3 Golf Shots that will Lower Your Scores Around the Green

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In this short game lesson Danny Maude teaches you 3 different short game shots that will help you lower your scores on the golf course.

You will learn to play the chip and run, lob it over a bunker and the one that everyone loves how to get backspin on your chip shots.

To make chipping and pitching easy you need to be aware that the short game technique is slightly different for all 3 golf shots. Danny covers all the details in todays golf lesson

If you enjoy the video here is your free practice guide that will help you when you go to practice


#dannymaudegolf #golftips #golfswing



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If you decide to purchase this will give you US $10 dollars off.

Thanks for stopping by. I created this website as a resource just for you to support you on your golfing journey as I know how tricky learning this game can be…to say the least!

I personally found learning the game too long and difficult in the early days. I read all the books, watched all the videos but my game was not improving. Then after studying various forms of neuro science, motor learning, psychology and personal development in less than two years I went from struggling golfer to the final stage of the Open Championship.

Be prepared though. If its a quick fix you are after Im not your man. Here I will give you step-by-step advice that you can take straight to the practice ground and apply to the course but it will require you to get stuck in, screw up…a lot, practice some more and then watch those scores tumble

I’ve had the pleasure of coaching thousands of students all around the world and if you are up for the challenge and are ready to get in the game…LETS GO TO WORK!


This golf lesson provides a couple of wonderful drills to help you hit your driver straight.If you are a beginner golfer and are looking for some golf driver tips or simply what to learn how to hit your irons better you are going to love this.

I will show you the golf swing slow motion so that you can see what you need to do to improve.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to start the downswing
2. How to hit driver and irons straight
3, How to generate effortless power

I hope these simple golf tips can help you create an effortless golf swing

Hope you enjoy
Рекомендации по теме

I am 74 years old and play 3 times a week with practice sessions mixed in. I have read and watched countless videos from known and unknows and taken 3-4 day golf clinics. I can honestly say that Danny's golf instructions are clear, concise and informative. Very well communicated and demonstrated. Keeping it simple and clear produces results. Thanks Danny for keeping it simple to follow and informative to train us.


The art of golf is played 50 yards and in. That’s where you win or lose or have a good day or note. Keep these coming Danny


Watched this earlier today and then just got back from range. I tried this down there as it’s such a poor part of my game but after trying and practicing that swing technique with arm close to body I instantly see the difference. And I for once actually felt comfortable and like I had control with my chip shots. Got a game tomorrow and now looking forward to being 20 yards out from green instead of dreading it..THANKS Danny


One of the best teachers and most relatable teachers on the internet!


Genuinely tried these when required today without practice and they worked. Such simple explanations and description. Well done and thank you. Never scored lower than 120 and got 97 today.
Keep up the good work!


I haven't had a chance to try to put these videos to use, but having watched a lot of golf videos from a lot of instructors, the way Danny is able to contextualize things in a really easy way is extremely impressive. I feel like the way Danny is teaching this stuff sticks in my brain much better than most.


There wasn't the advantage of internet and YouTube when i was in my teens, growing up we just swung a club everyday until you became proficient. Its been 30yrs since i swung a club until recently in my early 50s, i decided it was time to rekindle my love of golf again. Bombarded with so many teaching videos its easy to become burnt-out with all the unrelatable styles. It took me a few weeks to stumble across Danny's videos and instantly felt at ease with his enthusiasm and friendly manner in which he comes across. I suffer with anxiety and my head noise gets the better of me at times, but watching these drills actually sinks in, giving me clarity when i need it most.
You've a great way of making the watcher feel involved, and engaged in your teaching technique Danny. I've a long way to go to get my confidence back, to where I'm relaxed and able to find consistency again in my game, but your technique of simplifying and breaking down each shot to a basic form, is something that will help me get closer to the fairways and greens in a lot less shots than it currently does.
Thank you for making the time to help so many others enjoy they're golf 🙏


5 chip in birdies since I started using your techniques around the green a few months back and I’m giving you all the credit. Consequently, having those shorter par putts are keeping my scores lower. Thanks again Danny!!!🙏🏻


Watched this video last night just before bedtime. I did not have a chance to practice the second and third shots in this video. I had already put the first one in my game from another video. Put the flop and lob shots into play today. They helped me save par three times. The chip shot helped me birdie the hardest hole on my home course. Shot a 82 (lowest score in the past 3 seasons) six shots lower than yesterday. Your videos along with a lesson from a pro a few months ago have helped my game improve. Thanks for the great instruction. Please keep up the great work on your videos.


Danny Maude I have been watching studying and practicing using your videos as my foundation for practice and play since the beginning of the Pandemic. At age 67 with a hip replacement shot 82 from the regular men’s tees last week, carding my second career hole in one and kick in birdie for my lowest score in four years. I know I can shoot in the 70s again with a little more practice and play keep up the excellent instruction, your a brilliant teacher so I nominate you as a true Professor of Golf!


Danny thanks for consuming all of my morning today. I was so distracted from your video that I quit doing what Im doing and heading over to my local course to give this a try. You're awesome my man, keep up the great tips and love your simple explanation. Now I have to go explain to my wife why Im going to the course. Thanks a lot, Danny.


Followed your advice - 8 iron - saved me 3 to 4 shots today - thanks heaps from Melbourne Australia


My favorite Youtube golf instructor, because he makes things more simple and relates golf swings to sports that I've played all my life. Has helped my swing become loose and easy instead of one that involved clenching my teeth and butt muscles.


This man knows what he is talking about! No blabla! Short and sweet!


You have a great way of not only teaching how to play a shot - but why.
This greatly assists the learning process for beginners. Thank you


Once again Danny your skill to bridge the mind of the Coach to the Pupil has been achieved. A complex movement simply explained and executed to perfection. I’ve had some really excellent coaches over past 10 years, none has achieved the ability to get my swing to behave naturally and fire the club head through the ball with accuracy and power. Thank you. 🙏🏾👏🏾


Danny Maude. I started golf 2 months ago at age 55. Your tutorial videos are brilliant and so helpful. Thank you, I have made good progress from your clips.


This is such a great, concise breakdown and demonstration of three shots all golfers must have. I am going to watch this 100 times until I get confident with all 3. I use my 8 iron a LOT. The other two are not so easy. I have the MOST trouble on tight lies. Very tough and nervy.


Dan Dan your the man, confidence sometimes let's us down, believing we can make the shot, I often find when we think of a bad shot, guess what.
Nice to see you dan


Your teaching delivery is simple and understandable, without over complicating tecniques
