Get Level 70 In UNDER 3 HOURS! (Best Leveling Method) | WoW Remix

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World of Warcraft Remix has many different ways to progress and level up, and with the introduction of 40k free bronze for hitting level 70, fast leveling has become one of the much lucrative farms in this mode. In this video we go over the most overpowered leveling/boosting method in remix.
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From what I have seen, this is the current fastest way to get characters from 10-70, it takes a bit of setup, but it's worth it. Will still be releasing more simple and solo friendly leveling videos soon too.


Just turn off auto loot, leave all bonus xp from bosses (will get mailed to you) do 8 heroic dungeons, mv normal raid, 6 heroic dungeons, hof normal raid, 2 heroic dungeons, toes normal raid, then go open all bonus xp from mailbox. Ez 70 in 4 hours, way less stressful.


Here's a much more simple way to farm with MULTIPLE alts.
01) Create your alt army and get them to lvl 25 anyway you like. Can do you the opener questline + q for raids, but up to you.
02) Pick up the 3 daily quest from one of the main hubs (the raid, dungeon, scenerio ones.)
03) At 25, turn off auto loot on all the alts. Create or Join a normal Vaults raid (only one you can get in at 25.) When you loot the boss, do not pick up the XP token
04) Q for a scenerio and dungeon. Turn in all 3 quest.
05) Log off and do it on your next alt.

After 3 to 4 days of this, loot your mail on all your alts. Congratulations, with that +450% xp cloak, all those tokens will get all 6 alts to 70. Enjoy the bronze.


what tinker, meta, other gems you suggest for the booster?


ye but they see ur main is afk and kick it


Im having problems finding my own character do you know why is that?


It will send mail to your trial character, you just wont be able to claim it. Will gave a mail icon for 30 days lol


how powerful does your twink need to be before you start boosting?


after my lvl 70 hunter started this and i already did a rogue and a shaman to lvl 70 in 2 days and to be more efficient, on my shaman spe heal after getting lvl 70 i got into all mythic dungeons to get another piece of stuff with 3 slots of gems + the 3 slots one u get when u achieve lvl 70 + 3 other slots by doing all scenarios heroic and now doing every raid normal mode to get another to have extra extra strong lvl 20 trial, at start u can solo but too slow then after few raids u can solo normals fast then after boosting my 2 characters i am now sweeping through heroic dungeons like butter


Is there any particular reason to spam heroic rather than normal dungeons?


So at level 20 I’m only finding 1 quest for a dungeon and 1 for a scenario. I’m not seeing 4 quests. Does the same quest giver offer both? What am I missing.


what is the best lvl 20 char to boost?


Need the free trial Char to be lv20 to get Thomas schlänge Scaling? Bc at lv15 it Sucks


leave the toon being boosted at the entrance?


Every time I go to invite my alt to a group from my booster it always says “player not found “


I can say doing it like this its a grind


I will not use this method, In case my account will be banned. I have not played on my account for so many years, just to get it banned for something like this. I will not risk it.


so how do you invite your cross faction starter alt? Cant seem to find each other on groups


I've been doing this for the past 2 weeks. The only problem that I find with it is that it's unbearably boring since you can only do the same 4 dungeons at the 20 cap. I made a monk tank on the trial cause of the infinity serpent kick and the other aoe damage spell and stack mastery and then versatility. Then get the anything that gives you AoE damage. There's also that tinker combo that if you stun an enemy you get 50% boost to crit and the other tinker that gives you a chance to stun an enemy when you attack them. Taking into account that 98% perfect of your combat time is spent doing a serpent kick aoe damage, this procs chance is always at an all time high. It's stupid OP.

I used to be mindful and wait for the rest of the party members to let them catch up but now I just go and the entire dungeon on my own since its faster that way. An average run takes about 3-4 minutes. Some dungeons have RP elements so there's little you can do about that. I think I've speed ran Scarlet Monastery at 2:55 minutes at my very best. Leveling a character to max takes about 2-3 hours.

Only thing I would say is:
Only loot the armor and gems you need and leave the XP on the bosses. After youve decided to quit the boosting. Just pay the for the game and youll have access to your mailbox. With all the XP left on the bosses you will be able to open all the up in the mail box. By the time you are done you will collect enough XP to boost yourself 20 trial character to max level instantly. On top of that you also get the free level boost you get when you buy the game. So you can boost another character to max level.

I should also say that dont que for Heroic, instead que up for Normals because youll get them done even faster and you pretty much get the same XP.


My first char took me 2 days now It takes 1 full day to get a new char to 70 with quests and dungeons.
Video is cool but too many steps and too much boring grinding for me.
