How to live longer: The 5 Pillars Of Health

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Dr. Steyn is a guest on Talking With Docs. She discusses the 5 Pillars of Health. These are lifestyle changes that can help you live a healthier and longer life.

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The general information provided on the Video is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practise medicine or general healthcare in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this Video and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Video. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. Information obtained on the Video is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment.
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Watching talking with docs is now the 6th pillar.


Love this episode! It all makes so much sense. Our bodies absolutely respond to the food we eat and how we live in general. Since I started watching your channel, I have made some huge changes in diet and lifestyle. And I really do feel better. But, there is always more to do….. one day at a time. Thank you for bringing Dr. Steyn in on this very important & informative video, and thank you for all that you do to keep us informed. You are appreciated! Have a great week! 😊


Another great video. That fifth pillar shook me a bit. Spirituality? My brain immediately thought 'religion'. I had to look up spirituality just to get a better understanding. I stole the following from the interwebs and it suggests what to strive for regarding spirituality (for other dummies like me).
1)Very humble and doesn’t feel superior to anyone.
2)Strives to work his or her duty or task faithfully.
3)Not attached to the material things.
4)Not afraid of losing anything in life.
5)Never looks at the imperfection of others.


Got it... veggies and 'Alita de Pollo', exercise, sleep, community, spirituality, no tire slashing.
Absolutely a super video, informative and LOL's! All the best!


She's so sweet and pleasant to listen to.


Hi, been following for a bit and your clips have been very helpful. Long post here but hopefully this help others realize there is a way forward. 1) I hope you bring Dr. Steyn back periodically to talk about more specifics. 2) in Nov 2023, (I'm 60 years old), I weighed 28slbs and at a dinner party and "playing" with a blood pressure monitor I was at 149/110. Our host who is a RN, pulled me aside and told me I need to deal with this. I told her I was dealing with energy spikes and lows, very lethargic when I got up in the mornings, woke up 2-3 times during the night. It wasn't good. Fast forward to now, my blood pressure has dropped to 130/95 (not great but better than it was), I stopped skipping breakfast (now I eat 1/2 cup oatmeal with a handful of walnuts, with a banana or twice a week sub in frozen fruit), use the "plate method to eyeball my dinner plate so that I have 1/2 plate of veggies, 1/4 plate of carbs (rice, sweet potato, or white potato) and 1/4 plate of meat/fish/shellfish. I also upped my water intake (not incl coffee etc.) to 6-8 cups pr day. Happy to say that this has resulted in higher energy levels (and it took time to adapt, so not over night or event after a week or two) and I now weight 269lbs. I just got a blood pressure monitor so will have some stats on how that continues to improve. I also incorporated a nutrition tracker into my changes in the past couple weeks and WOW, that has been an eye opener . Caution: you don't want to get hung up on that (learned this from some top fitness people out there), but it will help you understand what your decisions mean to help you adapt your changes and as you make lifestyle changes. What I've experienced sine making some minor changes as I start are: not lethargic in the morning (took about 2 months), feeling full **less reaching for a bag of chips or something in the evenings because I felt full), in fact my tracker has told me I am not eating enough calories during the day for safe weight loss in the past week and I need to find ways to compensate for this. Over the past few weeks my energy level has increased and I find myself "wanting" to do "something" because I have this new found energy to want to go do something. So now I am starting to incorporate daily walks + minor weight lifting into my weekly schedule. CONCLUSION: I work from home and have a very sedentary lifestyle. What I've earned is that lifestyle changes do not happen immediately, small steps are the key to sustained success. I still enjoy my pizza, potato chips, even a slice of carrot or chocolate cake once in a while, but its much more moderated now (+ I find with my changes I often don't feel the want or need to have it) and physiologically liberating which is a win too! I'm not a nutritionist/dietician, just a guy making what I think are more sensible choice to improve my life. END NOTE: If this resonates with you reach out, maybe we can form a group on facebook or something to create a group to help each other...


When I was battling depression many years ago, I came up with 5 pillars of mental health. Amazing how close they were to these. Mine were healthy diet, exercise, good sleep, sunshine in the optic nerve, and prayer.


Loved the video. I had never heard the topic before. I knew nutrition, exercise and sleep are very important to health. But I was very surprised by Community and Spirituality as being two other Pillars of Health. Fascinating. Thank you!


She needs to be on again! Loved the analogy about diet and the car tire.


Thank you for having Dr. Steyn on! I'm now listening to her podcasts and learning a lot.


I m working hard to change my food into healthier


I try to do three things for exercise. When I am working, I try to get up and walk frequently through the day, go on a treadmill for 30 minutes, and I lift weights twice a week.


Another wonderful, informative video!! Thank you all so very much!!


Great video so true you become who you hang out with The most used appliance in most houses is the micro wave to cook unhealthy food . A lot of us need life style changes so many things that folks do that lead to premature cemetery nap . You all stay warm some nasty weather up there take care . (great guest doc)


Excellent info, thanks for making the time to do these videos. Love your sense of humor!!


One of your best episodes. I’d like to hear more from her.


I love ALL of your videos. You are so fun and so informative. You motivate us. I'm so glad I found you.


One of your best videos to date. I’m happy I can truthfully say I can check off all of the boxes here. Movement is critical, I heard on tv a long time ago that being sedentary was WORSE than smoking. That’s incredible. Again, very excellent video.


Definitely yes you two are one of the pillars on here. 😊😊 Great Channel! Thanks as always!


Love this one on 5 pillars 😊 and it looks great too follow
Going to work on number 4
Thanks so much
77 year Senior
