The hard life of a girl in a remote village in Ukraine. Cooking borscht in the oven

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Today you will see one day in the life of Katya, who lives in a remote village in Ukraine. Katya will cook the traditional Ukrainian dish borscht in the oven, and will also show her daily rural life
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Dear viewers and subscribers, thank you for your kind words and wishes! Also, please add in the comments from which city and country you are watching my videos, I’m very interested. Thanks and stay in touch!


I’m from the United States, Lancaster, Ohio, but I drive a truck so I’m watching your video sitting in a truck stop in Salt Lake City, Utah. Quite interesting to see how others live around the world. I really enjoyed the video but so much more when I learned you take care of a child and your grandmother while you husband is off at war. God bless you and bring him home safe.


I’m from Dallas, TX, USA. Whoever is filming these has a seriously great eye for cinematography. Really nice work! Thank you for sharing it. 😊


Thank you!! Loved watching the simplicity of your life. My parents were Ukrainian. I love Ukrainian food and often cook for my family. I found the sounds of rural life intoxicating - chicken squawking, roosters calling. I pray for peace in the Ukraine. From Australia, Melbourne. ❤


She doesn’t seem bothered about her life. I for one, think that she has less stress than anyone that I know. Including me! Watching this and listening to all of the chopping, grating, fire burning, the creaking doors and all of the cooking sounds, is like meditation for me. So relaxing.😊


For those of you who keep saying I don’t believe she lives there on her own, your right if you had watched all of her videos you would see she also looks after her 91 year old grandma who lives with her and she has a little baby daughter too. She isn’t an actor this lovely girl lives and works her small holding on her own while her husband is at war. Her father lives in the sane small village who you might see from time to time..Blessings to you and your lovely family Katie, I love watching all your videos thank you for sharing them with us. ❤


I am a non-white South African, for some reason I love the channels of people in these regions, their clean houses, pure way of cooking and natural unrefined foods and impeccable skills are addictive and I can't get enough of them❤❤❤❤Upington, a small town in the Northern Cape of S A ❤❤❤


She is one of the many villagers in the world who lives a simple and peaceful life... They deserve respect and love.. God bless


I'm from Tennessee, and I admire very much your fortitude in being able to manage your household. Watching after your grandmother and your children takes a lot of energy and persistence. God bless you and your family!


Her skin is so clear and glowing! Such a healthy person eating home cooked nutritious meals! Bless you!


God bless you and keep you and your family safe. From U.S.A. Arizona


While I’m watching, it reminds of my Oma who was born in The Ukraine in 1895. And I can relate in the stories she told me. Even the wood stove. Boy do I miss her and her borscht soup. And in the summer time she made a sour cherry soup to die for. Oma could make meal from just about anything. Never threw out food that was salvagable. And we never got sick. We had no “Expiry date in our food” All forgotten by our younger generation, who are fortunate enough to be able to buy most of these foods prepared for them. But preparing meals back then was almost a full time job. Loved the video


From Ohio in the US. I grew up kinda like you are living. We raised most of our food. Pigs and cattle to butcher every fall. Gardens in the summer. Canning everything we harvested. We also hunted and fished for extra meals. I hope the war stays far away from you and your family. Be safe.


Aloha from Hawaii. I am a retired USN vet. I moved from Colorado to Oahu. Love the warm weather. My kids are all in Colorado. Sorry about your husband being gone. Hopefully peace will come soon. The food you make sure does look yummy 😋. God bless you and your family. Mahalo for your. Video!😊


Hello from Toronto, Ontario Cananda. Thank you for your channel. I love watching the videos and seeing how people live a simpler life. I know that all of these people work very hard in these remote places, but considering how crazy the world is getting these days, it seems to be more peaceful and relaxed. Thank you again.


It’s a simple life. Existing in peace with the surroundings. Thank you for sharing your life Katya.


A fantastic lady who can make home life happen in a very difficult situation. Impressive & humbling. Thanks, for this fine video with excellent sound and picture quality. Shalom, Ted.


She is living a very good life. The house and land seems to be hers, she has her Chickens. My Mom always says as long as you have Chickens you will never go hungry. She has her home, her land, her Chickens, her Water Well, all her Storage areas and her plants, she is planting Tomatoes. She has a built in Stove to cook and keep her warm, plenty of chop wood. She live a good, and clean life. Life is Life, you will always have a struggle or have to work, the type of stress is a choice, you can live in the countryside or in the city. It is a trade off.


I am from Ukraine, Odesa. I lived in NY for over 50 years. I watch your videos. God bless you and your family.


Hello Katia. Am watching from Philippines. You have such a calm and peaceful environment! Enjoy cooking!
