Before You Join a CULT, Watch This!! -- [How to Know if You're in a Cult]

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Find out the key ingredients in every cult, so you can avoid giving your life to one like I did.

This video goes over the indicators in the Cult Bite Model developed by Steven Hassan with the research of other psychologists who studied mind-control techniques over behavior, information, thoughts & emotions.

Videos I mentioned in this video:
Your Brain Lies to You, to Maintain Beliefs

You're a Bad Mormon If... [Keeping Mormons in Line]

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Will You Ever Be Good Enough?
How to Discover Your Higher Self & Inner Wisdom
How to See Good in the Bad Things that Happen
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Powerful Way to Stop Anxiety Stress and Worry
Why Our Brain Holds on to Negative Beliefs
Why We Accepted our Parents' Negative Beliefs

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Watch My Series on Growing up in Mormonism:
Part 1- Why Mormons Believe
Part 2- Why Joseph Was Killed at Carthage
Part 3- My Temple Experience
Part 4- Finding Out About the Book of Abraham
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A cult will always define the word “cult” for its members in a way that excludes itself.

People in cults don’t know they are in cults. That’s how cults work.


This is all so true... and you never know you are a part of a cult until you are out, and can see it from the outside


I was in one for a year. This last year. Got out by being kicked out and shunned. Glad I am out. I wasn't aware I was in a religious cult.


so much of this is common practice in many organizations, from religious, political and even businesses. Its a challenge to see it when you are in it. Of course your skepticism is also discouraged as being not faithful. You wind up feeling like you are the only one that sees this and as such you doubt what you see. After all how can I, just a regular guy, see something that ALL these people do not.. Maybe im not really seeing it after all. Manipulation seems far to easy to execute. Great video


That I was a part of one 😢 I’m still trying to heal from the trauma


Just watching the creepy LDS leaders talk like manipulative snakes triggered me. I left last year after 37 years and got sucked into another one that was actually a Christian one but it had so much more subtlety than the Mormon church. The real kicker for me was that one lady that was teaching me said that satan tried to get her to leave that church all the time. Then I started to open my eyes. I had no idea that Christian churches could be cults too! This one came out of Korea. It's called Darakbang. Be aware!


This is very well put together and backed by science.


I was raised in a cult as well. This is so important to spread this message. Thank you Bethany <3


Often we don’t recognize we are in a cult. We try to do all the mental gymnastics to make it work. Sometimes we need a trigger to really analyze the teachings. The BITE model fits so well here. The quote by Dallin Oaks on criticizing leaders was right on point. Wow. My trigger was learning that Mormon church history was anti material that I was told to avoid as a member.


Wow. Very eye opening. It is hard to leave. I love what you said at the end. There is love and happiness outside of that cult. ❤️. So much of it.


Most cultists are far too gone to believe this information. It’s terribly saddening.


Great points. It's pretty scary actually that so many are manipulated and blinded.


Nice video ! The bite model, ces letter and google (lol) got me out of the LDS recruitment process. I wasn't aware it was even beginning to take hold. I was lucky.


Hi Bethany, I'm here after seeing your comment on JP's video. I'd like to share some of my experiences on the matter as well.

For 12 years, I practiced Scientology. My father still does, and has since 1987. My mother raged against it. It seemed right though. They had doctrines that were common sense and could apply to literally anyone, which was how they drew people in. In fact, even now, though I am departed from the church, many of the concepts I have learned still hold true and apply today because I observe it in reality.

I will tell you this. The absolute WORST thing about being a Scientologist was that everybody hates you. Every religion, political party, celebrity, everyone, everywhere, thinks you're a dumbass, a cult-worshiper, brainwashed, etc. It's insulting. Those people are so insufferable, and I was surrounded by them, that I became stubborn and didn't listen to any of them out of spite. They weren't saying anything out of concern, or trying to help, they were straight-up antagonistic. If it wasn't for them, I probably could have seen for myself what was wrong with Scientology (some of what you mentioned in this video) for myself and gave it up years before I did. I hated the word "cult", thought it was so demeaning and insulting to my and my father's judgment, so I refused, even after I left, to associate Scientology with that word.

One day I was working at a job I had at an Amazon warehouse. I came across a book about Scientology's chairman doing some horrible things. I called the church and told them I was concerned about what I found and they said nothing, but hung up on me. That was it, I don't know why. I donated $2, 000 to them and that was how I got treated. I was finished with them. I wouldn't call or talk to them ever again. It also held up a red flag. I figured if that was how they respond to people that question them, maybe it's because some of what was in that book was true?

I've learned this in today's political climate: people who show unpopular views get silenced. They tell you it's because "we don't tolerate hate" or some bs like that. But that's false. They don't silence them because of hate. They silence them because they're afraid they may be onto something that will shake the foundation of what they believe in. Which is exactly what happened here.


Everything 100% true. I was called a jezebel for questioning things from the church. They twisted scripture. When I starting reading my bible I knew there were red flags. I am a new believer of just a year and a half.


Wow, seeing the videos of different religions leaders using the exact same mind games as the Mormons was amazing!
Thanks so much for making the video.


This is very informative and probably scary if you are in a church and have not thought of it as a cult. If one is indoctrinated since childhood into a cult, it is very difficult to see that your beliefs were learned, thrust onto you by "teaching, " guilt, indoctrination. When I became an adult, I could no longer hold onto the strict rules, shaming, guilt and judgement that comes with being in a religion, church or cult. It is freeing!


I left JW though I didn't know it's a cult
I could not let myself search anything till I officially became an apostate. After that I started to search and know I am sure I did right
Huge hugs and thanks for your video ❤️


Right on! This is so true. Well done Bethany👍People need to learn critical thinking, and not just be unthinking sheep.


The problem is people do not think they are in a cult or joining one, it is with hindsight you can say that. I admire your strength, I wish I had it.
