NEVER FAT THE GOLF BALL AGAIN - 3 Reasons Why You Hit Fat Shots And How To Easily Fix Them

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If you struggle with constantly htting fat golf shots where the ground is hit before the golf ball, then this is the video for you! In this video we dive into 3 reasons to why you hit the golf ball fat, and exactly how to fix them with 3 simple fixes.



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I’ve been struggling with this for years. I think you may have nailed it.
I think it’s number 2.
I’m going to try to keep my right shoulder level or maybe even slightly higher.
Can’t wait to try it.
Thank you.


Just got back from the range.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Kept my shoulders square and bowed my wrist.
The light finally went on.
Thank you 🙏.


I recently bought a divot board and had no idea I was fatting the ball so often! Ever since I got it I noticed I fat the shot majority of the time even though ball flight and distance were still pretty good. Obviously distance had always been inconsistent for me. I've been trying to work on this ever since I got the divot board for a few weeks and your video explains it the best! I definitely would keep my right shoulder down and my left arm sometimes gets too straight. Watched your video and took a few swings on the divot board and already seeing an improvement with more consistent striking after the ball location and less extreme fats. Thank you!!! Can't wait to keep working on it to get more consistent shots and distances, keep up the great work!


Can’t wait to try these drills. Thanks. What you explained and demonstrated in this video tie in very nicely to the lessons that i took recently. Your explanation was “cleaner” than my golf instructor or perhaps watching your video helped the concepts click in my mind. I will comment again after I try the drills. I just know that I am doing at least one of the three incorrect moves that you demonstrate - hope the drills help me break my incorrect habit


Excellent video. Thought I might share another reason - that took me weeks to realize: I caused myself to get “shorter” in the downswing trying to apply pressure to the ground thru my legs/feet. Once I finally figured it out, problem fixed. All I had to do was tell myself “don’t get shorter”. Makes me feel the opposite of smart.


Thank you, that was the best explanations I've heard. Can't wait to follow your instructions tomorrow. I'm very appreciative.


Txs, very useful drills. I find that the winter conditions of wet, muddy ground means I chunk it more often.


tried the first drill today and it works! great drill to help move to the left side on downswing


I've seen a lot of videos on this subject and yours goes right to the top of the list will pratice the ball forward position 50 swings a night then straight to the driving range will let you know how it worked!


I really enjoy your videos and drills. Good also for women golfers like me. You have a brand new subscriber!. 😊🇨🇦


#2 hit me in the gut. #nailedit. My efforts to maintain tilt have had me rotating too far into primacy position and my right shoulder too low. My misses have been the chunk or hosel. Chunk of my tempo is too quick and hosel if I set up too close to the ball. Couldn’t figure out the chunk. I think this nails it. Thank you!! Great job. Keep it up.


Will be trying this on Friday! This is my bad shot and now I know why. Cheers !


this video hit right on, just when I was wondering why I had fat shots all day long yesterday. I was trying to swing from the inside and I lowered my right shoulder....


I think mine is a combo of reason 2 and 3- off to the range tomorrow to work on it. Probably more 2 than 3.Thanks mate


excellent video, most only speak of weight being back. I know it is not # 1. #2 & 3 are eye openers. Thank you


Great vid. I'm sure I'm #3 - I'll be giving this a try tomorrow!


Hi there...good video...can I ask what size is your net you are hitting the balls. I would like to build one. I need to remember weight shift on the down swing. Hard to do as I concentrate on a spot in front of the ball to swing to...rather than look at the ball. I just hope any diviot is in front of the ball


Great videos and explanations! Keep it up mate 👍


Love your vídeos!!! Learning golf and english at the same time 🇦🇷♥️ Greatings from Argentina ⭐️⭐️⭐️


I fat my iron and have been obsessing over weight shift I didn’t know about the other moves will spend some time training it into my golf swing
holy crap this transform my game just went out and play nine after practicing for a couple of hours in my backyard with my net and noticed my shot was smoother off my hitting matt then when i when out to the course to test it I was hitting greens with a 6 iron and made more pars than bogeys and even a bride.
