File Integrity Monitor (FIM)

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In this video, a simple File Integrity Monitor (FIM) is built using PowerShell. This FIM monitors a specific set of files and can detect if any of them have been changed, deleted, or new ones have been added. When any of these events occur, the FIM will send an alert to the user to notify them of the change.
0:00 Intro
2:10 Asking the user for input and validating the response
4:30 Testing execution of action according to user input
5:51 Create a function to calculate hash values from targets
6:42 Files That will be monitored
6:52 Testing the function to calculate Hashes
7:52 Target folder
8:06 Calculate hashes and create a baseline document
11:30 Create and test a function that erases baseline if exists
13:25 Create dictionary and load file path and hash on it
16:54 Testing a while loop to monitor files
18:01 Notify if a new file has been created
20:55 Notify if a file has been changed
23:09 Notify if a file has been deleted
25:36 Testing all functionalities
26:22 Conclusion
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