GOLF: Why You MUST Use Your Hands In The Golf Swing
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Seventy five percent of the people I talk to tell me they are using their hands too much. But, there's no such thing as making a golf swing without your hands. When I grip the club in front of me and I hold the club, I hold the club with what? My hands!
Most golfers should probably be using MORE of their hands in the backswing. Look at video of any good golf swing and you will see hinging of the wrist during the backswing, unhinging of the wrist during the downswing. There will for flexion and extension and forearm rotation. If we were to measure my hands and space and wrist angles during a normal swing, there are a lot of movements going on.
The real issue is you are not using your hands correctly in the golf swing. It’s not about using your hands “more” or “less”, it’s about using your hands DIFFERENTLY. It’s ridiculous to believe that you are supposed to make a magical golf swing where your turn back and turn through and everything else just happens.
What you should be doing is learn how to use your hands and arms properly. (We have a lot of videos on this!) Then you should practice enough and do enough repetitions where it starts to become automatic and you don’t have to think about it. Some of you also confuse the fact that not thinking about your hands is the same as not using them. That’s not reality. There is a difference between “thinking” about using your hands and actually using your hands.
Bottom Line:
-It’s okay to use your hands in the golf swing
-You MUST use your hands in the golf swing
-No good golfer has ever swung a club without a lot of hand action
-Using a lot of hands is not incorrect
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