Все публикации

$1000 in GTA vs $1000 in RDR2

If Arthur kills too many NPCs, Micah will be afraid of him

Dead Hosea will come to rescue Arthur if he is arrested in Annesburg

Every RDR2 player's Dream

This will happen if John fires a cannon at Micah in the finale

Micah will get angry if Arthur helps people

The only Guy who made Arthur immediately shut up after telling the truth

This is what happens if Arthur decides to teach Micah some math

What if Arthur's illness manifests itself in Camp

It's so strange that John laughs at the Veteran falling into the water, but Arthur is worried

What happens if Arthur has a Sawed-Off Shotgun instead of a Revolver to save Jamie

The gang's reaction to Arthur's long beard

This is what happens if Arthur drinks 100 Hair Tonics before a Cutscene

Bro probably forgot that we are still in the Prologue

If Arthur is fat, this scene becomes even funnier

What if the Magician's assistant shoots him with a Double-Barreled Shotgun

Yes... Arthur can really piss off Dutch that he will start shooting at him

This is how Arthur looked at Dutch at that moment

Cut dialogue between Jack and John about Dutch

If you revisit the Serial Killer's lair as John, he will mention Arthur

For unknown reasons, they didn't let us to start this mission as John, but this Scene remains

Every player has to do it to Micah in this mission

I forgot to replace Arthur's hat and just ruined this heartbreaking Scene

The only Scene where calm Arthur inspires fear more than when he is angry