How To Level Your RV Fast And Accurate!

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How to level your RV easily every time can be quick and efficient. There are many ways to level your RV or Camper, we thought we would share what we have found to be the fastest and most accurate way to level our RV. We Use the Anderson Levelers and the Level Mate Pro with the app.

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The intro description of why you have to level your RV to make sure your Hydrogen/Ammonia refer works correctly, leaves a little to be desired but I guess it's insignificant to the discussion of leveling itself. You can ruin your refer by running it with the RV significantly out of level while running it off LP. The reason is, the LP flame that heats the boil plate can scorch the sides of the tubes and cause the interior coating to flake off, eventually plugging up the orifice at the bottom. Over all a really good video.


Combined with the Anderson this is by far the easiest, quickest, and can be done by one person without even getting out of truck. Even with auto level system you want to get close if you can. This is just simple. Great job.


I've been doing this so long that we had a glass with multi-color bands for years that we'd put water to the line. Then we set it in the middle of the floor and my wife would tell me when it was level. Now we have a motorhome with auto-leveling system but I still think of the class every time we park.


Jared, You THE MAN! Wish I had watched this before my last camping trip. Now I have to buy at least two new stabilizers (if not replace all four). Bruh!


Do NOT use your phone for leveling. I tried this and the weight of the trailer immediately crushed it!


This is a 5 Star way of leveling your trailer. This is the way I level my trailer. I can level my trailer in less time than it took to watch this video. One thing the Level Mate Pro does that he did not mention is, when your trailer is more than 4 inches out of level it will flash at you.


Very cool leveler if you have a Smart Phone. I purchased an RV Easy Level for about $30.00. It has 4 legs & uses green lights for level & red lights for unlevel. I set it on the floor and my wife watches through the screen door (with a walkie talkie) to communicate the best positioning. I use the square waffles to level L to R as needed. Then I use metal ratcheting tire stabilizers between the tires. I have had my trailer walk on me once, so the stabilizers completely immobilize wheel movement. Then I level the F & R. A little more time, but very safe.


I am going to add your video to a client's website. Great info Thank you!!


I agree in using the Level Mate Pro, it's revolutionary and so simple to use. Saves me a huge amount of leveling time in that it tells exactly how many inches (or centimeters) from side to side or front to back the RV needs to be. Thanks for the post!


We plan ordering a set of these for our camper along with the remote leveling indicator unit. Anything that makes set up easier is a no brainer in my book. We are also purchasing the propane monitor system. Because we live in Northern Michigan, we use a lot of propane in the spring and late fall. There is nothing worse than running out of propane.


We have been using these levelers on our 5th wheel for 4 years. I added a little item to mine. In the large curved part I drilled a parachute cord size hole in the center of the largest recess. I put a 2 ft length of cord through the hole with a knot on each end. This allows the cord to be pulled out on either side. Then I drilled a similar hole in both sides of the chock part. The cord is used when we are removing the levelers. The person pulling out the chock can pull the cord and not need to get your fingers close to the tire. then when I reverse the cords on the leveler part are pulled out as well. I haven't tried this yet, but, it might be possible to place a stake and tie the chocks to the stake with a bungee cord so that pressure is removed, the chock will pull out and then reverse and a cord could pull out the leveler part. This would be useful on a dual axle trailer by a single person.


What an informative and helpful video! You’ve done it again, Jared!! 👍🏼👍🏼


So I've had these red things since I bought my RV, but didn't use the quite correctly. Tonight I did after this video - thank you so much and how stupid am I? Geez. This was GREAT!


Great video and upfront summary. Thank you


I just ordered the Anderson leveling system and the level pro. I cannot wait to see how quickly we can level when we start our adventures for 2019.


Level Mate Pro....awesome concept verses having two outside bubble levels you check back with after you make a dozen changes.


another very educational video. Excellent work. Thank you.


We chose the RV Level 4 from madebyjoe . It uses 5v usb power that most trailers have now unlike the batteries you need for level mate pro. It's also a bit cheaper.


Like the idea of the levelmate pro .The factory should come out with 12volt dc version. Stay safe out on those roads


Our 2017 Keystone Cougar came with automatic levelers! We LOVE them!!!
