How to Survive Without HEALTH INSURANCE in Today's World

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What if living your dream life means having to forfeit health benefits?

Timothy Ward
Philosophical Entertainer | Motivator

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Okay, here is the short of my story. I am 58 years old. I haven't had health insurance sense I was 46. Here is what I do to make it. I don't drink alcohol, I don't eat sugar or other crappy food, I exercise most every day, and keep my head on a swivel so I don't get squashed. So far, so good.


I recently found out that if you are prescribed a drug you cannot afford, if you write to the drug company and tell them the situation they will often send you what you need for free.


You gotta take care of your body inside out. Natural medicine can do wonderful things. Healthy diet and a healthy mindset can go a long way.


Yeah I haven't had the scam called "health insurance" for about 5 years now and I am in the best shape body and mind of my life. My personal doctor was useless and never gave any good advice on my biggest health problem which was my obesity. With a more proactive approach I beat my obesity and through YouTube I have learned how to maintain my immune system and I have been 100% health other than a few minor injuries from working out.


I've been without health insurance for 25 years now. I'm used to it. Lol.


I haven't had health insurance and im 50, doing just fine without it! Yes, there are low cost clinics that will work with you. There are few here in Utah. Basically i eat healthy and keep as fit as possible using youtube videos, and work a low stress job which has lower pay but I see my peace and happiness are more valuable than money. Im off 4 days a week which i use to do local hiking and learning things online free. I love your videos Tim!


I had to take a lady to the Emergency Department a few weeks ago. Do to the current events, if you where not literally dying. You would be sitting in the waiting room for 10 hours or better because of staff shortage, more the. 70% of the staff quit. Not sure what we are paying for anymore if you can't be seen.

So it's time for us to go back to the home remedies. Ones that we thought our grandparents where nuts, when they took it. In the wintertime. My grandmother always used local honey and garlic cloves as a antibiotic. She use to slice an onion and put it on the bottom of our feet then put a sock over it and made us go to bed as kids. She said it would draw the poison out. Head colds was steaming hot water in a bowl and she would put eucalyptus in the water and put our head over the water to capture the steam. So as a kid I really didn't see a doctor.

When my babies where growing up. And we had health insurance. I was constantly taking them. They lived off antibiotics. But looking back, it was because I was feeding them a lot of processed foods. I didn't know it at the time, but both of my kids including myself. We are allergic to all the processed foods. How I discovered it. One of my children ate a bean burrito we got in the freezer section and he fell to the floor and was not breathing. He was rushed to the hospital and the doctor told me, it was the processed foods. He said he sees this alot.

So I think, if we as a society, stop poisoning ourselves, we probably would not need Healthcare and big pharma would go out of business.


Health insurance is another scam. Ok if you have ongoing conditions and have to see a doctor regularly then fine get insurance. But if you are a healthy person there is no need to pay the monthly health fee. Eat right and exercise. Sometimes you can't even get a fast appointment and have to wait weeks/month for a doctor.


Hell you can barely survive if you do have health care. It’s all a scam Tim😂


I'm going broke paying for health insurance.


So true…I’ve been living without health insurance for 15 years and I’m still alive 😅😂. I just have a medical emergency fund and I use that money to pay for doctor visits. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Works great for me and my family.


This is a big reason I'm looking to move outside of the US.


"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality. You want to live but do you know how to live? You are scared of dying and tell me, is the kind of life you lead really any different from being dead?"



I’m 68 and haven’t had health insurance for 5 years. And I haven’t needed it! I am my own healer. Healthcare in America is really sickcare. That old phrase “You are what you eat” is the key to optimum health. That plus exercise, good friends, and a positive attitude, they go a long way in keeping you healthy. I do have an arsenal of herbal tinctures should I need to tend a dis-ease, but it’s very rare. If only people took as good care of their bodies as they do their vehicles....


When I was jobless medicaid paid for my broken arm when I worked full time I'd have to pay the difference and it was ALOT so might as well get a part time job and get Medicaid you'll receive better health care and be taken care of without a big bill


Tim, you’re right about soul sucking office jobs. I’ve worked a few and it seems You can definitely get sicker from things like depression and stress being stuck in the office all day miserable with no windows and little fun throughout the day, little time to workout etc. even if you have great health insurance that’s part of your employer!… than if you’re on your own doing what you want to do in life and enjoying it!


I survived cancer without medical insurance. I also was hospitalized with pneumonia and diabetes for 10 days at mayo clinic...without insurance. I had 2 jobs and no insurance...but it was all written off. Now I lost a meaningless job with great benefits and I have heart failure. I'm trying to improve my health as best as I can with lifestyle changes. I'll make it through all this...and my life is more meaningful today by doing the things you suggest.


Also if you ever have a big emergency and rack up tons of medical debt, you can file medical bankruptcy. Also you can work with the hospital and ask if they can write it off if you can’t pay for it. Or negotiate a lower pay in full option, They do this all the time. My aunt worked in medical billing so I got lots of tips.


I love that park! It looks like a park that would be in the Flintstones. :-)


Yes on sliding scale healthcare. My husband has used it in Gainesville. I didn't have insurance the whole time I was in college in my 20s and when I worked prn as a nurse because I was a single parent. The scary thing is I know so many people that lives in Gainesville or outside in the country that got cancer. They were all young 30s and 40s. It's crazy. I have autoimmune and eat really clean no dairy, soy, gluten or potatoes. Only grain I tolerate is rice. Now I am working on my mental health because it's effecting my physical health. I exercise outside, meditate, have support groups and friends. Great topic Tim love to watch your channel.
