Houseplant Haul!!!

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Soooo glad to know I'm not the only one who goes grocery shopping and comes home with plants!!!!


This was too cute. U looked like someone who got caught with the cookie. :)


Laura - You are so cute. Got caught red handed buying more plants and the look on your face is priceless. I am convinced that Aaron realizes how lucky he is.


Laura is so fricking adorable in the beginning and reminds me much if me bahahahaha. "Aren't they pretty?"


Busted. 🤣 You two are so cute! I always use the “I have to go get some eggs” excuse.😉


Kind of a funny story, a few years ago I got one of those tiny grafted cactuses that has the bright red or orange ball of top from cvs during the season when they start bringing out succulents. It was tiny, I’d say about the height of my thumb and I’d guess in around a 2” pot. The thing is when I get plants I love to research how to care for them and so after doing all the research I found out that the “pretty red flower” on top was indeed grafted on and was essentially leaching the chlorophyll from the cactus itself because they can’t grow alone or some such nonsense and that it would only live a few years like that and I so guess what I did? I whacked it off lol yup cut it right off the top of the cactus. Now I’d say about 4 years down the line said cactus is about 2 and a half feet tall and has tons of arms branching out of it. It’s definitely one of my favorite plants and it’s crazy to think they sell them grafted like that knowing they’re essentially dying and all because the plain green isn’t enough to sell to everyday people and so the added pop of color will sell more.


I have just watched several of your videos and wanted to say I enjoyed them so much. Very well done, but most of all, I like that you are a real person, who admits neglect sometimes. You are very talented with designing and I learned a lot watching your films


You are blessed to have a husband who supports your plant habit. Mine does too. Not all of them are interested in growing things. I have neglected plants in my house too, it comes with the territory. I love your yard! I have been enjoying your videos, thank you for your genuine energy. I have subscribed and look forward to seeing more!


I LOVE getting to see these older videos! Glad they are showing up on my suggestions on youtube.


You are as bad as me. My family will watch me like a hawk when we go to a store that has a garden center. Even a food store that may have a table with just a few plants for sale. They know I will pick out some kinda plant to try and bring home. The beginning of this video was so funny. You looked like the cat that got to the canary.


I don't usually comment on videos that are six years old, but the plant at 6:13 looks like a Blue Star fern, one of my very favorites. As it grows, it becomes very irregular and curly. So beautiful! The fern at 6:15 looks exactly like one I had not too long ago that was labeled 'Silver Star fern.' I can't corroborate that name via a web search, so take this with a grain of salt. Maybe this will help someone. It frustrates me, too, when plants are not properly and specifically named on their labels. As if the growers don't know what they are. Fun to watch this blast from the past. I"m watching in September of 2022! ~ Lisa


What a great husband - that is excited when you bring home plants (your joy) when you went out for food. Thanks for your honesty about tired summer plants - hee! Gorgeous photography.


I can't get enough of your videos! My mom introduced me to videos and I learn so much from them. I always have trouble filling in the gaps of my succulent arrangements so I like the idea of using pinecones, like you did. How cute!


OMG that cold open was SO GOOD! You guys are so cute.


There are so many of your videos that I haven't seen. I LOVE that I started following you after you already had a bunch of them uploaded because it means that I can get a new fix when there isn't a new release video available. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED that topiary form that you planted up with the wire plant. I'm going to give that one a try this year.


Your Garden Videos are my teraphy, before going to Sleep 😴 💤 🌺👵🏻🌺


Very beautiful Laura ! Surprise making a video !!!  It was awesome. I really love to watch your video's the sound, I can hear you very clear, the cameras shots are easy to see. Also your personality is just loveable. Thank You ! :)


One of my favorite videos of yours and I’ve been binge watching all weekend. Thank you for sharing your love and knowledge of plants with us!


I just found your channel the other day.  I've been watching gardening/plant channels on youtube for years and keep wondering how I missed yours!  You have such fun ideas and so far, they all seem doable for the average person.  I love that.  Thank you for doing the videos you do!


I am the exact way. Anywhere I go, I check out plants that need to be adopted to a good home. Great score! The plants look amazing and so healthy. You have a gift in presenting them in pots. Very jealous! Thanks for your videos.
