Things to do instead of deleting social media (to get your life back)

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#mentalhealth #personaldevelopment #productivity

Is social media and mindless scrolling ruining your life? Instagram makes you sad? You waste too much time online? Welcome to the club.
But what if you can't delete social media - for whatever reason - or simply don't want to?
What if getting a dumb phone is not for you?

In this video I am sharing some things that I am trying out to minimize my screen time, end the digital overwhelm and reclaim my time and life.

00:00 Intro
0:44 What if you can't delete social media?
2:35 Reclaim your focus
4:16 Digital Audit
4:43 Shortform
5:26 Intentional Design
7:09 Minimize damage
9:56 Create safe space
11:06 How to stay sane



Let's get to know each other:

Filmed & edited with the help of my partner:

Thank you for watching,
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“Don’t forget the person standing next to you while being focused on the person you are trying to be online” ❤❤❤


Your video encapsulates everything that I have found about 'digital minimalism' and that hardcore digital minimalism is a privilege.

It's often very difficult to take part in modern society without a smartphone. Being told 'just use a dumbphone' not only creates friction with social activity, but just in general life, such as being able to quickly use maps to find your way home, grab a quick high quality picture of something you see nearby or quickly transfer money using a banking app. I also found that hardcore digital minimalism ironically led to a more cluttered reality, as I often had to take multiple devices with me (camera, iPod) to achieve the same result that carrying a single smartphone could.

I now live in an adaptive minimalist world like you, where I am more intentional with my phone usage, using tools such as screentime to try and prevent over usage, whilst still having all the benefits of a smartphone. Most importantly, I don't punish myself when I slip up. If I have a day where I overuse and spend the afternoon on Instagram - that's okay, I will try and be more intentional tomorrow.

Your videos are amazing, keep it up!


Wow, I didn't think anything that hasn't already been said on this topic could be said here but this video is super useful. Another banger, thank you!


Wow! YouTube showed me this at the exact moment I needed it. The algorithm nailing it!

But more importantly, this video is beautifully well-done and edited. Simple, honest, and with lots of easy-to-digest info!

Huge work! Congrats!

New subscriber here :)


Very sensible, mature and eloquent. Digital Detox has been an impossible journey for me since my work depends on it. When I am home, I am still in front of a computer or a phone. The children are growing up with iPads whereas I remember I did not have even a dumb phone until I finished my college. I miss my old happy self and find more depressed and unhappy how things are going. We are more connected than ever before yet more lonely


Enriching content. Adaptable digital minimalism is the sustainable way of managing digital life without harming the physical life. Have been following this for a while but you added a lot more clarity about it.


Never think about negative people while posting content. Negativity is like a snow ball. It increases once you allow it to roll.
Think about the positive impact your quality and honest content is bringing in the lives of so many people across the globe. Always greatful for your effort.


Your videos are honestly incredible. Inspiring from both a subject matter perspective but also the production. The scripting, cinematography, graphics, music etc.

Super inspirational. Keep it up!


« Digital minimalism is a privilege » yes yes so much. Most people talking about minimalism in general are incredibly privileged in general (working for themselves or in high paying careers). I like the making the best use of something instead of the all or nothing approach


Thanks for saying this (privilege) out loud! I’ve seen countless influencers preaching about this and yet social media and digital platforms are their source of income 😅 besides, people can be on social media or keep a constant digital presence because of so many reasons, and specially, as you pointed out, to keep up with our family and loved ones.


this was so helpful! i tried hardcore digital minimalism but found that it didn't work for me at all. adaptable digital minimalism is definitely something i will focus on incorporating ❤

10:06 yes striking a balance where you're living and experiencing rather than showing the illusion of doing so!

10:51 this is such a big point for me! i'm currently sick and can't physically go out. so tech has helped me add to my relationships. i've made friends online which is a cool feeling in itself because who would have thought we would have met when we live at different ends of the world?

12:04 i love adaptae digital minimalism focuses on using tech to uplift and add to your life abd everything in it rather than take away from it.

thank you for this video ❤


social media take most of my evening time. I think I forgot how to be bored and not let time slip through my hands..

Thanks for some ideas on how to reclaim that time, I find airplane mode particularly helpful!


You should make more content. I am addicted to your mind-blowing content.


What always surprises me when people under 35 talk about decreasing their phone time, is that most strategies are phone-centered. Filters, timers, blockers, rules... while the best thing to do is to find something MORE enjoyable irl. Bake a cake, play guitar, go rollerskating, take a bath, read a comicbook. Enough to do offline, even for the dopamine junkies 🤩


The best thing is to maintain a balance.


"No amount of online time can replace true and genuine connection."


Thanks for your videos. They always make me feel good after watching and inspiring to go try some small change in my routine ✨


Jest jeden z tym problem, tak ciężko jest nie kliknąć w short'y, czy głupią gierkę. Nawet gdy podjęłam decyzję że nie będę już tego robić, i się tego trzymam. Nawet gdy już udało mi się nie wchodzić w shorty miesiąc. Jeden stresujący dzień i spędzam w short'ach 8 godzin. Jedyny sposób jaki widzę że działa to... Praca ze swoim wewnętrznym dzieckiem i praca nad tym by życie było wartościowe z ważnym dla ciebie celem i robienie tych ciekawych dla Ciebie rzeczy.
11. 04 "Do more things that willa help you forget your phone" mega dobra rada. Dziękuję Ci bardzo za ten świetny film!


I loved this. Not only did you give such good strategies, you shared ideas so calmly and beautifully. Thank you for all the effort you put into sharing your ideas. I'm definitely going to download screenzen - I realize it's easy when I'm tired to mindlessly scroll instead of just doing something a bit more worthy of my time.


Glad to see you back Dear sister and I really really missed your videos a lot and How r u doing I hope you are doing good and how's your health and I wish you have a blessed week ahead💗🥹💫
