How To Mule Items With And Without Fallout 1st In Fallout 76

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These are the best ways to mule items or caps off of your main character to a secondary character in Fallout 76 whether you have Fallout 1st or not.
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Fallout 76 is a 2018 online action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is an installment in the Fallout series and a prequel to previous entries.
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for the fallout 1st members who have private world access, there's a sack in the shopping cart next to lacey right outside of fallout 76 that is a zero weight container. so no need to travel to a train station or anything. just pop your survival tent down close by, and use the sack in the shopping cart to mule items.


Added note thats probably obvious but if ur doing this already be sure to transfer enough sell items for each characters daily caps. I personally have an alt account and get my caps from 4 characters daily so far. Im still working on getting my mules leveled for a charisma build to make this easier but the alt account is only 1 week old and i dont have it set up perfectly yet. The extra savings is nice and in the end ill be able to hold 400, 000 caps across all characters.

Also for another method u can always set things in ur vendor for an alt account to buy from which transfers caps and items at the same time


thats why i get so many legendaries in those boxes. thank you!


My wife is hooked on the game. So we mule back and forth all the time


Luckily I play with my brothers and dad a lot. So just trading with them, then switching characters and not having to worry about them stealing is awesome.


I would like to add that if you have game pass you don't necessary need 2 consoles to trade between 2 separate accounts. You can download and run game pass on your smart phone or PC. Then do the same thing. However for some reason, game pass requires a connected controller. You will need 2 controllers for this method.


Thank you so so much for these tips. I pondered about that Fallout 1st SOLO transfer myself. I noticed when I was "server hopping" on 1st, it just took me back to my private world again LOL. In any case, this tips will help a lot, I'm getting too full on inventory. Hope you're doing well my friend☺


Keep the videos coming, with series coming more interest will come, I would have stand out images on your screen photo of the video, like Noah on call of duty zombies


Never really needed this until i had to craft 150 ss chest pieces just to get 1, 2* unyielding and now i don't want all that script to go to waste, so thanks for the tips


Great vid ! I've done the FO 1st - private server method, but mostly to "help" a secondary character . Keep up the good work, c ya ingame !


there is a no limit safe. in a pond.near the farm that has a blue airplane. its less risky


love these vidoes, I been wondering if there are any items in the game that can be bought and sold at close to the same price, sometimes In a panic I don't know the best way to dump caps in fear of hitting the cap. keep up the good work!!


Tx for doing this, Far! it seems so easy to those who've done it, but not to us havent lol. i'm glad to have the detailed account of the tactics involved, and i know its helpful to those who are newer to the wasteland. cu there ! xoxo


1 more method . Similar to 1A and 1 B with a world container of your choosing waaaay out in the wastes somewhere. Except instead of friends or pals u trust, before leaving server write down 3 or 4 names under the recent tab in Social. That way you have a few GT's to join back to and retrieve your items.


OMG NO WAY 1:14, one time i spawened in white springs and i went to the blue case and saw thousands of nuka colas and items with so many 3 star weapon i just pressed x and was so happy, jesus i think i ruined someones day in that moment😞😞😞


I use steam deck with a second account and just trade in game like that. On my second account i have a food character so nothing spoils . I have a script character with all legendary items for the scrip machine . I have a character for chems, aid, rare items, apparel, and god roll guns and supplies/ guns for helping noobs… then a character I play LOL sounds like alot but it’s very effective


Can you please explain in detail on the last method. You said having a second account to trade with yourself. How is that possible or I should say how do you do that? Thwnk you so much.


You can also use you main account on the xbox console and the mule account or second xbox account on the game pass gaming cloud on your mobile device. Like if you were with a friend.

The only thing I got confuse is, how do I transfer caps?


Dane I'm here pretty early I think this defintley a great discussion because junk is really hard get a lot of without fallout 1st


I was wonder how that would work. I just got back into the game and crafting ss armor so was trying to figure out a way to store all my other legendarys so I can scrip them later
