for sharing and explaining it so good. I looked at it for a few seconds and thought, man this is way beyond me. Thankfully I continue watching. Thank you so much, I think I really can do this!


Thanks, I followed your demonstration through and planned my first projects with this software. Hands on is the best way to learn the bells and whistles!


Gary, thank you for this kind of video! I enjoy learning different things like this!, , , and more


nice tutorial looking forward to Friday 👍


Not only did I watch the entire video I saved it for future viewing as well. The program that you used is now on my radar for tools I want to have to do segmented turning. I've watched you create segmented items for a few years now and while I have always found them beautiful and intriguing I would not attempt one without this program. Thank you for sharing how you create your fascinating art.


Great video. Like to see a video from the start of the program to the end of the bowl...the full package deal....keep up the great videos...
