Are DMT entities dangerous and what did the Ancient Egyptians Know?

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#ancientegypt #DMTvisuals #Djinn #sacredgeometry

Unlike Pharaoh Akhenaten's "Blue Lotus", Egyptian authorities in the 21st Century say a modern day pill called The Blue Elephant is a dangerous type of Dimethyltryptamine, that can lead to madness and worse.

People who experience it say they travel to a world filled with strange entities. But where is this world and what are these entities? Can quantum mechanics help us understand? And is DMT really as safe as everyone says it is?

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Primary Sources

Survey of entity encounter experiences occasioned by inhaled N,N-dimethyltryptamine: Phenomenology, interpretation, and enduring effects - Alan K Davis et al (2020) (page 8)

Arabic/Egyptian News Sources

حبوب الفيل الأزرق؟ وما أضرارها على الصحة؟ - Al Bayan

مخدر الفيل الأزرق DMT: هل هو مَعبَر إلى عالم آخر؟ - ida2at - the spirit molecule

مفاجأة.. عقار «الفيل الأزرق» يعالج الاكتئاب والإدمان - Al akhbar elyom

كل ما تريد معرفته عن حبوب الفيل الأزرق .. بعد مقتل طفلة على يد أمها - Mobtaba

Secondary Resources

David Nichols - DMT And The Pineal Gland: Facts vs Fantasy

Disembodied Eyes Revisited: An Investigation into the Ontology of Entheogenic Entity Encounters - by David Luke (2008)

An Encounter with the Other: A Thematic Analysis of Accounts of DMT Experiences from a Naturalistic Field Study by David Luke

Music by Scott Buckley

0:00 Preview: DMT Entity Encounter Survey "Worship Me"
0:23 Intro: Ancient Egypt's Real Multiverse of Madness
2:23 The Blue Elephant DMT
3:26 Pharaoh Akhenaten's Blue Lotus
4:43 Hyperspace: What are DMT Entities?
6:50 Barzakh: The Space Between Spaces
8:17 String Theory and The 4th Dimension
10:45 The Blue Elephant and the Djinn King
16:16 The Eye of Horus and the Pineal Gland

Voiceover by Omar Attia
Edited by Abdullah Yahya
Executive Producer Abdullah Yahya
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Hello. For those who keep asking, Amjad has been ill lately so has not been able to record, even on his own channel. Thanks to Omar who volunteered for this episode and to Karim who done the last several Egypt based episodes. Both him and Karim are Egyptian btw, so its appropriate.

I anticipate that this maybe a divisive episode since nearly every other blog, YouTube channel and news article have been promoting DMT as an amazing drug, but my approach is more critical but hopefully also more balanced (despite what my clickbait-ish thumbnail suggests lol). 

For now I can't include the links to my sources and other YouTube channels referenced here in the comment section, because YouTube is being glitchy and automatically removing them, but you can find a full list in description box above.


I had an acid trip one time where I met a light silhouette named Leon (a mesh of light and eon) and he actually showed me how light travels and even let me travel at the speed myself. He was running and right before he hit me he split in two and met back up with himself after going around me on both sides. Turns out that's actually how light can travel. Had no earthy idea until he showed me. Weird. Best trip ever.


Depression haunted my life from a very young age, and I was put on a bunch of SSRIs as a child in attempt to deal with it. None worked.Psychedelic treatment was brought to my attention. It was the first thing that actually had real effects. They should only be used with great care and respect.


I've had DMT 3 times. The first was a low dose, and I felt tremendous love before seeing a doorway above me where several humanoid silhouettes stood who gave me the sense I wasn't ready. The second time I was communicating with a being pulling me through what seems like a portal. It tolt me to look only at it and not away. I didn't listen. I looked away and felt overwhelming fear and impending death...then I stated to come out of the trip.

The 3rd time I was with many good friends and smoked a lot at the peak of an acid trip. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was in a different dimension...probably the 5th dimension. It was very geometrical with neon bright colors everywhere. My heart raced and I started hyperventilating and sweating profusely. I was dying. It felt like seratonin syndrome. There were 3 triangle headed entities there telling me I had nothing to fear, but they said I needed to accept death. I did. For a brief moment I dissolved into this place and realized that I am not my body but just an individual node of creation.

I still feel this is true, and I'm a very skeptical person. I also felt that reincarnation is real, and that soulmates are real. I met mine, but she's too damaged in this life and from the previous. I had to let her go, and I don't regret it. I have accepted that I won't have the kind of women I want in this lifetime, and I know that I'm exactly who I'm supposed to be and where I'm supposed to be. That is a huge weight off my shoulders. I used to feel very out of place and worthless. I don't anymore.


