The Harsh Reality Behind The Vermont Title 'Loophole'

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My ass the way that you use it… Everybody I’ve ever known is talked about using this is not trying to escape taxes for god sake we’re just trying to enjoy bringing an antique vehicle back from the dead


Good points. Every time I thought I had an objection you clarified what my question was shortly after. Seems reasonably well put


I came across a great deal on an old motorcycle… It’s 50 years old… You know it’s understandable that titles for these things can get lost as they could’ve had many owners over the years, this one was a on off-road model… So who knows the last four owners maybe never cared about not having the plates

So now I’ve got it and now I’ve got to do something like the Vermont loophole. It’s a shame the states make this so hard. And the information age… I mean what are you gonna show up with a hand written bill of sale for a Lamborghini… Yeah I know .:.. There is no way that there should not be a legitimate process to properly tag and title in antique vehicle. It’s absolutely ridiculous


I never would of thought Jon Favreau had a YouTube channel helping people with titles


damn talk about life advice " you ever do something you feel like your getting away you gotta check yourself" damn homie that's some good shit


Hi, I just discovered your channel tonite. Maybe you can help me figure what california dmv wants. I went to dmv today to transfer the title to me. The car is a gift from my brother . As far as I know, he bought the car out of state but he moved back to California with the car and now has california plates . The dmv clerk said she cannot process the title transfer because she needs some form of proof that the car wasn’t title out of state. Does that make sense to you why she wants that proof? And I forgot to ask her where I’m suppose to get that proof. All I have to do is come back to dmv Monday to clarify why she wants the proof . Do you think I misunderstood what she was asking from me? But maybe you know what I’m talking about so I can take care of it this weekend instead of waiting Monday


I have a title for my Honda Cub I want to register in Arizona, but it's an Indiana title from 1998 and was never transferred to me yet. I filled out the transfser information using my Ohio license but never transferred it in Ohio and now I'm in Arizona. Can I transfer to Arizona with an out of state license? Do I need a motorcycle endorsement first? If not can I use the title as proof of ownership through Vermont as the bill of sale that is needed? Thanks for any help.


I'm having problems in Minnesota I've owned the car for years and they send me a letter saying title held out of state the car is 41 years old tried Vermont now Minnesota says title held in Vermont and Vermont telling me I cant get a title from them and cant apply for an exempt title you have to be a resident of Vermont just a run a round and nobody can tell me how to or if there is a way around all this just frustrated with everything right now


Do you have a how-to video on how to obtain a bonded title? I live in Ohio.


Had a dmv guy suspicious about it just explained it to him and he called a supervisor about it and they figured it out.


so where does Indiana stand on the vermont registration now?


Does this work for the state of Kentucky? Also, does anything need to be notarized?


How does the loophole apply to a semi commercial truck?


You mentioned that vehicles in VT over 15 years old do not have a title. My question, is it safe to purchase a Vermont vehicle with the registration and bill of sale? I am looking for a type of vehicle here that is generally 20-30 years old and can't find one with a clean title.


OK here’s a question that I never hear anybody address. What about insurance… Do you have to get a Vermont policy? How the heck does that work? When I move just across the line into Pennsylvania, I couldn’t keep my Maryland policy.


Running non-resident plates in places like Washington could literally get the owner jail time.
From Vancouver, WA website:

What Does The Law Say?

New residents to Washington State have 30 days from the time of their arrival to register their vehicle properly. Failure to do so is an infraction subject to a fine of $529 (RCW 46.16A.030(4)).

Resident definitions are established in RCW 46.16.140.

Registration of a vehicle in another state to avoid taxes and fees is a crime punishable as a first offense by up to 364 days in jail and $1, 529 in fines plus any delinquent taxes, fees, and applicable assessments (RCW 46.16A.030(6)(a)).


I purchased a car from my now deceased father last year a 90 gsx he bought it in 2016 and never put the car in his name it’s in the og owners name till this day. I’m tryin to get it legally insured and legally in my name so would this work ? In order for me to dodge them registration Penalties fees from someone who is now dead


aside from having an out of state plate for longer than 20 days, what laws would i be breaking if i got a vermont registration for my car just because it wouldn't pass smog in california. the car has a valid CA title, just due to modifications it wouldn't pass smog therefore not allowing me to get a CA registration.


The lady at the DMV told me in my state that a bonded title could take over a year.


i live in indiana when you talk about getting a vehicle inspected who would i have do this to make sure it is road worthy
