Vitamin D and Long COVID: A Case Report (Coronavirus Update 146)

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(This video was recorded on January 25, 2022)

He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine and an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine.



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Video Produced by Kyle Allred



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One of the tragic failures of the US government (and others) is the lack of information on increasing Vitamin D


Once I started taking vitamind D3 and K2 6 months ago my symptoms improved signicantly. I currently take 5, 000 IU of D3 and feel like I am now returning to normal. On a side note, I have an automine disease and suffered with chronic debilitating joint pain for 10 years after a catching a previous virus in 2012. I saw several doctors rheumatologists, immunologists etc and they were never successful at treating my condition. After getting Covid I am back my pre 2012 self, it's like my immune system has gone through some sort of a beneficial reset.


Thank you Dr. Seheult! I’m amazed at the number of clinicians who are not aware of the relationship between Vitamin D and SARS-CoV-2. Your videos have been great teaching methods!


Really interesting. Vitamin D deficiency seems to be linked to so many different health problems. I'm glad I was made aware of it by the Vitamin D council about 10 years ago and started taking supplements. I wish more people were aware of Vitamin D's benefits.


“There’s always been a question”??? Dr. Bruce Paterson’s team identified the root cause of long COVID back when saying “Long COVID” was considered spreading “misinformation”. He should win the Nobel Prize for the wonderful work they’ve done and continue to do for people who struggling and go ignored.


Sunlight, the gift that keeps on giving .


2 weeks ago my 16 year old son was sick and tested positive for covid. He had a fever and headache for a day then broke the fever overnight and was fine since then. My 2 other kids, my husband and myself all tested negative on day 3 and day 5 (tests needed for school return). The only difference is the other 4 of us have been taking our vitamins which included 5000ui d3 for me and 2000ui for the other 3. My 16 year old had not been taking his as he didn't think he needed it. He tested positive on day 1, day 5 and day 7. I can't say for sure it was the vitamins but that was the only difference as we don't isolate our kids when sick and eat at the dinner table together most nights. I'm going to assume it was our vitamins.


Thanks for this information.
I’m not sure if anyone reads this but; Why don’t we try vitamin K with D and Magnesium. ? It’s a balance


Somewhere I saw a recent study published in the journal, Gut, that observed that long Covid patients had a dysfunctional gut microbiome compared to normal patients. 136 subjects total, 68 long covid. Wonder how it all relates.


I got infected March 2021, very mild case. Never left my home, O2 saturation always above 95%, no fever, barely had a cough but the weeks after it, I started developing really weird symptoms. Palpitations in multiple parts of my body, but mainly chest, neck and head. My breathing started feeling weird and til this day it is. Like my lungs always feel hungry for air no matter how deep I breathe. Muscle spams, anxiety attacks out of nowhere without being triggered by anything, everything I eat hits like a brick on my stomach, I feel bloated no matter what I eat or at what time of day.

Something that always caught my eye is that my Lymphocyte count always came back above normal range. Last blood test I had done was the highest. Almost 50% when the normal count is supposed to be between 20-40%. My physician said it wasn't something to worry about but I don't know. Is it?


Would be nice if "health class" in high school actually taught about things like vitamin D.


Before SARS-CoV-2 appeared, in my geographical area we had a series of outbreaks our doctors said were viral. These tested negative for influenza. Our doctors called then "unknown" "really tough" viruses though there were no diagnostic tests to identify the causative agent(s).

The illnesses began like a regular cold but within about 48 hours, the intestines were ravaged. Many patients required weeks or months to recover and some were lucky to get over bloody diarrhea in 9 months. Following the attack on the intestines, neurological symptoms and skin rashes occurred in some. Some never fully recovered, having acquired ME (chronic fatigue in U.S. jargon), or fibromyalgia.

This video is extremely interesting in that differential diagnosis of a similar condition is explained. (Where I am from, a patient has to "get well" in about 21 days or get sent to mental health as a hypochondriac. Many of us are smart enough to shut up and do the best we can.) I begged my doctors for tests to see what was persisting inside of me and was told there was no way to test.

Considering the desperate illness that COVID leaves in its wake, these sorts of tests must be taught to doctors and must be available for suffering patients! If patients had been listened to and taken seriously in years prior, we might have been ahead of things when SARS-CoV-2 arrived. Many, many people have been destroyed with 'long COVID'-type syndromes, apparently caused by other viruses. Had these patients not been marginalized, criticized, judged and dismissed, maybe we would have tests and treatments for a number of post-viral syndromes, including 'long COVID'!


I think it could be argued that vitamin D deficiency could be a comorbidity.


Thank you, Dr. Seheult! I live in NYC and read about the apparent common vitamin D deficiency in hospitalized COVID patients in the beginning of our quarantine (March 2020) and it seemed logical to me as an RN so I have taken a supplement daily. 🙏🏽 I have not contracted the virus….yet. Thank you for the reinforcement.


It's definitely the time of year when everyone in Northern climates should be thinking about Vitamin D deficiency and supplementation.


What's the difference between Long Covid and Post Viral Fatigue? My doc back in the early 2000's was on the team that discovered vitamin D3 cures post viral fatigue. So it works for 'Long Covid' too... funny that!


I’ve had lots of IBS D and multiple colonoscopies - I have recently found vitamins and vitamin d to help me! Hoping this continues.


Thanks so much. Your presentations are interesting, intriguing and refreshing. Unfortunately...the people who seek their medical advice from politicians and Facebook aren't here to listen however. Outstanding as usual.


Poor little girl! Thanks to the doctors who took great care in diagnosing and helping her, and thank you as well.


I have had a problem with Vitamin D levels for some time. My GP refused to help me with this she said just go outside when the sun is out. This is Britain just imagine one does not see the sun regularly. I noticed my feet was burning me so much which made it difficult to walk. I looked this up and find that this was a sign of very low Vitamin D. I bought a packet and started to take these and within weeks the symptoms started to be less. I don't know why doctors are so reluctant to recommend this for people with a problem with their Vitamin D