I had natural DMT experience ( I died for two minutes and came back to life) I had a very interesting experience and in past years I encountered few people has same experience as mine. I didn't meet any entity. It was different, I had a feeling of being one with everything. Like I was a single raindrop before I die and when I'm dead I drop to the ocean and become one with it, part of it without borders. Also there was an incredible amount of feeling to be in peace, happiness and to be free. So no entities, just me stop being me and become the universe itself. Also there was a music, it was beautiful and there are no instruments in this world who can make that music. It was calling me, guiding me, almost teaching me to adapt my new form. I still wonder what would happen if they couldn't manage to bring me back. Well at least I will learn it someday. I don't fear death no more tho, that is for sure :)


What I’ve learn from my personal experiences that these entities are there for a distraction. I call them Gate Keepers. Their job is to capture the attention so you get lost in interaction with them and get stuck in that dimension instead of passing through. Once I learned that, I became invisible to them and I passed through. And then I ended up in “Gods realm” where all knowing wisdom resides. It was magical beyond imagination


The last time I did DMT I saw a being that wasn't humanoid but a sort of dragon. Not European kind of dragon but a Chinese New year looking one. It had giant eyes, brightly colored constantly moving mosiac shapes that covered the surface of its body. And it repeatedly approached and backed away from me. It appeared excited that I was there. And I was flabbergasted


DMT is my go to, always makes me feel lighter.


One other thing I'd like to pass on is that if anyone is considering using any form of DMT because you've taken psilocybin mushrooms and it was really, really fun, think again. This is POWERFUL. In my experience, the MOST powerful. This is definitely not a recreational drug. It could, and probably will, change your life. Try other experiences first. If possible, have a person you trust with your life nearby (and NOT on DMT) in case you need them. Have positive feelings and a positive outlook on what you are to do. I've seen people do this stuff and had absolutely NO IDEA what was about to happen. They were not at all prepared and it really messed with them. They did not reap the reward of a beautiful experience. If you don't think you're ready deep down inside, you are not ready. Enough preaching, peace and love to everyone here and there!


You just described the experience that I had with (many) mushrooms. I felt the presence of various beings, with one of them I felt fear as it showed me that evil is real and it manifests through humans and their actions, with another I felt awe, and another one predicted some things that happened or are yet to come and with the last being, I felt LOVE, happiness and gratitude..gratitude for being revealed to me. After that experience, I no longer consider myself an atheist...


The beings I talked to while on DMT actually were telling me the opposite of the title of this video. They were telling me that my body and my mind is a temple, to take better care of myself, and that will naturally raise my vibration making me attract prosperity, happiness etc. They said that we are like magnets and depending on whether we think negatively/positively and do negative/positive things to ourselves and others then we will either attract negative or positive circumstances to us. The better of a person you are to yourself and everyone around you the better your life will become. Learn to control your thoughts so you can align them with a higher vibration. I was simultaneously being shown visions of these things while being told this. Amazing experience. Don’t let religion stop you from experiencing something truly special, especially if they themselves have never done what they are condemning while the people who have done it have only ever said they’ve had amazing experiences; and never have I ever heard of someone having a bad experience on DMT.


I had an experience on dmt where Ancient Egypt slowly materialized around me and I was simultaneously sitting in a palace in Egypt while sitting where I was. I was sitting next to my Pharoah, it felt like as if I had been there the whole time. Entities telepathically told me that they’re always watching.


I have done DMT many times and here's my conclusion.
We know nothing. I have always considered myself an experienced psychonaut and there is not enough research you can prepare yourself for when you enter the Nexxus. There is nothing that can describe what you're seeing, hearing, and feeling. I have seen things I know my mind couldn't fathom on its own. However, I do take the experiences with a grain of salt because there are entities that can be persuasive and have malevolent tendencies just like a normal human. On the other hand, each experience is a gift and I never take them for granted and each one is something I will never forget.


It was a feeling of overwhelming belonging in a place that I have been before. The entity was female. Geometric shapes everywhere that I traveled through. She spoke through her mind without ever opening her mouth. The things that she told me were rational and sound. I saw her crushing cigarettes saying they're bad pouring out alcohol and squirting syringes full of liquid out on the ground saying we don't need them. Time was distorted I was there for quite awhile but it was only really 5 min max. The greatest feeling of love and acceptance that I've ever felt and welcoming as if I was coming home


When I came out of my DMT trip there was ONE thing that I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about and that was my profound realization that infinity is in fact very real and we are a part of it


I’ve explored psychedelics like psilocybin, dmt and mescaline quite a bit. I’m familiar with entities that are encountered through these types of methods. I’ve never encountered one that wanted me to worship them. The most pleasant ones are like psychologists/ healers of a sort who simply want you to be more loving and see the oneness in everything. The worst ones are like parasites that feed on your fear and negative emotions. But all together everything that I encounter seems to be determined by a higher force that seeks to teach me. A lot of avid psychonauts will agree that often times the darkest trips are the most enlightening.

Psychedelics are powerful tools and therefore have some intrinsic danger but if used properly can heal the self, weaken the ego and teach us how to love.


My trip was never like that, but that sounds interesting
I experienced my life. All of it, up until I was in my 80s or 90s and then my death.
Felt and lived what it was like to finish college, marry, travel, have kids and grandkids and then die and once I did I came back to life and nothing but a few minutes have past. Im now dating a woman who's the love of my life who happens to resemble the one I experienced. Most surreal thing ever.


Most of this is taken from the Egyptian fiction movie The Blue Elephant, based on the novel of the same name. DMT is not addictive, nor does it contain anything that can be considered physically addictive, unless it is being cut with another additive that has addicted properties, but in that case the addiction is to the additive chemical, not the DMT.


Only done DMT a few times, never seen or communicated with any "entities" but I have seen shapes and colors that don't exist and I've felt a sense of being "home", as bizarre as the experience is I felt like I'd been there a thousand times before.


Psychedelics definitely has potential to deal with health issues like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them but it's hard to source them here
