Microsoft messed up again...

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Microsoft has messed up again.
Many users have been complaining about tons of spam emails they’ve been flooded with on their Outlook account because their spam filters aren’t working properly.
And you might think, why would anyone be using Outlook over Gmail for instance.
Well Microsoft sponsors many companies & schools so a lot of the time as an employee you’re just basically forced to use Outlook.
Just like you are forced to follow this channel, because… yeah.
Microsoft has acknowledged this issue & said that users might experience performance issues.
Because obviously if you receive like 30 emails in a day & only 2 of them are actually useful it’s gonna take a bit longer to filter out all the fecal matter.
So let me know if you use Outlook & if you do, is it a service that you prefer or do you use it just because you have to for something like work.
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