Blood In Your Urine? Now What?

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If you or someone you know is experiencing blood in their urine, you may be dealing with a condition known as hematuria. On this episode of Talking with Docs, our guest Dr. Incze, a urologist, sheds light on this common but concerning symptom.

Dr. Incze discusses the various possible causes of hematuria, ranging from minor issues like urinary tract infections to more serious conditions like bladder cancer. He also explains the diagnostic process involved in identifying the underlying cause of hematuria, which typically involves a thorough medical history, physical examination, and various tests and imaging studies.

Most importantly, Dr. Incze emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention promptly if you experience hematuria, as it can be a sign of a serious underlying condition. Don't miss this informative episode of Talking with Docs!

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I've always been sunshine yellow. Then, for two days, it was rust colored. Two days later, I was screaming in the ER with a 4.5mm kidney stone. Don't wait. Get it checked.


Wanna thank you guys!! Saw this video 6 months ago and finally got checked!! 27 x 30 mm stag stone just removed and bladder had some cell tissue growth but negative for cancer!! I’m 53 and probably would have kept putting off but watched and watched and finally got treatment!! Thank you!


July 2014 my hubby started passing blood in his pee. He went to the docs to have the usual pee sample etc. But the doc emphasised to him that if the blood stopped & restarted, got worse or continued for more than a further couple of days he must go to A&E. The blood got progressively worse & became very dark & lots of it. That was life-saving advice. Hubby ended up having numerous tests & scans etc he was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer & had his right kidney removed 3 months after the blood in his pee was first noticed. It did become Metastatic spreading to his liver, ending up having 70% of his liver removed, his Gall Bladder & 2 'pizza wedges' out of his right lung in 2016 & last year he had a further 2 'pizza wedges' removed from his right lung. He was also diagnosed with MDS in 2017. The end of 2015 we were advised hubby would be lucky to see 5 years. I'm very very happy to say hubby is still here over 7 years later certainly because of the very wise advice given by his doc in July 2014 - HD saved his life ❤


Diagnosed a while back with bladder cancer and am in my 40s. Get yourself checked out, had repeat infections that eventually changed into cancer at some point. Cystoscopy is a breeze once you get over the idea of it. I have them regularly now I am tumour free as checkups.


Great life-saving video on getting hematuria checked out promptly! I was 65 and healthy, when I noticed occasional urethral burning and pinkish urine. Being a non-smoker (except for second hand) I procrastinated for weeks, thinking it was a UTI or bicyling-related. When I then saw a rice-like piece in my urine, I had a CT and a Cysto, showing two 7mm tumors. When my HMO scheduled surgery for 6 weeks out, I jumped to a nearby NCI-designated cancer center, where two low-grade stage-Ta tumors were removed two weeks later, and all was then well for 3+ years, despite faint periodic initial-stream blood found to be from an enlarged prostate. Then 9 months ago, an annual surveillance cysto showed a new Ta tumor, this time high grade, for which I had a second TURBT followed by periodic catheter instillations of gemcidabine. All seems well for now, but I wish I had gone in for evaluation at the immediate onset of initial symptoms!


This was great advice. I ended up having 3 12 mm stones that were stuck inside my urine tract that I didn't feel were there!! Be careful because it's not good


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have had gross haematuria (resulting in blood-soaked undies) off-and-on for about 4 months now and the docs are unable to provide clear guidance on what's going on. Your 12-minute video has explained far more than I've gotten out of the docs. Much appreciated


Thanks guys. I'm a 65 year old male who had an Aquablation procedure almost a year ago to the day. Everything seemed like I was doing great until just tonight when I saw bright red blood, not unlike what I had immediately after my Aquablation. I recently had an elevated psa. I'll be heading to the Dr soon.


My dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer in his eighties. He had frequent urination, and then blood in his urine. The blood was dark red. His doctor did a CT scan and saw a mass on his bladder wall . At one time he bled heavily and needed a transfusion. He couldn't do surgery to remove the mass because of his weakened state. His doctors said that the surgery could be risky for him. He had to be taken back and forth to hospital to have his bladder irrigated whenever the bleeding was heavy. He died five years after being diagnosed with bladder cancer. Thanks for sharing this video.


Back in 2005, after moving to a new location, I literally peed out blood. It was total blood, not just a little, and looked like an artery might have burst somewhere! After being examined by a specialist, he found absolutely nothing wrong, and said it could have been from a passed kidney stone, and If it happened again, to come back. I haven't had a reoccurrence since, but I've often wondered why that happened! If it was a kidney stone, the pain is supposed to be worse than that from childbirth, and I didn't feel any pain at all! Strange things happen!


So I had one of my painless kidney stones pass, with some blood, and my urologist said I could do this test if I wanted to. So I did. I won’t lie to you; it was unpleasant. But no irregularities in my bladder. Nonetheless, I do want to add something: I got a bladder infection afterward, and so had to go back to the doctor to get that treated with antibiotics.

So when you get this done (and you should, Doc), make sure to keep an eye on things afterward.

Thanks as always for an informative video!


I was airlifted to a big city hospital after receiving 12 units of blood at our small country hospital, I had internal bleeding caused when I had pancreas surgery. I was unconscious for at least two days at the big hospital. When I regained conscious the nurse told me I was being discharged. It was 3:00 pm and I couldn't get a ride. The hospital did not want me there, so they hired a Lyft driver to take me 50 miles to home. On Friday I called my VA nurse and told her I was still bleeding out my butt, she told me to go back to the hospital. I think they just didn't want me dying in their hospital. I bleed out three times before two doctors did an experimental surgery up my femoral artery and tied off the wound with wire. Two years later I'm regaining my health.
I can't help but think the hospital made a conscious decision to send me home hoping I'd just die there.


I had a cystoscopy about 25 years ago. I will never have enough one under any circumstances.


I am a physician and I find your videos great and are very helpful !!! Keep the great work and thank you 🙏🏻


Lifting boulders today as hard as I could strain. Urine now looks like reddish brown transmission fluid. Shocking to see, but no pain, never happened before. It was invaluable to me to hear this is one common occurrence in men who like me do stupid things. Thank you!


You mentioned gross hematuria in men, but i am a 55 yr old non-smoker, just had total hysterectomy a year ago (actually had to leave cervix bc of endometriosis). I had a small amount of blood in my urine, got it checked out, was told to watch it. It went away. A couple months later more blood (visible on tissue paper) went back to dr. Did a camera check of my bladder, all looked good. 2 days ago, toilet full of blood after urinating. Went tye next day to dr, gave urine sample, darker rusty brown. They are scheduling a CT for my kidneys. Never had any kidney stones. Trying not to worry, but you know...any other reasons why gross hematuria in a woman my age? I appreciate your channel ❤


Love to be informed and educated, this helps me to ask the right question to my doctor, be more responsible with my body and even recommend others to pay attention to their body signs. I always tell friends and family, nobody knows your body like you do, pay attention when it talks to you. Thank you doctors, you are awesome.


You provide a wonderful service. Serious topics that need to be talked about.


Please put your MD etc after your names. I am dismayed by all the DC's giving medical information and diagnosis on YouTube. I liked this video especially since you are real doctors (MD's) Thank you.


Dr. Incze hit the nail on the head with this one. I've had my first cystoscope due Hematuria in my urine getting a simple test for a CDL. And the my reg doc sent me for all kind of test, blood work, another urine test, scans. then to the Urologist then he said ultrasound then the dreaded word cystoscope an eye opener. I was nervous he told me most men find tolerable. It did hurt he used numbing gel it was over very quickly I have had three. thank you all for educating folks to get checked out it may very well save your life. I'am a testament to that with cancer it's been rough but I made it through . folks get tested if you see blood get tested and do your yearly check ups. thanks docks
