Never Hit Fat Shots Ever Again - Your Swing Will Be CHUNK-PROOF After Doing This!

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Fat shots are so annoying. The ball goes nowhere and you're left to make another swing from pretty much the same spot. Thankfully there's a golf swing technique that can permanently eliminate fat shots from your game forever. Today's golf lesson focuses on fixing fat shots and improving your ball striking. Not only are you going to stop hitting it fat. You're also going to learn how to hit clean and powerful. So, you'll pick up a few extra yards while saying bye to the chunks. When I think of one of the best ways to improve your golf game, this golf tip stands out.

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Traditional golf swing techniques have left golfers frustrated and stuck. With millions of conflicting golf tips and “experts” all teaching something different, there’s so much confusion on what needs to be done to play great golf. This problem makes golf extremely difficult and unenjoyable.

At SagutoGolf, we believe golf is life - and life should be enjoyed.

To play your best golf ever, you need a roadmap that gets you there. SagutoGolf helps you build a powerful swing that’s easy on your body and produces addicting contact with the golf ball shot-after-shot.

Because life is too short to play bad golf.
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Like 👍this video and comment below if it helped you improve your golf game!


I would like to see a senior doing this swing just for comparison. I'm sure thousands of seniors would be very interested.
Great video Tom!


Tom, you like to say that life is too short to play bad golf, but when I’m playing bad golf and not having fun, time drags on. But now that you have me playing so much better, I’m having fun and time flies by. So by improving my game and the ‘fun factor’, you’ve shortened my life! Thanks a lot! I mean it, thank you very much.


You’ve helped my game tremendously. I went out on a 18 I couldn’t even get an iron into the air. Played 18 after two weeks of practicing using your methods and was an entirely different person out there. Thanks 🙏


You have a gift for teaching and have golf figure out, thanks for sharing. Making golf fun again one video at a time!


It’s like you read my mind. Struggling with driver? You drop a driver lesson and now I’m barely missing fairways (only 2 missed in each of my last 2 rounds!). My biggest miss has been a chunk recently, now you release this. Can’t wait!


Dang man your vids really help. A video of you and a higher handicap doing a lesson playing 18 would be KILLER


I didn’t want to follow yet another YouTube golf instructor, but I did it anyway. I used your methods during today’s range time and I was extremely pleased with the results. I significantly reduced the thins and chunks and enjoyed a successful range outing after work. It was the most productive range time over the last 3-4 weeks. 👍


Tom, you're doing a tremendous job, so good that I recently joined your school (under another name). I joined not only because of your teaching and the humor sprinkled therein, but also because I believe I saw you wearing the brown scapular. Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.


Keeping the upper portion of the arms - especially the lead arm - glued to your rib cage is super critical to achieving consistency (I believe this was part of a prior SG lesson). I recalled this little tidbit while on the range last year and it instantly improved my ball striking. Love your content, keep up the great work!


I used these tips yesterday and had my best round in years.
Fantastic advice - thanks 🙏


superb. swing looks fantastic. left hand and arm control is certainly the key. and, swinging with just my left arm has helped me to stay more on my left side. when the heel pad of the left hand establishes control you can feel it pulling the left side of the head down, towards the top of the backswing, directing force into the left shoulder helping it to move down and around. really helps to get the ball rolling if you hold the club out to your left and then press the heel pad of your left hand in front of the clubhead. really enjoy doing that drill. always had a really weak left hand; but, i have develped much more control by swinging with just my left hand.


I have gone back to basics in my swing watching your video. Concentrating on the turn and keeping the arms connected. One thing I never concentrated on and am not using is the flexibility of the wrists. While not exceeding the basics. What a difference when the wrists can load and extend the arc. Even works better on the long irons as the 5/4 iron needs speed to work effectively . But the results are phenomenal . I do not need to many swing thoughts as you never progress of you are not confident


Happy new year Tom and thanks for the refresher. It's been experimental/silly season for me over the last couple of months. My game has been sometimes good and sometimes terrible. Watching too many golfers with extreme grips, transitions etc and trying these out for myself. Everyone from Fred Couples to Gary Player. Like you say Tom, they all lead to inconsistencies. Thank you for repairing my swing.


Great video as always Tom! How about you get hold of some older guy from the “shifting & lifting” school of golf swings who wants to change and then post some lessons with him to see how he gets on ?
Keep up the good work 👍⛳️


Excellent video Tom on how to never hit fat shots again! My take on all of this, is to stay centered over the ball and having a predictable contact point and rotation through the ball! I like your Elvis "swivel hips" interpretation toward the end of this video! Well Done Tom! Always enjoy your videos!!!


Happy 2024 Tom!Thanks for the cool golf hints, I like the way you explain things for us mere mortals to understand.Let’s all have a great golfing year!


The shaft down tip in one of your previous videos was a brilliant swing thought for me .
Such crispy strikes 😮


Hi Tom. Thanks for this video. My number one swing fault are fat shots. When I swing at 60%, I usually hit the ball clean (ball then divot). However, whenever I try to speed things up that is when things go wrong. I feel like my right hand overpowers everything and that is when I hit a fat shot. I'm going to work on the method you show in this video. Thanks much!


As usual, a helpful reminder of those things I need to always keep in mind.
