Mamey Sapote (Pouteria sapota) - incredibly sweet and tasty

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Your mamey looks utterly delicious!
You were lucky to buy that perfect one! I bought 2 ''portions'' of mamey prepared by the stall vendors at the same market in S.C. and they were simply superb. So the next day I decided to buy 2 of those- the whole fruit, not the packaged ones.. Unfortunately, after a week or so ripening in my apartment the fruit got rotten on the outside and was still hard and completely tasteless inside- ( and they were rather expensive-9 euros per kilo...)
Anyways, tastewise... to me, its like a blend of date, lucuma(the eggfruit), sweet potato and papaya spiced up with a nutmeg... You are right, it tastes like a processed fruit a bit..
Super sweet, but not so ''square'', one- dimensional like a date is, its a little bit ''nutty'' and ''custardy'' and has got tropical fruit undertones as well..
One of my favourite fruits of all time. Only a good durian could win against a good mamey...


Its a rather filling fruit, it says only 0.5g fat per 100g in chronometer but I find that hard to believe.


I hav this tree from seed its 12 feet tall now no fruit yet  this tree is 1 of my favs bcuz tha leeves r so big almost 2 feet long
