Recruitment Tip 1 | How to Recruit College Students | Video by Ira S Wolfe

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Hi, I’m Ira Wolfe. I’ve been called the “Millennial trapped in a Baby Boomer body” for a reason. Although I’ve been around the workforce for a few decades (and in this business for over 20 years), my mind races toward the future and how technology and change are disrupting everything we know about jobs, careers, and work. As more companies struggle to acquire and retain top talent, my purpose is helping companies reinvent their recruitment and hiring practices.

By subscribing to my video channel, newsletter, and blogs, you’ll receive a constant flow of leading edge ideas, tips, and disruptive trends. I don’t expect everyone to embrace and implement every recommendation but I’ll guarantee they will start critical conversations.

For more recruitment and hiring tips visit one of Ira Wolfe’s blogs at:

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I would like more insight on how to recruit faster and smarter
