Learning Code Is Freaking Hard

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In this video, we look at the question on everyone's mind: is coding still worth it? The answer may surprise you.

Coding has become an increasingly important skill in today's economy. It's not easy, but the rewards are clear. So is it still worth it to learn how to code? Watch this video and find out!

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I am about to graduate next month and spent the last three years learning how to code. Despite the “recession” I landed a software engineering role worth 140k comp. Ignore the noise and do what makes you happy, and everything will come.


Dude. The best motivation sentence: Imagine yourself in 3 years doing nothing and in 3 years doing something.... You blow my mind... thanks for your words....


"A lot of people say money can't buy happiness. I disagree" -Chris Sean


Thank's for the motivation man.
I'm currently learning how to code and i freaking love it, i love creating, i love designing and all the process that make me build something from 0 to 100.
Nobody will make me quit i'm telling you.


You are absolutely correct Chris. I had given up on tech and just took a call center job when I was younger now 20 years later I am re learning how to code. I hate that I did that to myself. But I am going to keep pushing and get that job in tech.


YES. I started noticing friends distancing from me because I’m always studying and working and obsessing over coding (because I have to. I love it despite the hardships and altho I wanted to cry when I first encountered javascript x python) but if I want to be any good and the programmer I want to be in a few years, I’ve got to grind NOW. Work hard, chill later man, it’ll be worth it and if that’s what it takes, I’m in for it. Because I WILL make it. Period. Don’t give up when you hit a wall; imagine how AMAZING you’ll feel once you’ve overcome it.


I recently join a bootcamp where all concepts of programming like Python, C++, you name it are taught for free here in Nigeria. We are being trained as a blockchain developer. The bootcamp started with over 300 students. We are left with 30 now. Programming is fucking hard bro, it's for the tough ones.


I love your videos! First of all, you are right and I find myself in 90% of your stories. I started from the bottom, alone and for 3 years I studied, I didn't go out with my friends, I only focused on succeeding in tech, I changed jobs to gain more experience and now I can say that I am 100% satisfied. I worked as a pipefitter before becoming a web developer. You have to be very hungry to succeed alone in tech. Because if you are hungry, you are also motivated, very motivated, and if you are very motivated and see the opportunity in tech, you will succeed. At least that's what happened to me. It's been 7 years since I started, I failed many times, there were times when I thought I was stupid or times when I thought I wouldn't succeed but I continued until I succeeded in tech. I worked on very low income just to gather experience. Once I got the experience, nothing could stop me from reaching where I am now.


Love your motivation. Working hard is in my pedigree. Runs in my family. I'm 2 months into learning HTML and CSS and planning to learn JavaScript soon. I hope He blessed me as much as he has you. My reasons are much the same as yours.


I was never planning on giving up, I've just been very lazy about it. And this really motivated me; God bless you man really


Dude, I really feel the last part of the video 'Imagine 3-4 years from now...' and from my early 20s, I'm 27 right now, I was so motivated to learn how to programme, how to code, how to solve problems with an Engineer mindset but I didn't take an step further for so many reasons, and now I really need to learn to code because I already know what would happen if I don't take the first step, nothing, nothing will change on my life as it didn´t change in the las 6 years. Thanks for the last message


Chris, I'm 3 months into a 6 month bootcamp and learning a lot, but man I needed this video. Thank you.


I started programming about 4-5 years ago in high school for fun. I ended up having a knack for it working with languages like Python, C#, and PhP. 3 years ago I started learning C. It's my favorite language, I love it, but god it makes me feel so stupid so often. It's an incredible language that lets you do anything but with that control comes every possible way you can image to fuck everything up, it's like taking a jog through a minefield. I've made a few decently large projects with C, and I'm currently doing a BSc in CS with a focus on applied AI, and a BSc in applied Math. Both of which I'm turning into MSc degrees within the next 5 years. Hoping to work at Google in their AI department. I needed this video today. With the Winter being here and we never having any daylight these days I've been feeling my depression making a regression. Learning to code is really hard, so cudos to everyone that's trying to make it in this field.


Thats some hard words man, thank you so much for sharing. Im struggling with motiviation at the moment. I recently had surgery and am out of work so I have more free time than I ever have yet, I am struggling with staying focued. I needed this pep talk. Thanks man, really appreciate what you do.


I’m glad it’s hard. No one pays you big bucks for easy work


Hey Chris, honestly I agree with all you said — and it's a race you never end, you always have to learn.


I started coding at 13 years old and EVERY TIME I learn a new framework or language, I struggle with the above again. When you don't understand what's going on, it's easy to wanting to quit. BUT every single time I was struggling I learned even more than before.


That was inspirational, and just when i thought i was going to give up on becoming a software engineer just because I don't think I have the brains for it, then I come across this video. Thank you man. This video is a life saver.


Great inspiration here! I have a full time job and I still find time to learn in my spare time. I wanted to quit SEVERAL times..lol. Keep going guys! And don't give up! Thank you for this video Chris!


Man, I love your content. Only the best get discouraged when other folks give up on themselves. . . I can only imagine, but it's obvious your employers feel incredibly lucky to have someone who is just so well-meaning and articulate, it really shines through. Keep up the terrific work, your encouragement is so very important, timely and impactful. Cheers, man!!
