Strongest Sign of Alien Life Ever : Webb Spots Life-Indicating Gas on Exoplanet

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Join us as we dive into the James Webb Space Telescope's latest findings on K2-18b, where gases typically associated with life have been detected. Discover what this means for science and whether we are closer than ever to answering if we're alone in the universe. Don't miss our exploration of these groundbreaking results!
00:00 Introduction
00:50 A Glimpse into K2-18b's Atmosphere
03:07 Potential Habitability of K2-18b
05:21 What's Next for K2-18b?
07:49 Outro
08:02 Enjoy
Best Telescopes for beginners:
Celestron 70mm Travel Scope
Celestron 114LCM Computerized Newtonian Telescope
Celestron – StarSense Explorer LT 80AZ
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00:00 Introduction
00:50 A Glimpse into K2-18b's Atmosphere
03:07 Potential Habitability of K2-18b
05:21 What's Next for K2-18b?
07:49 Outro
08:02 Enjoy
Best Telescopes for beginners:
Celestron 70mm Travel Scope
Celestron 114LCM Computerized Newtonian Telescope
Celestron – StarSense Explorer LT 80AZ
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