Arduino Menu part 2

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Arduino tutorial how to make a menu on an LCD screen, with a rotory encoder.
Link to temperature sensor video + code:

controling a menu with a rotory encoder on a LCD screen. Turn LED ON and OFF, read temperature. And select value to write to a 3 color LED.
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Great video and cool code. I may try to modify it to work for my automated greenhouse. I'm currently learning to code for Arduino. What I need in the code is to set temperature values for vent fan, and two motors for opening vents, Automatic watering on either a time schedule or I was thinking about some moisture sensors. I have some components so far. 5 temp humidity DTH11 sensors, 5 soil moisture sensors, 1 RTC, 16, 2 LCD with buttons shield (no rotary encoder but i was going to get one), and an 8 channel relay switch board. I will have 1 water solenoid, 1 feed pump, possibly more for separate grow beds. I think that covers most of the automation.

Anyways your menu is the best so far that I've found! Thanks for the upload!


Hi i tried many many times but no luck.i can only press the button and yellow led on off.when i turn encoder any direction everything freezes.
