Let's Talk About Mental Health

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Lupus has me foggy.


#lupus #mentalhealth
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It's awful and I don't understand where to start with myself. My doctors have said my autoimmune disease can bring out depression, my depression may be contributing to my illness, or maybe I'm depressed because it is something I have struggled in the past and is ongoing. I feel tired depressed and in pain so much of the time. It is becoming my new normal and I've distances myself from friends and family and feel so alone and at times helpless. I don't find comfort in your pains but I do feel comfort that we share an understanding in something so difficult and that I am not alone.


I’m 53 and have gone through a lifetime of worrying and this is what helps me. First don’t compare yourself to others or where you should be, we put much more pressure on ourselves than anyone else. Forget the word normal, because we all have our own normal. I went to see a psychologist when I was in my late twenties and it saved my life. I learned so much. I went once a week and at first I just cried for the entire hour and then after a couple of weeks I started to heal. If you do this be careful, and ask questions, lots of questions, from the psychologist and his front office and recommendations. Please don’t fret about how many vlogs to put up, imho, you don’t need to put extra pressure on yourself. The people here will understand.Do them when you feel like it or need someone to listen. Having someone to talk to is so so important.. Worrying paralysis’s everything. Its that other voice in our mind that try’s to derails us. It is the biggest obstacle in my life and I fight it everyday. Chronic illnesses grow us up pretty fast or it did me. I am here to listen and pray for you. I promise you, you will find your way and things will get better.


I almost cried when you asked, Who needed that? Oh my goodness I need to remember to do that. I feel like either my Lupus is messing with my mental health or life is. I worry like that sweetheart, it's not just you, I feel like, what's next. I have really great days too then others I don't feel like moving. Keep believing in yourself and letting yourself know you can do it even if it's your own way❤


Hey Samantha 💜🦋, I found your channel a couple of years ago when I was first diagnosed, I was all over the place and really didnt know where to turn(I'm 45 now ) Anyhow I remember looking all over the internet for answers to what was really going on with my body I was so sick and could hardly get around. What I did know is I didn't want to take any medication and when I saw your videos I was like (honest here) this young girl has no idea what she is talking about, however as I got into your 3rd or so video I had pages and pages of notes that I was so prepared to take along with me to the Dr, and for that alone iam so grateful to you. It's been 2 years now and although I was on methotrexate for some time I quickly got off of it (my Lupus attacked my brain) and decided to do everything that I could to establish a healing process that entailed little to no medication and no surgery I'm on 1 med now for seizures since my tumor is in a sensitive area of my brain however had it not been for your video and the responses from other youtubers who follow and responded on your videos I'm so sure my Lupie sister circle would be so small right now. I haven't yet shared my story but I hope to do that at some point but I wanted to let you know that the work that you came here on earth to do is very evident and although we deal with the effects of this disease daily the awareness that you spread through, nutrition, health, and just life in general are so helpful continue to take everyday as you have and remember that "our " little "big" family is not only strong but incredibly powerful as long as we continue to offer support, guidance and understanding towards one another daily .P.S anytime I can I always wear my awesome tee as often as I can and I get so many compliments everyone thinks it's a wounded warrior tee, little do they know the strength in it #staylifted


Hey chicky you are absolutely not alone, I have autoimmune Rheumatoid Arthritis and I worry constantly about my health about what’s next xxx it’s scary! Gentle hugs from Australia xx


I so can relate. I have Sjogrens and other things and I feel like this everyday. I'm also only 36. Hang in there! I try to mediate almost everyday. It helps a bit calm the anxiety of the unknown.


Girl I feel what your saying .. people mention depression and I say nope not me! I got this under control I can handle it..I go to work, church and home..I got this!!!. Out in world I can put on a happy face but behind closed doors I lay on bed and cry.. I still don't say it depression cause I don't want take another pill I take enough already... I just keep saying this to shall pass and one day I know it will.. I can't tell you when it will but just keep pushing forward doing what you can.. take a break when you need to and breathe 😀 thanks for posting and being real with us! it helps to know I not losing my mind!


Love you Samantha! Recently undergoing a diagnosis for something and you really helped me from in between the brain fog and the sadness that comes from knowing you are sick all the time x


I took a that inhale and exhale and cried when you asked "who needed that?" I definitely really needed that, thank you. I can forget just breath and relax sometimes. It's difficult to deal with our mental health, lupus, and life in general. I'm glad you're sharing this with us. Listening to this and reading the comments makes me feel less alone.


