Living In A Small Remote Town In Alaska

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Living In A Small Remote Town In Alaska. Join Me From Fairbanks To Whittier To Valdez! I moved to Alaska and am driving from Fairbanks to Valdez, showing you over 50 towns, communities and landmarks along they way. Then grab a hot chocolate and some munchies as we settle down together for our first winter in the snowiest city in the USA, Valdez Alaska.

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Things were a lot different there in the 80’s when I lived there. One bar for every church. I used umbrellas on rainy and even some heavy snow days-because it was the practical thing to do. There were a lot of maladjusted kids I went to school with. It got really icy after huge snow falls followed by sudden temperature warmth and all the snow would rapidly begin to melt, turn to slush and then freeze which created a chunky texture to bang up your knees on after falling. But we didn’t wear boots or crampons, we wore high top tennis shoes, determination and nerves of steel! My favorite memories are of riding my bicycle everywhere in Valdez during the summer months, dining at the Pizza Palace, the smell of the salty air down around the harbor and the view from the city dock. ☃️😎


Worked on the pipeline terminal construction for Morris Kuntson in 1975-76. While living in Alaska from 1974 till 1979.
When the sun came out it had to be one of the most beautiful places on earth God created!
Nice to see the pictures from today.


We are burning with heat. Your video gave some solace. Greetings from Delhi, India


Pro tip from someone who has lived it in these small towns growing up. If you are in Valdez or Whittier, get your vehicle on the ferry and travel to Cordova. It's not very far. Cordova is like the Valdez that you want. Valdez and Whittier are packed with RV's and businesses hawking to tourists in the summer. Cordova is one ferry ride away and you will have none of that.


I am 70 years old and worked for Koch Alaska Pipeline in summer of 75 till the summer of 76. It was nothing to make 1k to 1.5k a week with overtime. I could live oñ per diem and bank most of my salary. Bought first house in Texas for cash.


Talk about a small town, I was raised in Anchor Point from 1950 until I left in 1963, then went back to work on the pipeline. Anchor Point was S M All. 1 room school in 1950. Boring but unique childhood. But it's not the same anymore, all the people I knew are most likely gone or dead. Just memories now. I'm 80.


For you Old Timers, what ever happened to Sea Hawk Seafood? Worked there during the 85 salmon/herring season. Fall of that year, did a Halibut opener on the FV Myra. Met up with her captain, Dennis Rafferty in Valdez and went on a Halibut opener. Sailed around Prince Williams Sound for about three weeks. Spent about four days fishing and the rest of the time... sailing to Cordova, Whittier, a place called Snug Harbor, and towed a house boat across PWS to a place called Drake Island. Another, GREAT Alaskan experience!


Stunning narration, and a really good video. Thank you.


I was in Valdez with the Coast Guard during the Exxon oil spill. This was a nice video to see the town under normal circumstances.


Droll humor kept me chuckling for much of this video.


I live in Barbados and I remember being struck by the Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989. I was only 12 then. I hope that Valdez and Prince William Sound have recovered well. Your video is educational and informative.


tell your cuban friends "esta soplando el mono" when its cold! LOL


The first time I visited Valdez was about 9 months after the 1965 tsunami/earthquake. Almost all of the town was still under water. It was completely devastated. The only building intact and not under water was a gas station at the top of town before you descended in. Anyway, man did you hit the nail on the head with your commentary! You did a fantastic job of really portraying an unvarnished Alaska and Valdez. Congratulations on your effort! And, I hope you have mega views with your presentation here; few people really describe living here in such a real life way.


I'm born and raised in Scotland. I can't explain exactly why, but I have this burning desire to visit Alaska and wonder if it's a notion guided by God. Let's see... Great video!


Born in Valdez and I gotta say no place makes me feel more at home like Valdez does my family had to move due to an accident but people still remember us every time I walk into rogues garden or fish central and a few other places the owners are beyond excited to see me I’m not the biggest fan of where I’m at now because I love the clouds, the snow, the mountains and the ocean all of it and and I am far from those things right now but hopefully I’ll be able to move back to Alaska one day
Amazing video my guy!


great video with honest advice. thanks.


I worked on Kodiak Island for a short time during winter. When the weather was bad, no planes could land, ships would get delayed and the Safeway would have nothing fresh including meat. The news of the ship arriving would spread like wildfire and people would grab at the food not even looking at the cost. (mainly the fishing crews). Ice cleats everywhere, the town has 50 traversable miles if you have the right vehicle to do that. It was an adventure.


This seems like a nice place for introverts😊.. watching from Nepal ..


I enjoyed this very much. Reminds me of a couple of isolated towns we lived in on British Columbia's coast in Canada.


My time in Valdez was in the late 1970's when I was a sailor on the FOSS tug that brought the floating container docks there from Seattle. Of course it was summer so it was a beautiful place to see. I am familiar with small Alaskan towns from my time with FOSS and before that with NOAA. I have fond memories of many towns that have changed for the worse since cruise ships have arrived.
