Amazing Benefits of Ghee Coffee!

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In the buzzing streets of Nutritia, **Ghee Coffee** was the latest craze. Everywhere you looked, folks were walking around with frothy cups of this golden brew, swearing by its supposed superpowers. “It gives you energy! It boosts your brainpower! It makes you feel invincible!” they’d chant, sipping on their buttery coffee concoctions.

**Brody**, who was always on the lookout for the next health fad, was Nutritia’s loudest advocate for **Ghee Coffee**. “This stuff is liquid rocket fuel! You blend coffee with ghee, and bam—instant brain power, ” Brody boasted as he downed his second cup of the day. "Who needs breakfast when you've got Ghee Coffee?"

But as Brody strutted around town, another citizen named **Cholesterina** began to worry. “Brody, ” she said, pulling him aside, “you’re practically living on ghee coffee. Do you even know what that’s doing to your heart?”

Brody laughed. “It’s just ghee and coffee! What could go wrong? Ghee’s healthy, right?”

**Doc Omega-3**, Nutritia’s resident health expert, happened to overhear the conversation. He shook his head and stepped forward. “Brody, my friend, let me give you the full picture. While ghee has its benefits, especially in moderation, chugging down ghee coffee without thinking about balance can cause some serious issues—especially for your **arteries**.”

Brody blinked, confused. “Wait, what? My arteries?”

Doc Omega-3 nodded. “Yup. Let’s talk about **Flow-Mediated Dilation (FMD)**—basically, how well your arteries expand and contract. When you drink coffee with a big dose of ghee, especially without eating anything else, it can lead to a **temporary drop in FMD**, which means your arteries aren’t expanding properly. It’s like trying to drive on a highway, but all the lanes have suddenly shrunk." (Vogel et al., 2000)

Cholesterina gasped. “That sounds serious! How long does this last?”

“For several hours, ” Doc Omega-3 replied. “When your FMD drops, it’s a sign of **endothelial dysfunction**, meaning your arteries are having a hard time regulating blood flow. This can increase your risk of heart problems, especially if you're guzzling ghee coffee every morning without any omega-3s to counterbalance it.” (Ramírez-Tortosa et al., 1999)

Brody looked down at his beloved coffee, the frothy butter slowly sinking. “But I thought ghee was good for me?”

Doc Omega-3 smiled kindly. “Ghee can be great—in moderation. It’s rich in **short-chain fatty acids** like butyrate, which support gut health and reduce inflammation. But when you load up on ghee in your coffee without pairing it with a meal or omega-3s, you’re missing out on the balance your body needs. **Omega-3s**, like the ones found in fatty fish or chia seeds, help **mitigate the drop in FMD** that comes from consuming saturated fats like ghee.” (Patel et al., 2007)

Brody frowned. “So, you’re saying my ghee coffee might not be the health hack I thought it was?”

“It’s not that ghee coffee is all bad, ” Doc Omega-3 explained. “But think of it this way: ghee is a saturated fat. When you consume it in large amounts, especially with something like coffee, it can temporarily affect your arteries. Your body needs omega-3s to help balance that out and keep your arteries flexible. Without them, you’re risking **inflammation** and **arterial stiffness**, which is a path toward **atherosclerosis**—the narrowing of your arteries.” (Basnet et al., 2011)

Cholesterina nodded, suddenly feeling vindicated. “So, what’s the solution?”

Doc Omega-3 smiled. “Simple. If you want to enjoy your ghee coffee, make sure you’re not having it on an empty stomach. Pair it with a meal that’s rich in omega-3s—like some salmon, chia pudding, or even a fish oil supplement. The omega-3s will help protect your arteries and ensure that your ghee coffee doesn’t cause a drop in FMD. It's all about **balance**.” (Radhakrishnan et al., 2013)

Brody sighed but then perked up. “So, I can still have my ghee coffee? I just need to eat something healthy with it?”

“Exactly, ” Doc Omega-3 said. “Enjoy your ghee, but remember, it’s always better with a side of omega-3s. When you get the balance right, your heart, arteries, and brain will thank you.”

From that day forward, Brody didn’t give up his ghee coffee, but he became the poster boy for balanced meals. Instead of just downing ghee coffee in the morning, he made sure to enjoy it alongside a hearty omega-3-rich breakfast—whether it was a salmon omelette, chia seed pudding, or a simple fish oil capsule.

And Ghee? Well, Ghee was happy too. No longer just slathered into coffee cups solo, he was now paired with his trusty sidekick, Omega-3, ensuring Nutritia’s residents could enjoy the best of both worlds without sacrificing their heart health.

The moral of the story? Ghee coffee can be a great way to start your day, but not when taken alone. Always pair it with a meal rich in omega-3s to keep your arteries in top shape and your heart happy.
From upcoming book
Building Better Brain by Dr Nivedita Lakhera
