Regular expressions in sed & grep: powerful tools for searching and modifying files in bash (CC022)

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In this screencast tutorial, Pat Schloss shows how you can use regular expressions to search for patterns in files and then modify files based on those patterns. We'll also learn new commands that work well with grep including wc and head. Today's content will also be important as we determine the degree to which inter- and intra-genomic variation limit the interpretation of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs; aka exact sequence variants or ESVs) for different regions within the 16S rRNA gene. This is an important question for microbiome researchers.
Pat demonstrates these concepts by live coding at the command line interface using RStudio, GitHub Flow, and make. He then turns viewers loose to work through several activities to answer related questions and finishes by giving his solutions.
Pat demonstrates these concepts by live coding at the command line interface using RStudio, GitHub Flow, and make. He then turns viewers loose to work through several activities to answer related questions and finishes by giving his solutions.
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