ADHD High Tech: The Advantages of Paper

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I made a binder for my schedule and it is so much easier to understand how I spend my day. Also I often forget the information once I write it down on the computer. It's like my brain ignores text on the screen.


Huh, I thought my paper obsession was just age or a personal quirk. I'm fine with reading on a tablet, but for organizational stuff, it has to be paper. Trying to keep my calendar on my phone or tablet would kill me; I'd simply forget to look at it. Interesting!


I just started putting sticky notes all over my apartment because I kept ignoring the notes on my phone. Only problem is they've started blending into my apartment :/


I have the same observation. I've always preferred paper over screen. If I have an important textbook to learn I tend to print it and make annotations. If I have some tasks to do I also like to write it out point by point, otherwise I might not even start what I have to do...


I was on a zoom call the other day with a person I met at a networking event online. He was rather surprised when I told him that people with ADHD can actually read books. I wish I were kidding but I am not.


I get distracted either way!😞 However I do prefer paper diaries and books over reading books online though. It's taken me about 15 goes at watching this video! I have been distracted by Watsapp messages, two phone calls, two voicemails, an email!!😲 do use highlighter pens and post its too in the books I start. I scribble notes in and doodle to help to jog my memory. Problem is I lose concentration quickly and never finish a book. I'm 50 years old now and this has gotten worse as I've gotten older. I feel so overwhelmed at times when I see how many books I have bought over the years (very good books!) but haven't been able to start or finish them😞


I'm definitely going back to order ways of doing things.

Having everything on one device is stressful for me.


I love using physical books and paper, but I also enjoy reading research papers on my ipad and annotating on it with the notability app. I like to mix my approaches :)
