Faction Focus 2024 Gloomspite Gitz

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Dying to know how many of these stock thumbnail poses Rob has in his collection


still excited for 4th not so much my gloomspite gitz after this article dropped lol

but great coverage as always. thanks for the breakdowns


As a GSG player, this reveal was not good. Nothing revealed was excitingly “new” and all of the scrolls are worse versions than their previous rendition. I’m hoping the totality of the army is better but this wasn’t as exciting as either the Skaven or Stormcast previews. I’m currently not hopeful and quite disappointed.


Skragrott now should have the Keyword: “Shelf”

It looks like they just show how they nerf the 3 biggest warscrolls of the 3rd edition for Gloomspite. And don’t think this article was meant for gitz players at all


Tell me, where is Nathan? For I much desire to speak with him


Hey Rob ! First, you're the best and your videos are always a glowy moment in the day !
Concerning, what I see and as a Gitz player :

- Skragrott : Underwhelming for sure. No bonus to cast/unbind, no Bad Moon Light and no command point bonus...only losses and no benefits. I hope there will be a similar loss for this already super-costy piece.

- Squig herd : I use to play 24 x2 in many games and they are strong as hell : they tarpit, they kill, they come back. So I really understand the loss of 1 Health. The only thing I REALLY don't like on their warscrolls are the Beast debuff : not only because it makes this unit worth questionable but because that means every "animal-like" creature in the game should have the same (oh, my monster is score 1?). They should have remove that and change the "Squig gone wild" from Mortal wounds to Auto-wound (on a 4+ perhaps).

- Gobbapalooza : 3+ for that kind of ability is strange : why? We are talking about venoms, dances and hypnosis, not something depending on the magic winds. Gamewise, it's just a frustrating mecanics : if you can't use it, your unit is (almost) useless for the turn...

- Rockgut troggoths : it's a spearhead warscroll so I don't know what will change for a 2000 game for example but I have nothing to say against it. Throwing boulder stats are more coherent (they are boulders not fireballs) and they kept the nice profile with 2 attacks at rend -2 damage 3. Love all troggoths so very glad about these guys.

My hopes :
1) Don't forget the spiders !! Araknarok should do big damages for once !
2) Fanatics and sporeplattas are amazingly cool and fun : don't make them weak !
3) Get rid of damage D6 on the Troggboss attacks, Trugg attacks and the Huge Fang-filled Gobs for the Mangler Squigs (D3+2 or 3 is more realistic for such weapons)


You're so efficient to review this content and release a video so quickly. The article is only minutes old!


Here's something I never understand about GW's rules design:
If an ability is random - i.e. you have to roll a 3+, 4+ or whatever for it to take effect - that ability should be very powerful. Because it is not reliable. So seeing the Bad Moon STILL being random about if it moves whilst other armies have their battle traits active all the time just baffles me. Look at the SCE Ruination chamber. They can shrug off enemy abilities on the roll of a 4+. Unreliably ability, powerful if it actually triggers. Now look at the Gobbapalooza. They used to just give their buff to a unit in 12". Now it's within THREE inches and only if you roll a 3+. And if the ability does take effect it isn't even all that powerful.

I get the whole design idea of "Haha, Goblins are so random, let's give them a lot of random dice rolls!" but it feels like a big disconnect between having to roll for your abilities and then only getting a mediocre result if you succeed on the roll.

Obviously it is too early to say anything conclusive about the Gitz as an army. And don't get me wrong, I'll always love my horde of backstabbing lunatics. I just hope we don't get "Index: Random Dice Rolls".

Also, please GW make my Gitz mean! I don't need alpha strike Squigs with two wounds that nuke any unit they touch. Gitz can be mediocre in combat. But give them some real nasty abilities to make up for it! Make the army actually play like in the lore.


I think as a major Gitz player skraggy's war scroll is a bit underwhelming considering he is THE loon king


Can't affect companion
Gobapalooza can't be used to buff them.


Sad about the lack of depth in this addition so far. I'm all for simplified rules, I think some of the core rules are genuinely exciting for interactive gameplay but the warscrolls feel like the biggest scoop of vanilla poo


They should have made Gobbapalooza so that you could do one ability on a 2+, 2 abilities on a 3+, 3 abilities on a 4+ and so on. Or some variation of that. Random is fine, but let them go big or go home. They could have also said you can do as many abilities as you have models left in the unit, but roll a dice for each ability used and on a 1 suffer D3+1 mortal wounds or something fun like that.


*Looking at a Hipster restaurant menu*

-The taste of moss
-The flavour of fungus
-The licking of a sweaty wall



Ive never seen a spell affecting enemy units wholly within range. This sneaky distraction seems susceptible to enemy stretching his units just to be not wholly within. And no mage in this army is a fighter. I really dont like it. It should stay as it is now in gobbapalooza's fungoid cloud spell.


As much as I'm all for the new edition Im starting to worry a bit that the simplification process is coming at a cost of the loss of flavour and power. The majority of warscrolls we've seen so far have been nerfed quite a lot & many have lost abilities that made them seem more characterful & unique. Just my thoughts 🤔


Gitz look pretty shit in this preview skragroth and squig heard nerfed to the ground


The squig herd says 1/6 are hearders so doesnt that mean it just reenforces to 2/12?


As a Squig player I was feeling a little down when I saw the faction focus. Really appreciate hearing your input and shining a positive light on things


Skraggy nerfed, lost the +1 to cast and his warscroll spell is now 7+ instead of 3+. I cannot be mad really, the spell was bonkers in AOS3.
I am so salty they butchered Gobbopalooza. Not only lost a cast and their warscroll spell, they made the ability a 3+ roll instead of it just picking it to go. Losing both the spells and making the ability unreliable is a step too far imo. It is just a 15W goblin shaman with no warscroll spell and an ability where sods law means it won't proc when you need it to.
Squig herd not really nerfed the recursion of it so can see it being bonkers still.
