The Enterprise B ABSOLUTELY had a Cloaking Device! (&some other lore)

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Today We Delve into the unknown yet tragic Saga of the Enteprise B. Her maiden voyage marked by the apparent death of Captain Kirk would cast a long shadow over her service. from humanitarian aid missions to the Klingon empire, to the disastrous Tomed Incident. The Enterprise B had a truly testing career until her mysterious disappearance.
But is there more than meets the eye to this Forgotten hero? hitherto hidden Features not found in the history books... LIKE A CLOAKING DEVICE!

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But.... but.... The cloaking device wasn't due to be installed on the _Enterprise-B_ until next Tuesday.


Always loved how you put a cloak in the Ent B and the sister refits. Made sense, works with the timeline, and gives reason for the Treaty of Algeron.


The Enterprise A had one too. In the novelization of Star Trek VI, Capt Spock and Crew decided against using their cloak to bluff past a Klingon security outpost. This was added to the on screen dialogue about the unknown saboteur


"I can see you Harriman.can yo..."
(Enterprise B engages cloak)


The fact that the whole treaty banning the federation from having cloaks is a thing suggests they were definitely using cloaking devices 100%. It wouldn't make any sense for the Romulans to be so touchy as to put it into the treaty, unless the federation was actively using it during their little war.

I do like the creation of this lore, though I don't think the federation would sneak attack colonies, or just attack colonies in general. That is definitely something that the federation would frown upon.


Yeah, Starfleet was definitely lying about being unable to find the Bounty to cover up having its cloak.


Nice, a Stargate SG1 line reading! Outstanding! "In the middle of my backswing?!"


You are far better than Trek Central in this man's opinion


An interesting time to do an overview of post-2293 Enterprise-B. If the Ent-B is MIA, one can hope it gets recovered like the USS Stargazer. And yes, I agree that the Enterprise-B having a cloak is a reasonable assessment, as provided by all the ing evidence.


"I don't ever want to have to explain myself again.". Now I know what to ask for the next Q&A 😁


An early draft for star trek VI had Scotty dissembling and studying the bounty


Here's an interesting point: Wasn't Kirk living in the shadow of Captain Pike? Pike commanded the Enterprise for at least 10 years before he turned command of the ship over to Kirk. And Pike was alive and well for a portion of Kirk's captaincy of the Enterprise, up until Pike got delta radiation poisoning.


I don't need sleep i need cloaking devices


Interesting points on the likeliness of Starfleet actually having cloaking devices. That aside - I'm not sure how I feel about that "stretched" Excelsior secondary hull concept. I kinda like it, but at the same time, it feels off. But I gotta ask - was the Ent-B's cloak installed in time for Generations, or was that also planned for Tuesday?

Re: The Bounty. If you wanted to find it, just hang some chains or nets or something off the back of a ship and just trawl it back and forth across the Bay until they snag on something. Investigate what it snagged on. Eventually, TADA~ Klingon BoP found, cloak up or down. That being said, Starfleet might have "lost" the ship in the Bay in order to reduce tensions with the Klingons and then later the Romulans.

Also, love the SG-1 ref. That might be my favorite episode of the series. I honestly hope the Ent-B's fate continues to be left unsaid for alpha canon. Having a little mystery in the lineage is interesting.


Star Trek Picard made note the Bounty was sitting on the bottom of the bay due to the cloak managing to turn on. Which you really would have assumed the device wouldn't operate in water, but the neat thing is the Klingon ship was able to be submerged in water without damaging the ship to heavily.


Rumor has it that Star Fleet command is still desperately pouring through ships logs, build schematics, and crew manifests, looking for the right combination of mystical charms, to produce another ship named Enterprise with lucky streak as great as Enterprise A. Enterprise B disappears without a trace, Enterprise C is lost in battle against the Romulans, and Enterprise C losses a fight to a single Klingon bird of prey, RIKER!


I have fell in love with your theory years ago and it has been head cannon for me ever since. It just makes so much sense timeline-wise.


I would like to see the exploring of the Enterprise-C and Captain Garrett. It's not as crazy a time, but she seems really interesting.


I really like this explanation. It even makes sense if why there weren't more of this hull style.

I like your work. I don't nessisarely agree with everything in all your videos... heck, I think Michael Okuda screwed up more than a few concepts... but you're one of the best theorists I have stumbled across in a long time.


I did know The Enterprise B could had a Cloaking Device.
