Best Midi Guitars, let's compare... [Jamstik Studio, Artiphon Instrument 1, Jammy]

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🎸 Instrument 1 Midi Guitar👇

🎸Jamstik Studio Midi Guitar👇
⭐️ USE CODE "Patrick20" for 20% off!

🎸Jammy Midi Guitar👇
⭐️ USE CODE: RKTTN9YYQ4 for $50 off

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Midi Guitars have become one of my favorite tools for songwriting and music production. Over the past several years, I've tried and used a number of different Midi Guitars. In today's video I want to share 3 different Midi guitars that have worked well for me. Each of these Midi Guitars put a different spin of the user experience and offers a unique workflow. Enjoy!

#MidiGuitar #Instrument1 #Jamstik #Jammy #bestMidiGuitar

0:00 Midi Guitars
0:55 Instrument 1
5:32 Jammy
8:27 Jamstik Studio

The Gear I’m Using in my Studio 🔊🎵👇

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Let’s be real, the best midi guitar is whichever one is in Patrick’s hands.


I bought a Jamstick midi guitar about two weeks ago and it's... insane... just an amazing piece of kit. I am loving every minute of it. As a bass player of many years who wanted to learn guitar during covid, I have been playing guitar for about two years and the fretboard of the jam stick feels MUCH better than my epiphone or my luna. Just so much fun.


That Artiphon looks like something I'd want for sure. Great vid!


I own a Jamstick guitar (for 3 years now), and I don't like it very much, it's really hard to reach a balance of sensitivity. If I increase sensitivity enough to play comfortably, it will "detect" a lot of false notes. Usually after recording a passage I have to clean out a lot of wrong notes. It wouldn't work for a live session at all. Even with the latest firmware updates up to 2023. It doesn't deal very well with empty strings either. It does single chords pretty well, but arpeggios not so much, especially arpeggios involving empty strings. I feel this real-strings + midi pickup format doesn't work very well, and suspect the Artiphone, in it's plastic cheapness, will be more accurate (MIDI-notes wise). I bought the Jamstick instead of the Artiphone and kinda regret it now, after 3 years I'm eyeing the Artiphone again. The Jamstick although being a real guitar too, isn't a great one at that. It's pretty, but the strings feel a bit loose.


We need the full of version of this
Sounds awesome!


Some nice devices! I've got a peculiar MIDI guitar — it's a Rock Band 3 controller, the "Fender Wireless Mustang Guitar Controller".
See, Rock Band was trying to compete with Guitar Hero, and decided that what they needed was more kinds of toy instruments. So they made keyboards and drum kits and such, and in addition to a real guitar that also sent game commands, they made this plastic one: velocity-sensitive, strummable strings and, much like the Artiphon, buttons for each fret position. The keyboard and this guitar have old-style 5-pin circular MIDI jacks, so you need a USB adapter to plug it into a computer, but in exchange you can plug it straight into old synths. It's surprisingly powerful and expressive.


If you have $20, 000 to spare, there's also the SynthAxe from the 80s. If I remember correctly, less than a thousand were made, and it was incredible.


Omg!!! I was hoping you would do a video on this. THANK YOU


I absolutely love my Jamstik Studio guitar....I've been playing my modular synth rig with it lately =D


The Artiphon Instrument 1 has a built in rechargeable battery that cannot be replaced, so . . . that's a consideration.


What you were playing first on Instrument 1 @0:55 was slick 👍


I never even knew these were a thing, those look fricken cool! Thanks for the awesome video man!


Thank you so much for this STELLAR review on the INSTRUMENT 1! 🙌🤩


Godin has been making midi guitars for decades. They do cost more than the jam stick, but they are excellent instruments for the Money.


Why no starr labs baby Z? It has the best of both worlds, buttons for the frets and strings so it’s low latency like the artiphon, 24 frets so you can do some hella dope metal riffs that you can’t play on the artiphon. Oh and it has knobs that can control cc’s.


Saw you through an ad I’m subbing nice video man


Best tracking I have felt, Casio 380 guitar.


Thanks! Peace, Love, Hemp and Bamboo!


Thank you for sharing! :-)

More or less doubling the comment by trusstingod: this comparison would have been even more complete when you would have included at least a reference to the Roland approach: sending the signals of the individual strings through the "13-pin" cable to devices like the Roland GR-55 or the Boss SY-1000 for processing. The source would be either Roland's GK-3 pick-up or a guitar with that built in, like some models by Godin. I admit: that's "MIDI ready" rather than "MIDI", and this approach does come at a price! (There is at least another approach to a MIDI guitar, but I'll need another rare mailing from this Irish guy to get the name of this thing back into my memory.)

Me, I have two Godins and matching synthesizers (though I bought the second one just for its piëzo "acoustic" sound) and the Jamstik Studio. With hindsight, I'd liked the Jamstik Studio feature more controls: more like the Godins, or maybe the Line 6 Variax. - And I'm about to order the Instrument 1.

Sidebar: this comparison might inspire others to do a similar video on wind controllers. (I'm not the right person to do so.)


There's also the option of MIDI pickup's Roland makes a few, you can get them for cheaper.
