Potting houseplants, a plant haul, and saving my zz plant from root rot

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I bought a zz plant a while back on clearance and it never has done that great. Then I realized that the soil was keeping it moist in the middle. Not the top, or the bottom just right where it needs to be for some epic root rot. So in this video I attempt to save my ZZ and I show you some of the new plants I have acquired as I repot them.

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I always do this during the warm months of the year. Take my plant outside to work on it or transplant it and you don't have to clean up a mess!


Hi 👋 is there an update video on the zz? I haven’t watered my zz in 2 months and the base of many of them started turning brown and mushy so im thinking that the soil is retaining too much moisture im gonna repot it into a terra-cotta pot and add more perlite to the soil and see if that helps! Thanks for the great info


I bought and repotted it in a low light room one week back but now it’s leaves are turning yellowish and the plant doesn’t look healthy. I didn’t pour water yet as overwatering isn’t good. What should I do?


Someone on Youtube said that if you water your ZZ as often as you pay your rent, you are watering it TOO MUCH. They should be watered like they are a cactus.


Can sand help ZZ plants? My dirt seems to be holding too much water. Using the soil it came with. Holding way back on watering too as well. They have also came shipped with brown leafs! Very disappointed!


Hi! I appreciate your effort on this video! Really helps me a lot!


I just reppoted my zz plant and they started to slowly dye :( while repoting i noticed that the bottom of the plant is almost brown should i just cut them and place them in water instead?


Hey! A friend of mine took many ZZ plants home from his office when they were sent to work from home, and only the biggest ones still look healthy (I fear they will die too, it just needs more time to show :(. He gave one of them to me and I am worried even that one was bad before I even got it. He watered them way too much - and then some more when he misinterpreted the leaves turning yellow as a sign of the plant being 'thirsty'. :(
Long story short: I had a look at the two plants that looked really, really bad and basically I think they were/are both beyond saving. I left the parts that looked best with my friend (old soil washed off and repotted in well-draining soil, but he wouldn't give me enough time for any special treatment). The other bulbs/rhizomes I took home, with the intention of putting them into soil to see what happens. Sadly! After watching a few more videos I think they are already dead :( They sort of look like walnuts but they are not mushy.
I cut the one that looked worst open and it was (potato-ish) yellow inside - which is bad I assume since they're supposed to be white! I felt horrible treating it like that but kept telling myself that I use ginger for cooking too and it doesn't hurt me to cut those :(
Anyway I am still planning to see if I can find hydrogen peroxide in a pharmacy tomorrow. I'd treat them with that and then I'd repot them into fresh soil. Mostly I'd like to know if you know there is still some chance of it living if the rhizomes aren't white anymore... and look like walnuts.


I cutted some rotted roots in my zz plant I am just wondering if I should wait for roots to callus over before I put it in soil or is it ok not to wait and plant it asap. please help thanks!


Hi! Please help me. I purchased a Zz plant 2 weeks ago. I noticed leaves stiffened then later turned yellow. I researched and 1 of the reasons was root rot. I replanted i, made holes under the pot (old hole was just in the side). But THEY ARE STILL DYING =( what do I do?


If all my stalks have brown tips does that mean it’s too late?


Hi, thank you for this video.
i have the same problem but mine starting to show symptoms after i repotted them .. all the bulbs were so healthy but 3 weeks after repotted (probably the soil is too moist + me watering it too much after repot ) i can pull out 2-3 stems with rotted bottoms.. would you mind give an update on how are they doing after this video ? are the branches that came out of the rotten bulb survive? thank you !!


The potting soil you using look like moisture control .It not good for alot of your plants that like it dry .If you going too use it water them less than normal.


Your pup is adorable. S/he’s variegated!


Thank you very much for your good information. good luck!!


I think that its too mush water and not give int time to dry I !!! think hope you have good luck ameen.


Hi! Sorry about your ZZ. Glad you were able to save it! Nice haul!


Thanks. Love your plants and pots. I have been rooting a zz plant in water and it has roots now about 1 inch but it has taken about 4 months.


Wrong soil! Also it does NOT need to have water holding beads. It needs WELL draining soil! That is why it is rotting an gnats.


Your doggie i so crazy. Reminds me of my old girl Sylvie she was a lhapso
