Arduino Tutorial: Menu on a Nokia 5110 LCD Display Tutorial

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In this easy Arduino Tutorial we are going to learn how to create a Menu on a Nokia 5110 LCD display. We are using an Arduino Uno today but you can use any Arduino you like. Let's get started!

This is the project we are going to build. In the display a simple menu appears, and with the help of three buttons I can navigate up, or down and select a menu item. Let's select the first option. As you can see a new a UI screen is displayed and by pressing the up and down buttons we can change the contrast of the display. If we press the middle button again, we go back to the main UI screen. If we now select the second menu item and press the middle button we can turn the backlight of the display on or off. Lastly if we navigate to the last menu item we can reset the settings for the display to the default values. Of course this is just a demonstration project, you can modify it to build your own more complex menus if you wish. Let's now see how to build this project.

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Give us a project combining your old rotary encoder tutorial with this one __thank you


Don't forget to include #include <SPI.h> at the beginning of your project :) thanks !


Can i use adafruit library with arduino mega


Nice work!!! And a happy New Year! :-)


Hey.. just tried this. It says X addresses outside of 0 to 83 are not allowed when trying to run on a Proteus. How do I fix this?


button does not work on the port (2)
(0) and (1) are working fine

Please Help me!

Connecting an LCD display
// pin 13 - Serial clock out (SCLK)
// pin 11 - Serial data out (DIN)
// pin 5 - Data/Command select (D/C)
// pin 7 - LCD chip select (CS)
// pin 6 - LCD reset (RST)

// pin 12 - LCD Light

Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544(13, 11, 5, 7, 6);
int lcd_light = 12;


hello και καλη χρονία.
How about making some videos for Nextion touch screens.If you dont know what it is, its a screen that you can really easily make menus on tft touch screens.It has its own pc program to make menus as easy as drag and drop.I would like to see it interact with Arduino using this screen, buttons,sensors and more .You can make some kind of tempreture controller with it?


Hi. Can you do it with 0.96 OLED display I2C?( and rotary encoder)
I really need a complex menu but I'm quite a noob ...


I connected Nokia 5110 to Arduino UNO exactly as in this video and used the code and library provided by the link but nothing shows on the LCD. Then I tried the software SPI method instead of the hardware SPI and it worked. I didn't change anything except for reassigning the pins in the code. How should I explain this. Have you had similar experience with this issue?


Might have missed it but I don't see a 5V -> 3.3V level shifter in this video. If yours isn't working it's possible that this missing component has killed your LCD.


i have done everything as you intructed but my nokia 5110 lcd does not display anything can i get some help.


Why the code is not compiling after installing libralies also


there is an error: is no declared in this scope. how do i get the drawmenu function with a 2x16 LCD


Thank you very much this tutorial will help me a lot for my project.


good project, please tutorial hourmeter with arduino


Hey Nick - I bought some of these 5110 displays when I saw your "favourite displays for Arduino" video. I don't know if it's a phase or not, but every single one I bought from dfferent suppliers had the same problem. The display is not soldered to the PCB - there is a flexible connector pad, and the display is pressed against it and the PCB by the metal frame we see in your video. The problem is that this frame is very often not pressing correctly to get a good connection, and even when it is - it is not reliable.
This makes debugging a nightmare, It took me 2 days to work out there was nothing wrong iwht my electornics or my coding -the problem was this intermittent fault.
There is a similar display - the HK1230 - with the same size LCD technology, SPI interface and pinout which does not rely on this metal frame pinch - in fact, there IS not metal frame It is a little more expensive, but Im hoping it's a lot less hassle.
Also - regarding the 5110 and I'm hoping the HK1230 too - you can get 2 pins back by connecting RST to the rpocessor reset and CE to Vcc if you're on a 3.3v processor like the ESP8266.


Hey Nick! Your website is down right now.


for some reason i cant make it work..
i ve the liraries and i upload the code. the screen show nothing..
the screen is tested and working with other scetches but not with this one... any ideas?


3.3 on Vcc and 5.0 on data pins? Is that legal?


Hello, great video! Please help me, I am trying do a code for a Hidden Menu that can be accessed by holding a button and power on the Arduino. Do you know how can I do it? Thank you!
