'Digital Art is NOT Real Art'

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It's now July 2018, this review was made in November, 2017. The plastic surrounding the screen has begun to crack. There are these little crack lines going completely through the plastic. In one corner, there is a little chunk missing, completely. I have used this tablet VERY GENTLY, as I am a traditional artist. I don't use it much, but I love the thing. So I am SUPER bummed out that this is happening. I'd never pretend that a product is something it's not, so I feel like I needed to update you guys in case you're interested in buying one for yourself.

This topic was so common back in the day. I'm glad it really died down as a topic of discussion and digital art is much more widely accepted nowadays. As for the tablet I'm using today, it's a good one. I actually really super enjoyed using it. D:

Wanna get your own tablet or check into it? You can find Parblo's info here (I'm guessing they want to keep track of traffic from my page with those really obvious links LOL BTW I don't make money off of your purchase):

HOWEVER! For some reason my customer service person never got back to me when I had a question. My 2 questions were sent to them on Monday and still haven't heard back at the end of the work week. Yes, they knew in advance the day I'm uploading. Marketing people are an enigma to me.

Long story short, my issue is sometimes the pen/tablet pressure sensitivity is off and it thinks I'm pressing much harder than I really am. This was mostly cleared up upon restarting my computer (keep in mind this was after 2 installations and restarts already). But after that fateful restart, it seems to be extremely *infrequent* now which is great. Don't know why, but hey, I'll take it.

I was going to ask them, hey! What is the recommended method for resetting pen pressure sensitivity blah blah! But people can't get back to me apparently. I think the recommended method is fending for yourself. lol

Materials Used:
Parblo Coast 13
Copic Markers
Uniball Signo
Sakura Microns

Larger Finished Image: -

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Merp. I made a glaring mistake about computer games. (Sorry guys!)

I wasn't really thinking about it, but I never personally had pc games. The person I knew who had them had 2 older brothers and he played THEIR games. So all the games he/we played weren't really "our generation" of games, they were much older. And much simpler looking, like think about pong or tetris. Yeah, they can be fun, but the point was more of that they weren't anything with a an interesting plot or very good looking or had layers of interest. The games he had were very like..simple. As they should because they were freakin' old. LOL

But yeah, you can scratch what I said about them sucking. Now that I'm older I kinda forget the age differences between people. x.x I guess the point I was trying to make was that the internet didn't LOOK great and those old games (his brother's games) LOOKED terrible and that digital things in general just LOOKED pretty awful. Nowadays there is so much we can do to make things LOOK more pleasant. I mean, after all, this is an art video, we kinda talk about how things look. But still, no hate to people who like PC games! It was meant more of a...the digital art you see NOW on the internet, looks MUCH DIFFERENT from the digital art you used to see on the internet. D:


I drew a picture of my character on my computer for a school project, and when I was doing my presentation of the character people thought it was cool until I said it was digital, then there was an "oh..." as if it was devalued due to the medium. That hurt a little...


My art teacher is very open to Digital Art- but she really feels that traditional is the better form. She doesn’t bash me for doing digital art- she just prefers traditional.

EDIT: Thanks for the likes- I guess I didn’t know I was relatable? XD never had more than 5 likes before


All of the students in my art class and the teacher believe traditional art is the only real art. The only people that like digital art is me and my friend. But everyone makes fun of us for it.


Digital art actually really helped improve my overall art skill. My drawings used to only rely on the technical skill for the “wow” factor. The concept and composition would be lacking, but I didn’t worry about it because I thought technical skill = art skill.

Buuut when I moved to digital art, a media I was completely new to and hadn’t practiced for years, I learned that without my technical skill and practice, my art had become lackluster. I now focus more on colors, composition, and the feelings/story in my art in both my traditional and digital pieces.


Yeah, I remember hearing this debate when I was in school. Both forms of art are great! :D


if you think digital art isnt real art then digital writing must not be /real writing/ since the computer just does it for you, right?


Digital art should definitely be considered as real art. Art is anything that u create, there are no limitations, so why should digital art be an exception? It is not necessarily easier than traditional art, and there are pros and cons for each different way of art - digital can be looked at as just another medium. I myself prefer traditional art simply because I enjoy the feeling and satisfaction when drawing on paper and am more used to it.


"[Blank] isn't real art" is an age old debate that changes the "blank" with the times. If you glance over art history, you'll see people have been doing this since people started creating art. I don't know enough of the psychology behind it as to why this happens, and I'm sure it's a whole bunch of reasons, not limited to: jealousy, the fact that it's different, it's not what we used to do years ago, etc. It seems to come from a sense of entitlement. That art /shouldn't/ be something /anyone/ can do, because that some how devalues it. That art can only be for those worthy, etc. Which is an absurd viewpoint to have. I'm sure as time goes on, digital art will become more accepted into the broader art culture, and people will find something new to point at. It's disappointing, but videos like these and having these conversations can definitely help curb that mentality. :) Art is art. There's really nothing more to it than that.


Digital art can be a LOT of work. The computer does not do the art for you, that's for sure. x'D


Actually, the definition of art IN THE DICTIONARY is expressing one's imagination and/or creativity. Digital art does that, so technically it IS real art. Debate ended.


Digital art is real art. It's in the name, goddammit.


I almost feel like digital art is the gold standard for art at this point. Probably because it's easily shareable, and has a more smooth feel to it. Whether it's "real art" is probably a pointless debate.

Also hey computer games in the nineties and early two thousands were actually amazing. Might even call it a golden age for pc games.


some people consider one line across a page art but digital art isnt?


i also hate people say "Your Cheating!!1!!1" like seriously you cant "cheat" at art, its idiotic to think theres a specific way to create art. and its "art" not "arts" example: "These are all my arts!" only incompitent 12 y/o art theives say that. its so annoying!


Does it matter that it's real art or not? I mean just do what you want and have fun


I'm in the 8th grade. Most kids don't care about digital and traditional art or the differences. But I used to have one teacher. He was my art teacher for two years, then I dropped out because he sucked. But so last year, I drew a piece for a competition, digitally . It took me a few months, and I was super proud of it. Competition roles around, and I get 60/60. I get back home, and a few days later, the art sale is going to happen in a week. Our school buys one piece of art a year from a student. So when this day rolls around to ask who would like to sell their art to the school. I raised my hand. I said I would sell my piece for 15 dollars, the normal amount for a piece to be sold for to the school. I was told that if mine were to be chosen, it would only be bought for 5 dollars, because of it being digital. I immediately said that I wouldn't sell it for that low, and that I had worked on it for months. I didn't sell it. It's hanging in my room.


Traditional artists who say digital art is "easy" or "easier than traditional" clearly haven't tried digital. Watercolors are my main medium, but I do have a tablet that I use to draw digitally every now and then, and let me just say, it is so much harder! Of course it all depends on whether or not you use digital or traditional more, but it is not easy to go from traditional to digital.


my my art teacher accepted digital art. whenever she gave us assignments where we were allowed to draw whatever we wanted. I always turned in my digital artwork because I felt like it was better than my traditional art and I wanted to get the best grade I could on it.


And thank you so much! Today I got a digital art tablet for my birthday so this was perfect! Oh wow thanks for all the likes!
