Vitamin D - SARS CoV-2 & the ACE2 Receptors

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"D"on't "D"ismiss the "D"
Riding the waves of this surreal phenomenon that has monopolized much of 2020, the original concern we heard from many was for reactionary immune support. At that point, information about this specific illness was even more embryonic than it is today, & evolving by the day. As such, we both personally & clinically constructed an immune boosting crew, which logically included #vitaminD
Well, as we learn more & more about this pathogen; still dominating much of the current concern, we are able to find tune the immune support team based on how the mechanistic strengths of certain #supplements, #nutrients, vitamins, etc., potentially interact with elements of this viruses observed apparent pathophysiology.
As we round out our own Corona Combat Crew (to hopefully help boost the immune system, but also ease the worried mind as we begin to move on & get back to life) we "D"ouble back on an original immune boosting mention to once again spotlight what many regard as a #hormone & not a #vitamin ... ole' far reaching, massively impactful, Vitamin D.
Good luck. Stay healthy. Stay sane. Smile.

#respiratoryhealth #lunghealth #ace2 #ace2receptors #ards #respiratorydistress #coronaviruspathophysiology
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