Germinating Tomato Seeds FAST - No More Failed Seeds!

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In this video, we share our technique for germinating tomato seeds. There are countless methods for planting tomatoes from seed, but this has been our fail-proof method for years. We'll cover when to sow the seeds, how deep to plant them, what size container to use, and common questions about germination.

Planting tomato seeds is super easy, but there are some important factors to understand. For the best results, you'll want the ideal temperature, planting media, and moisture level for quick, reliable sprouting.

Read more about germinating tomato seeds:

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Supplies Used (affiliate links):

Seed cells:

Propagation trays/humidity domes:

Seed starter mix:

Heating mat:

Grow lights:

Cracking tomatoes:

Cloning tomato plants:

Seed starting tips:

0:00 Intro
0:51 Supplies
2:20 How to plant tomato seeds
5:42 Tips after planting tomatoes
7:25 How long for tomato seeds to sprout?
7:46 What to do after tomatoes sprout

Common questions:
9:31 Do you have to use seed starter mix for tomatoes?
10:02 When do you plant tomato seeds?
10:57 Can you use seeds from a fresh tomato?

Thanks for watching Geeky Greenhouse!
#germinating #tomato #seeds #planting
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I've saved my heirloom tomato seeds, removing the gel by fermentation in water for a couple of days, and then drying. After they are totally dried, save in a paper envelope inside a ziplok bag. The ones from two years ago are showing an almost 100% germination rate.


I collected seeds from heirloom tomatoes which are dried for storage. I eventually pick them to germinate a few months later, putting the dry seeds in a wet paper towel, then folding it to wrap the seeds up, and keep it in a ziplock bag. Within seven days, all the dried seeds germinate. That's when I put them in soil. It's far easier than having to start germination in soil when the outcome is rather unknown.


A very high quality presentation, including the filming. Excellent teaching. Thank you thank you thank you for not playing music at the same time.


Great video. One thing I do different is I use plastic cup (Solo or?) for seed and that allows them to grow larger root systems before transplant. Where I live, we cannot safely plant before mid-April due to potential late season freeze. Use a small greenhouse on a heated sun porch which allows warmth and humidity. Thanks for the video!


Thank you. This is very helpful. I just started germinating seeds indoors for the first time.


This is a great video! I have been researching how to grow tomatoes from seeds, so very timely!


I live in south Louisiana. I like to pick July for germinating seeds for a fall crop. July tends to be a slightly cooler month and wetter. We got rain all throughout the month. So I germinate the seeds on the porch in containers and with soil doesn’t dry out as quick and the extreme heat isn’t here yet. After July, the heat kicks into high gear and they’ve already been transplanted to a larger container or into the ground for growing. I’ve done this 3 years in a row and never had an issue. Hell my cantaloupe which I planted 1 month ago has already reached over 8ft and is in the stage of forming fruit.


I'm glad I came across this recording.
I am aiming to start a tomatoes greenhouse and this is of great assistance.
Thank you!


I love using painters tape, and have been using leaf mold as a seed starter for 3 years now.
Nice tutorial, Stay Well!!!


I just grabbed from my freighter dry it for few mins and throw it in the pot. Mixed the soil with Bone meal. Toped a bite more of Bone meal and Mulch grew in 7 days in Phx heat 105 plus of course mosely under the shade. My cherry tomatoes and the big ones they thrived. Watered every few days. I'm just experiencing if can grow and live under Phx heat. It works!


I use a old microwave to sterilize my soil. 25 minutes. It works great. Love your videos


Thank you, very simple easy to follow instructions


Will be growing tomatoes this year indoors for sure, last year had a random tomato plant that grew like a weed and i didn’t even mean to grow it, it was literally on accident


Great hint on using seeds from fresh tomatoes. Thanks you


Determinite tomato varieties, although mature faster in the ground, seem to take longer to grow and mature indoors. The larger the tomato plant the shorter time it seems to need indoors. So I've started larger tomatoes as late as May 1st indoors and planting around the 1st of June always but tomatoes like Roma I have better luck starting them indoors around April 1st. Some peppers take FOREVER to mature to planting size indoors. Cayenne for example take sometimes 3 weeks to emerge yet a jalapeno emerges in a few days! I haven't quite got that down to an exact science but every year I write down my results so that I don't start too early or too late.


I start germinating my seeds in Nelly’s eggs’ containers. Their clear plastic with the dome top with the large top to enclose it all. Creates a great bio dome. And a small towel on top of a water heater, and place the seeds on that makes a great warm heat source


i use paper towels in ziplock bags. works perfect everytime and then I have the choice to transfer to whichever type of system i like :)


Sports water bottles also work great. You can close it off enough to get just a drop of water to come out. Plus works great for liquid fertilizer.


I like to fill my starter mix bag with boiling water. It helps sterilize and penetrates the mix faster. Love your channel.


I start my tomatoes in the same size six-cell containers (Bootstrap Farmer in my case), usually 3 seeds per cell; and within 2 weeks of starting I separate them out into 2.5" pots, one per cell (separation is as easy at that point as any kind of repotting). Fresh tomato seeds have a very high germination rate, 75-80%, so I don't have the complications of late seeds popping up as I do with peppers.
I start in plain seed starting mix but have been having the most success with moving to Happy Frog for 2.5" and larger pots, and also start a fertilizing and bottom-watering schedule from then on (for which I'm still trying to improve the details). Being late May in zone 7a here, all my tomatoes are now outside in at least 3.5" pots and many are in-ground; they have been much happier outside and in larger pots once they are more than a few inches high.
