Evidence That DMT Opens the Brain to Other Dimensions | Andrew Gallimore

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Dmt showed me the future of humanity. I was shown every mathematical equation written in every language that ever existed, I lived the life of every creature. I felt like I was gone for a million years. I was a dinosaur with an elephant trunk that lived on a planet with a blue sun and red vegetation. I heard colors and saw sounds. It was truly the most magical experience I have been through. All in 7 mins.


As someone who has suffered with mental illness and depression the majority of my adult life. I just tried DMT for the first time, I felt as if I was in the center of the universe. Indeed an amazing experience


WTF is up with people copying and pasting the same comments on these psychedelic videos ? People are not able to write their own comments anymore ?


The most important thing I ever learned from dmt is love. It showed me everyone in their true light, and we are all connected by the same biochemistry in our brains, that allows us to love.


Great video!!
I have struggled with mental illness and my mental health since I was a kid. Before I even knew what those terms were. After years of depression, anxiety, and even an attempt to take my life, I never thought I would be able to live without SSRI medications. I clung to them because it was the only thing that made my mind quiet, but it also made me a zombie. Microdosing has given me control of my mental health for the first time, and they essentially gave me my life back.


Such an eloquent speaker, a real pleasure to listen to. Props for not interrupting


This was a great interview, didn’t want it to end. This guy makes a lot of sense, I’m yet to meet someone who’s tried DMT and thinks it’s a just a hallucination, it’s more real than real.


I made it to the center where all information is held and they were there. They were happy I was there and congratulated me on making the journey.


5:20 the answer to this question seems obvious to me. The brain doesn’t suddenly became capable of constructing hyper-dimensional worlds after ingesting DMT. The hyper-dimensional worlds are always there, DMT simply allows us to interface with them in a somewhat tangible and comprehensible way. That seems much more sensical than the notion that our brains consistently and reliably construct something so complex by ingesting a simple compound, especially when the DMT realm is a shared experience much like waking reality is. We don’t construct waking reality. It’s already there, we just interpret it. Not totally accurately but to the best of our ability. It’s the same case with the DMT realm, I feel. It simply exists, and DMT is just the lens that allows us to view it.


Don't need to make it complicated. My experience with DMT is that your mind goes to the real reality where we all go once we're dead. And this life is just an experience we have as an eternal energy being. That's my personal explanation, backed by the experience of DMT


Sometimes i get the impression that some genius thoughts/ideas could be downloaded/received and aren't always coming out of your brain.


I found something really interesting in DMT that is extremely hard to comprehend.

I met an “animating force”. That’s the only word I can think of. It didn’t have a solid shape or form. It was just the meaning of “movement”

I recognized it. The way that it interacted with me and how it was actually part of me but not all me. I recognized it by how it moved in tandem with me. Like I was a piece of it but it was more. It knew me really well and I knew it. It seemed to be surprised that I knew what it was. The only word I can think of is my “soul”

This is where it gets weird

The same thing that I recognized in that trip, I have also found outside of myself in another human being. That same animating force

When I met that person, the word “twin flame” kept falling into my lap over and over. So I finally looked into it And as I looked into it, it all made so much sense that I thought I was potentially losing my mind lol. Like the universe was speaking to me by bringing that word to my awareness at the exact right time by the exact right people. And then a lot of other synchronistic events have happened since then

Supposedly twin flames are “two people who share the same soul” or they share an oversoul or something like that. The way that she moved in tandem with me is what made me recognize her. It was uncannily similar to what I saw and felt in my DMT trip. It’s not something that can be faked, it’s so specific and fluid, there is no way any other human being on the planet could touch something so deep in my psyche. And I have seen parts of that animating force in many different trips since then I had that feeling with my twin flame “I’ve known you forever, you feel so familiar, blah blah”


Yes. There is definitely something very real about what DMT can show you.

They say the soul exists in the 5D. And that just makes a lot of sense based on how the entities seem to be able to move and change shape. A mathematical 4D object can fold inward on itself and back out again because of that 4th axis. We can’t see 4D because it can’t be made of “matter” but it is energy. I think we are able to perceive energy in a visual way through the use of Dmt and other psychedelics


"where is the metaverse?" is like a character in a video game asking "where is the player?". He's all around you!


I have never had any mental issues throughout my life. Life is good and I have always been happy. I started taking psychedelics 2 years ago and have been consistently on them ever since. Recently I had finally experienced something I would call “the high being confirmed its existence to me”. I can only explained it as a feeling. I can feel its very existence but I can’t prove it. But I know it’s there trying to tell me something.


Why would everyone meet the same entities if it’s not a real place.


These “vast worlds beyond our imagination or understanding of our capacity for” is what yogis discover during long meditational streaks in the Himalayas


One thing i think this guy is missing is just how powerful our brains are beyond what we are aware of. In fact we're quite neutered mentally in this era. If you look at what high level meditators or savants are capable of you realize there's more going on than what we are utilizing.


I could listen to Andrew gallimore talk for hours.


I’m order to understand this better people should look up Quantum Emergence Theory. There’s another video where he talks about the geometric shapes that correlated with Quantum Emergence Theory.


I hardly actually watch these videos as i end up just reading the comments
