Is He Marriage Material? | 5 Questions to Ask...

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Today we are finally circling back to talking about relationships! We are covering “marriage material” and unlocking the 5 questions to consider. Of course there are many more things to consider as well, but I just had to cover some BIG topics.

As always, remember your personal discretion in this area and always follow your gut!

Thank you so much for watching. I post videos two times a week, but if you're hungry for more of this content, please check out my blog! I write 3 times a week, and always take time to discuss femininity, character growth, and of course... homemaking tips!

If you want to reach out to me, send an email through my website's "contact" page! I love hearing from you guys. Xoxo!

#relationships #marriage #femininewomen

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Such a wise young woman.. I am 80 years old and wish I had your insight before I married.. I walked away from a controlled and manipulated marriage after 39 years, that was 22 years ago.i wish you much happiness in life xx


I’m actually sitting here with pen and paper taking notes, and I’m only 17 😂


I'm a 23 year old man from Germany, and I'm quiet fascinated by this channel. You seem to be the mother most girls lack of, teaching femininity. An amazing and, to me, very attractive trade that many girls and women sadly lack of. It seems that many people of BOTH genders entered a strange and purposeless grey area between masculinity and femininity.
But then there's people like you!


As a young woman in college the type of feminism i see on campus doesn’t appeal to me. This form you preach is such a breath of fresh air!! I love this channel and this community, this is real female empowerment!❤️


Hello, Mrs. Midwest, from Philippines 😊 I'm a believer and traditional woman like you.


This is brutal honesty. But you're right. Gotta look at how they behave not what they say.


Your videos are SUCH a breath of fresh air!


I also believe in God's timing! Some women may feel ready to enter a relationship but God feels she has things to work on before he presents her with a husband. I didn't meet my husband until I was 27; I had grown a lot and during that time learned to appreciate having a partner. I think it's also important to find a partner who's family also shares these values; men who have grown up in a traditional home are more apt to want that! I LOVE my husbands family, he's the youngest of 7 and we all live close to each other. His sisters are homemakers and are so helpful with our children, we really do have strong support system and for that I am blessed! ❤️


Hey😊i'm from Germany and I'm 15 years old
At the moment I'm trying to find my way with god you're really helping💕


you are absolutely gorgeous and such a good role model, you believe in things that not many people believe in these days and the way you present things is refreshing <3


Hello sister! I'm 22 and from South Africa. (I mentioned that to show you how many feminine (and Chrsitian) women you're reaching). It's so refreshing to see your videos. They've helped me rediscover my feminine side. I especially love this one as I'm now in a season where this advice really applies to me.


Guy here passing through out of curiosity, didn't know channels like this exist for women, I think it's pretty cool instead of that over the top type of aggressive feminism, I run from that. This is good.


Being this kind of "traditional" woman in today's generation is sooo hard. Good thing I found you, it helps me to think that I am not the only one in the world who stays traditional despite of this modern society. Love from Philippines 💕


It’s funny that she doesn’t even have to say she believes in Jesus.. you can just see it within her and know it.
I one day admire to be a woman like her. Where you can just see Jesus through me without me even saying a word.


If I may add; emotional maturity is something to look out for and also work on ourselves. Does he have self control, will he put others first, does he have concern for his family? If things go wrong how does he react?

Great video :-)


I love how you clarified the "respect your husband" aspect! Because I think so many people get angry or defensive at such statements because some people think it doesn't mean "being respectful aka considerate and just a decent human being" but "obey his every word / him as the highest authority" which are obviously two very different things. So thank you for making that clear, I agree with your definition of respecting your husband / partner. (Also I believe you really like the word etcetera, don't you? It's a little bit funny but not annoying at all)


I've been married for 10 years and I think this is great advice. Keep up the good work Caitlyn.


When you spoke about a man really loving you and not just loving your body or money... that hit me hard. I've noticed that I have been attracting men that only like me or want to be around me for my body or physical appearance. I'm not super attractive, but im attractive enough. As much as I appreciate what god has given me looks wise, I just want to feel like I can be loved for who I am.
I'm at this point where I feel kinda empty, because this has been happening to me since a young age(i hit puberty early and started blossoming quite early too). I just want a man who can look past my exterior and actually love me for who I am. But I have trouble attracting such a man.
What advice do you have for me?


Your channel is a breath of fresh air on social media 💜 19 years old student from Finland here 🇫🇮 I feel like I'm ready for a serious relationship soon, so I take all the tips I can get 😂


I am a college student studying finance right now, and even though I wouldn’t necessarily consider myself traditionally feminine and we don’t necessarily have the same aspirations or lifestyle I enjoy your videos and have tons of respect for you! I am a midwesterner myself and feel like the values of balance, honest work, and making do that you so often talk about in your videos really resonate with my own values system and the way that I was raised. You are so sweet and genuine in your videos and it really seems like you make an effort not to come across in a way that makes it seem like you are looking down on others with different beliefs or lifestyles. I know that you are from Canada but you truly embody many of the best things about us midwesterners! Sending you blessings and support from Minnesota :)