It gets real when you are being misunderstood or people not understanding your illness. Autoimmune disease can make anyone crazy, one minute im fine and the next minute im not. I cant even make plans. With all the hell we go through every fricken day, who wont lose their mind? I truly understand you. I love your honesty and videos 💜💜💜


You couldn’t of said it any better . Currently going through the same . Especially after getting infusions done I’ve been extra moody. But just remember “Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day “


I’m 41! Lol & I’m still trying to figure it out myself. Especially having a 7yrs old. I thank God everyday! For my mother... has been a tremendous help as well as supporter for my daughter & I. But it’s just very scary. If it wasn’t for her. I MYSELF WOULDN’T KNOW WHERE ID BE. My kid would be in a safe place & taken care of. At her fathers. But myself!!! & being on disability for life.
💆🏻‍♀️🤯I have noooo clue.


Samantha, Yes our mental health is challenged constantly. We have to deal with loss and grief everyday. That process taxes our emotions and our bodies. You said that you are assessing where you are at in life. I am wondering if or how much you talk with your parents. Having gone through this with you since high school they must have some insight into you and this disorder. My mom still helps me, and talking to her, I don't have to explain or give background information to provide context. Here, this is me reaching you from Montana to give you a much deserved teddy bear hug 🐻and pat on the back..✋


I hear you. I'm tired. I'm tired of being tired and I'm tired of worrying. I'm so tired of being jealous of other people, specifically girls, for the fact that they don't have to live with this disease because I've created this illusion that they've been able to figure out something I haven't about life. I'm jealous that they can live without fear of their bodies failing them at any moment. I stack myself against others and try to find the negatives in them so that I can feel superior in some aspect. These are the ugly things about myself that I don't like to admit, but I am working through it by consistently reminding myself that no one is better or worse than I am. Mental health is so complex and I've suffered from illness for a long time. I abused drugs that led to a psychotic episode 4 years ago and have never really been the same, and it was, quite frankly, more traumatic than my most severe lupus flare that landed me in the ER. I survived it. I survived the drug use, thank God, and I survived my break from reality. I objectively feel like anything I've dealt with since then should be a cake walk, but feelings demand to be felt. Depression and anxiety are part of the reality for many people with chronic diseases.

Life can only be lived one moment at a time, and I believe it gets better. We have good days and bad days, all we can do is make the most of the good and accept the bad when it comes, rather than try to fight it. I'm rooting for you, girl. You have created such a beautiful channel and all your viewers understand that you're doing the best you can, so try not to be so critical of yourself.


Praying for you! Let's all fight this constant Lupus battle together. 💗 And yes, I constantly worry and it's hard bc only the Lupus community can understand, in my case.


Back atcha. Depression sucks. I had a super flat day today. Messes with your head x


Would love to have some lupus mutuals to talk to 💜


Happy Wednesday, or as happy as you can be on a Wednesday, or any other day. 25 huh? So damned young. But that's life isn't it, with or without lupus, it's hard. I think meditation is always a good medicine.


Hi, Do you get Gerd and or stomach problems? Thanks in Advance ;)


We're literally vibrating on the same wavelength right now lol because these past two weeks have driven my mental health off a cliff. This year, in general, has been a year of self-care and discovery. Between all the medications we're all on and the pain we each deal with, it's definitely a lot for an individual to handle.

You're not alone and I hope an opportunity walks into your life that will lift you from this funk soon. I like that you mentioned mental health because it gets heavily influenced with the chronic pain, in my opinion. Even the medications I take have "mood swings" as a side effect, and on top of all that, we're women, who menstruate! It's a cluster cyclone one after another.

Stick with your support system. Don't be afraid to reach out even if it's just to be in someone's presence. If you prefer solitude, take a soul searching journey and see what feels right to you in regards to what you want to do with your future.

I'm not sure if you (or anyone else, the floor is open!) have considered mental health therapy or have gone through it. My highs and lows have been extreme and I think about it every now and then. I even got a hold of my insurance to see the finances. I am seeing a few doctors in these next two weeks. So after that, i'll take a step back and see how i feel.
