Regular Expressions With GNU grep in the Terminal - Part 01 [Learn by Practicing]

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Regular expressions (or regex) is a powerful tool to match patterns of text. This video is the first part of a series on regular expression with Grep, with practical cases and exercises for you to understand how it works.

I'm using GNU grep. Other implementation of grep might be a bit different. You can't use Perl regex (-P option) with BSD grep for example (by default on MacOS). However, what I demonstrate in the video should work with the Extended regex flavor too (-E option).

A little mistake: pgrep is NOT grep -P


00:00 How to follow along with me
01:51 Regex with Grep, metacharacters, and escaping
04:10 Regex flavors (Basic, extended, and Perl regex)
07:57 egrep / fgrep / pgreg
09:10 Matching a word ("\b" or "-w")
11:10 Matching from the beginning of the line ("^")
13:08 Matching till the end of the line ("$")
14:24 Exercises

17:37 Matching any character with "."
20:14 Matching whitespaces using "\s"
21:16 Character class "[ ]"
24:19 Exercises

27:18 Thanks!
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finally someone dig dipper and said something about these flavours! Thakns ;)
